1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Volks Mini Super Dollfie discussion Part 2

May 19, 2014

    1. Thanks for the info everyone. I think I will go with the regular body. Yes, at first I was a bit disappointed about the eyes not coming with no face up dolls, but the price difference is significant enough I think to make that fair. Also, they do have a fairly decent selection of eyes available in their site if you still want Volks eyes.
    2. I am really tempted by F-20, but since I just ordered 2 MSDs and a Midi from Sato, I'm not going to go this round. This is certainly going to make it easier for me at a later time when I do want more though, unfortunately for other companies, now that Volks has made FCS available to me, I may be shopping exclusively with them for a while now...I do hope they only add things, and if they switch heads out it is only like one each month while still adding things. Oh, I hope they do maybe F-16 in the future, even though it's discontinued, and F-22 would be super tempting too!
    3. Congrats! Spam her when she comes in :)
      I personally love the suwarriko msd body but it does take work figuring it out (you have to angle the knees in slightly when the doll is standing to prevent it from collapsing)
      I got my MSD on the boy body and so far I haven't had any real frustrations with his posing (except he can't flop his legs out, which he couldn't do with the suwarriko legs either)
    4. Oh, thank you so much for your help! The head I was looking at for the wig question was the F-06. She's actually the scuplt that got me interested in BJDs, and I've had a picture of one saved on my computer for four years - she is definitely my dream doll. But now I can't decide if I should save up for her specifically, or wait to see if Volks adds F-30 or F-32 to the lineups for MSDs, because I've fallen really hard for both of those sculpts as well.
    5. F-30 and F-32 are both still Sato only, I personally don't expect to see them in the online FCS until they have made the transition to the Sumikas, which can take years if it ever does happen. One of my friends has been waiting for F-21 and that mold is still Sato only and it's been about 6 years now... I'd suggest order the one you want that is available, and get the others later if you have a chance :) But don't deny yourself what you want by waiting for something that might not happen.
    6. Aaaah, I see. That makes me a little sad, because I really do love F-30 and F-32. But you're right - I will make the F-06 my ultimate goal. I just hope Volks still has the FCS available when I can afford it, because I expect it'll take me at least a year to save up the money.

      Oh, and I do have one more question - has anyone ever had issues with thier doll coming badly strung from Volks? This makes me a little nervous, especially since I had a terrible experience with my very first bjd arriving so badly strung and full of micro-sized cracks that it made me incredibly unhappy with her. No more little-known BJD companies for me.
    7. My Volks dolls have all been nicely strung, but stringing is all up to individual preference (the in person FCS lets you specify stringing even!). If the doll is too loose its pretty easy to tighten up and I haven't ever seen one too tight.

    8. Thank you. This makes me feel better, because I'm disabled and can't restring myself, but I do hope Volks will add the string tension options for the online FCS. Although, I must say I am surprised with how quiet this thread is.
    9. I've been wanting to get a F-24 for a while now, so I've been trying to talk myself into going ahead and doing the FCS. I'm a little disappointed I can't order the eyes w/o makeup, even though it'd be the same price, since I know if it comes with a face up I'll get lazy about doing my own...
    10. You can always order blank and use the money you save on faceup to get eyes elsewhere!
    11. Except that FCS eyes are ridiculously hard to find secondhand, especially in whatever specific colour you're after. I've been looking for 16mm Blue Purple and Ash Violet for over a year now. No, if you want the eyes you definitely have to get the faceup as well.
    12. I ordered a sunlight F-31 girl on the Volks online FCS! :D I'm about to do backflips! I'm so excited that they offered the sculpt! :D I ordered her blank since I REALLY wasn't planning on buying a doll any time soon so I wasn't prepared. :XD: I'm sure she'll look very cute with a custom faceup one I get around to either sending her out or doing it myself. :)

      Volks added 4 new sculpts but I can't remember which ones are new this month. :( I just got too excited about F-31 (sorry!).
    13. That's awesome! I am glad they are offering that sculpt, it is so cute, and quickly becoming one of their most popular MSD. Mine should be here along with my other two boys this month, or at least Sato should be contacting me about them being finished even if I don't get them right away. I am liking some of the default faces they are doing more than I thought I would, I'm also glad they are so far only adding sculpts and not rotating, gives me some hope we will see more good choices in the future!
    14. The MSD lineup this month is: F-02, F-04, F-06, F-18, F-19, F-20, F-24, F-26, F-30 and F-31!

      So we got 5 more heads now, and a few that were Sato only before :D
    15. Oh my gosh....Volks is actually adding the Sato-only sculpts?! I REALLY hope that they include the F-37 in the lineup later on! I will be beyond ecstatic if I can order Kinata from Volks directly without the added hassle of having to find a proxy!!
    16. I'm really hoping they add F-35, but I'm in no rush. ;) I can't decide between NS and sunlight for that character anyway. :)
    17. F-37 is the one I am waiting on as well! I hope the wait won't be long!
    18. Looking looking looking for any photos of 30 or 31, can anyone help? I wonder if they will do the elf ear sculpts.
      OK I think I just found the Volks promo pictures. The F 31 is incredibly cute! The 33 might be my favorite non elf ear though...

      Oh boy how silly am I, just noticed that when you go to the Makeup section you can blow up the small photos, heh.
    19. Hi Stella Maris,

      VolksUSa will probably do the elf ear heads in another session as it will involve another choice of option ears and painted ears.
    20. For anyone who is interested, this forum serves as an extension of Creating Dreams with both promo and user pictures of the current Volks FCS MSD/SDM/SD/SD13 sculpts, starting with the F-26. Definitely worth viewing if you want to get a better idea of how certain sculpts look.
