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Volks Super Dollfie Midi Discussion part 1

Feb 7, 2013

    1. Nope - just aim it (on LOW) on the inside of the headcap at the eyes, let it blow for around 8 seconds, then use the tweezers to pull out the softened glue. Repeat. And repeat. And repeat.
    2. I use the thinner and metal tool from Volks as well. Very easy! I've tried every other method before but this one is definitely the easiest and far less fear-inducing for me.
    3. I have tried all three methods. My favorite is the thinner and tool method. It takes about 10 to 15 minutes. I go slow.

      The freezer methods hardens the glue. But I have cracked a couple of glass eyes this way.

      The hairdryer is the hardest. I have melted a few eyelashes with the heat this way. Takes forever to get the glue out.
    4. Oooh I have never heard of the thinner!!!! I need to try that next time!
    5. Thanks so much, ginarolo, for posting this eye removal method. I had never heard of it, and have not been satisfied with the freezer method or hair dryer method. I've ordered the tool and thinner, and look forward to an easier eye removal next time.
    6. Yep, I'm trying the tool and thinner method next time too...thanks so much Ginarolo!

    7. Good discussion on eye removal. I ordered tools as well because I would like to change and play with eyes on my dolls but have never really dared remove those glue. Wonder why they have to glue them? Other ABJDs I have are so easy because they just have the sticky clay and it works just fine. No danger of removing eyelashes too. I think the glue is not so play-friendly.
    8. Doesn't the thinner method mess up the eyelashes and faceup? I've heard horror stories about that :/
    9. Hi keepcalmcollectdolls,

      You don't put thinner on face-up or eyelashes. You use only a small bit of thinner with the tip of the metal tool under the glue.
    10. I just got my shipping notice from Volks for Chloe!

      Can anyone tell me if 16mm eyes suit her? Or should I stick with 14mm? Thank you!
    11. Ok, first time posting a picture. I tried to resist them ( no little fruffy dollies for me!) and rationalized arguments against, but deep down I knew it was in vain. I was blessed to be able to get them both at fair prices (Liz at near the release price). We were both very sick when they arrived, so all we did was verify contents and wait for the nastiness to pass. Finally got them setup for some pics today. So here they are.

      IMG_3756 by Dlited2b, on Flickr
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    12. Anyone who has SDM Heads? ^^ Curious if they have the same size as other volks msd girls :cool:

      @fransyung she is beaufitul>_< lucky you got lovely chloe girl!
    13. Thank you so much! ^^ I love her face!! So babyface... xD
      And about SDM heads... Thia can wear 7-8 inch wigs with no problem. :D
      In the photo above, she is wearing a wig made by BlueFairy... ^^
      So I am guessing, the head is the same as other Mini dolls, including MSD?
    14. I've still not been able to find out whether the SDMs' hands are interchangeable with the MSD one-touch system hands. Anyone know?
    15. Hi Ruskyles,

      I have a Volks Msd and Volks Sd Midi. Heads, hands and feet are interchangeable between the two types of dolls.

    16. I changed Lizzie's wig from her defaults, and snapped a quick pic...


      I think I'm going to leave her eyes for now as they are perfect for her shy character...

    17. Actually, ginarolo... All the Cruise 2013 releases are YoMidi - &#24188;Midi ... they're Midi heads on YoSD bodies... interchangeable of course with the SDM bodies. ^^ So we can have SDM Williams, SDM Cecile, SDM Reisner and SDM Cindy.


      Alice80 : Beautiful Liz... :3
      My Tia doesn't like her default wig. xD

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    18. Hi Fransyung,

      Thanks for the correction. I didn't understand what YoMidi was. This will be very interesting.

      Could this mean that Midi heads fit on Yo bodies?
    19. ginarolo : You're welcome! :D We're talking about this, too, in the YoSD discussion thread.

      Apparently the YoMidi heads (Williams, Reisner, Cecile and Cindy) are a bit larger than regular YoSDs.
      But recent YoSDs that are "shrunked" from their bigselves (like Isao, Bonten, Jun, etc) have larger heads, too.
      Some of them can fit onto Minifee bodies, some even onto Unoa bodies and SDC bodies.

      The YoMidi heads are a little bit smaller than regular MSDs and SDMs, though. They're more like SDC heads.
      SDC heads can wear YoSD wigs, as you might know. ^^ They are smaller than SDM and MSD in general.
      YoSDs can also wear SDC wigs sold by Volks. ^^ Their default wigs are usually marked as "SDC size"...