1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Volks Mini Super Dollfie discussion Part 2

May 19, 2014

    1. Wow thank you for that link, that is a great resource!
    2. Okay Stella, your wish is my command!
      This is my F-31 girl with a faceup by Xhanthi:

      Aaand another F-31 with different makeup:

      My sweet F-30 girl:

      From left to right: F-06, F-30, F-18, F-31, F-20 (Not all of these dolls still belong to me)
      I hope this helps out a bit!
    3. Finally, someone is listening to my commands ;)
      Wow justkatie, thank you!!!!!!!! Your 30 and 31 are both GORGEOUS!!!! The 31 is so interesting, she can appear both serious or smiling depending on the faceup.
    4. Thank you Stella! I've seen F-31 boys painted smiley and they turned out ridiculously cute. :) I have to admit, Volks msd girls are my favorites. :)
    5. They have F-31 available for the FCS and I have no money for it...I already have one but I really want a sunkissed boy. I have to wait another month ><; I also hope they offer F-29 and/or F-33 next time around!
    6. Hey, guys! I have a couple more questions.

      Do you think Volks would send me eyes in a bag with my doll? I really want a pair of FCS eyes, but I don't want them to be hot-glued into my doll's head. I've never used a thinner before and I don't want to risk damaging my doll.

      Also, where do you guys shop for 7/8 wigs? I've heard Volks' and Leekeworld's wigs are hit-or-miss quality-wise, so I want to avoid them. I'm currently looking at For My Doll, Crobidoll, WigWing and Luts for heat-resistant ones. I don't know where I should order from first, because I don't want to end up with a wig that doesn't fit.

    7. As far as the eyes go, I am not actually sure about why they don't include a non-glued option like traditional, it may be to discourage second-hand selling of zoukeimura eyes? That would be something to mail them about, they are usually quick and helpful.

      Well, I dunno about Leekeworld being hit or miss, it's much better than Volks quality, and aside from a few stories here and there, they have some of the best color and quality all around for me. But, if you really don't want to go with them, Crobidoll wigs are really amazing quality, I've never had a problem with them, and they have such a great variety with interesting combos. The only thing is, if you to enter a Group Order, they don't happen quite as often with Crobi, but if you wait it out, I'm sure it'll come eventually and save you some money.

      For My Doll has great wigs, I especially love some of their preorder styles, and the color selection is great. They have GOs coming in pretty frequently on the GO board, so I would definitely check them out. LUTS is puffy, like, considerably puffer than most of the wigs from other companies, so I would be cautious with them unless you want something that you can style all the time. Volks as I said...I've got ten some wigs with them the past couple yers, and everything that isn't a fullest wig...really isn't good quality. This is the one area I wish they would improve!

      Good luck dear, I'm in the same spot picking out extra stuff for my incoming 3 boys, and I know the stress of getting it perfect!
    8. I've done many FCS orders where I asked for the eyes NOT to be glued in, and Volks is always happy to oblige.
    9. Hi Selenae,

      VolksUsa is doing FCS differently because it's online. It's a set form. So you would have to ask them beforehand about not glueing in eyes.
      Maybe they can add that as an option in the future.
    10. You don't have to use thinner to get the eyes out, if you put the head in the freezer for a bit, the glue will give and the eyes come out very easily.
      You know, after setting up what I think is the perfect photo after taking the wig off, repositioning the eyes just so, putting the head cap and wig back on, just to download the photo and see that the eyes mysteriously one or both shifted so that my doll looks crazy, I see the value of hot glue...
    11. Hello everyone~ .u. Just wanted to peek in to greet you all as I'm waiting on my very first FCS, an F20 boy~

      I also have some input regarding the wigs even though the question was asked quite a while ago... Leeke is one of my favorite wigmakers, personally, especially as far as fiber goes (and their premium mohair is a lovely, silky soft quality as well). The quality is amazing, however what 'is' hit and miss about them is sizing on occasion. I've never had a wig from them that was smaller than expected, but a couple where ever so slightly bigger, nothing that couldn't be fixed by use of a wig cap. You might also want to check out Miruya, Switch and Licht for quality fiber wigs. .u.
    12. I've had a few problems with Leeke in the past- sometimes the caps on darker wigs will stain the resin (easily avoided with a silicone cap), one wig I received was a little bigger than stated, and often times with anything that had bangs the wefts were poorly spaced/layers were so thin you could easily see the base cap of the wig. Their fibers are nice but for how many times these things have happened it's just not worth my time and money on the risk.

      I do, however, second the recommendation for Crobidoll wigs. I have one on my Pullip and the fibers are lovely (and soft), the style is exactly how it was portrayed in photos and after a couple of years of constant display it's still as nice as the day it arrived from my group order. Their wig sizes do run a bit small (ex Pullips are supposed to be 8-9 but I had to order a 9-10), so keep that in mind. Luts' heat resistant wigs are pretty nice too, the only complaint my friend has had about them is that after a few years some of them (especially the red ones, for whatever reason) feel more coarse and look more pale than when they bought them.

      I have a FCS-only wig on my 09 girl and it's a fabulous wig, the fibers are soooo soft with a nice gentle wave. Barely needs any brushing when stored properly and doesn't get too many fly-aways. I know the slight fitting issue is more to do with the shape of the 09 head than the wig itself so I'm pretty happy with it. Hope you can find something you like, no matter who you decide to order from.
      • x 1
    13. I've actually never owned a Volks wig that I wasn't completely satisfied with. I second HackerEd that the fibers they use are so, so ridiculously soft. The only time they've ever disappointed was when a friend bought this style wig (though it ended up being a good thing - the issues made the wig pretty great). So don't be hesitant about Volks' wigs just because of their notoriously shoddy photos.

      Another favorite of mine is rRabits Alice Trap wigs. I bought one about 2 years ago and it's been in use ever since.
    14. So, October's online FCS lineup is the same as September, based on a post a few pages back. Will the lineup be the same every month? Or do we not know?

      I have had my heart set on an F-20 for some time now, and I'm trying to decide whether to splurge now or wait for the January order period. I can certainly stand to wait a few months, but I don't want to miss my chance completely if the F-20 won't be offered every time.

      Anyone have spam and/or words of wisdom to help me decide?
    15. Well, so far, they've only added sculpts, so I really think MSD being pretty straight forward is safe from changing, while things like SDGr and SD16 are more likely to change. I am fairly certain that they are only stopping to FCS to build up excitement for it again, and to have good sales on any upcoming releases in the next season. If anything, I think the only thing they may change would be to add Midi as a special order, but even then, it probably wouldn't affect MSD. Good luck, F-20 is a very special sculpt, one certainly worth getting!

      I want/dread fairy sculpts coming...I need one as my last MSD, always wanted a robo-boy and an angel-boy, so I guess I'm gonna cross my fingers for that...behind my back...
    16. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that Volks will add the F-37. But on top of that, I've fallen hard for the new MSD F-39, too. She is utterly adorable. It's not fair! ;-;
    17. Well, I went for it! I just ordered my F-20 girl :D Now begins the wait. At least it's only 2 months. That gives me time to find a wig and eyes, anyway.
    18. Congrats on your F-20 Zardi! I'm waiting on mine from last month too~ >u< I agree that two months aren't a horrible wait time, especially when I factor in that every time I pre-order a dollfie dream from Volks it means that the waiting game will last for an entire year! @_@ Good luck on finding the perfect wig and eyes~
    19. Great choice as I said! I second the good luck with the wig and eyes, that sometimes overwhelms me, hence the reason why I usually try to order everything at once or else I'll never decide >,<

      I know this isn't a waiting room, but I just checked my calendar and realized my Sato order is coming on three months soon! Hopefully my boys will be ready for me by the actual mark. I still need to get more clothes for them, another hard feat for me, since sometimes I just end up wanting custom work...I'm too indecisive in general, even with a plan ^.^; guess I'll get them underwear at least to start with, and then work on actual clothes with them here to inspire me some.
    20. Hello everyone)) can I ask someone for help plz? May b here is some boy with long leg body,which is L-02 (longer then L-01 1 cm)..Wht is exactly lenght in cm, whole tall and legs only separetely..? usually this option avilable in fcs, choce legs..but,may b all boys with longer legs...not sure..I watn to buy some boy,but seller not sure about which leg he have..so,only one way to make sure,just measuring..
      thanks anyway for answer