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Volks Super Dollfie Midi Discussion part 1

Feb 7, 2013

    1. I wondered what Ryotaro would look like with Minoru's wig on and now I know.
      Soon I'll be ordering another 6-7" wig for my boy and I REALLY hope it'll fit. The last one didn't fit and these wigs aren't cheap.
      Has anyone else had any issues finding a suitable wig? It's probably just me, I'm not used to having a MSD around the house.
    2. Congratulations, everyone. :D As for wigs, I found that most of my MSD wigs fit them with no problem. Volks sometimes used SDC (which has a 7-inch head size) as a reference size, that is really wrong, though. MSD and SDM heads uses close to 8-inch wigs! ^^ My girl wears Bluefairy TF wigs with no problem.

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    3. Thanks, fransyung!

      Well, she arrived today. I don't have a name for her yet, tho.

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    4. She is beautiful... :3 All these midis are beautiful in a classical way, don't you think? Even the boys seem classical to me. ^^ And about the MSD hands, no problem, you're welcome. When I went to Tokyo I asked a Volks staff about it, and when I said I won a Chloe, he seemed very happy to help. xD He called Tenshi no Sato (Kyoto) especially and asked, and they said yes, all MSD hands and feet are compatible with Midis. :3 So there you go. I bought a lot of spares for my Chloe, just in case she needs to perform certain actions. xDDDD
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    5. I see and thank you, I meant to say 7-8" in my previous post not 6-7". I have thought about trying a smaller wig if the next one doesn't fit properly, though. I'll keep my fingers crossed!
    6. Thanks, ginarolo... Any differences in neck size and movement when they're switched?
    7. Hi Fransyung,

      Sdc boy body has a slightly thicker and longer neck than Midi boy. But I think it still works with Midi boy head. Sdc neck doesn't look as long with clothes on. You still have nice tilting movement with Midi. I need to use a kips disc to keep head in place.

    8. The comparison photos are really useful, Ginarolo. Thanks for posting them.

      I scored 2 of the recent offerings for the SDGr/SD16 girls last weekend. But I didn't like how one of them looked on my SD16 girl. So...Isabella inherited parts of the sets. The shirt and skirt parts fit really well. But she needs a better fitting corset part.

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    9. Hi Cathy,

      I Just love that SD-16 outfit on your girl. Such a cool look. Is that the original corset?
    10. Yes. This is the corset from the 'Lady Archer' set. It worked better than the 'Lady Thief' corset did.
    11. Thank you... ^^ I always use kips on the neck of my dolls. They keep the head from rolling (forward, mostly!) when I take photos. xD
    12. Wow.... such a gorgeous photo of her !! I have lots of new clothes for my Chloe and Liz, but haven't had the heart to take off their originals yet. I want to do some photo sessions, though, so they'll need to try several different outfits.
    13. I finished my Minoru Tommy's faceup tonight. ^_^


      I'll take better photos of him when his new wig comes in. :3
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    14. Thank you! ^_^ A little to be honest lol. There was a lot! :P

      Thanks! Yeah, I tend to not like Volks default faceups in general. Their eyebrow lines are the best part, but everything else (color, lid liner, lower lashes) always seems "meh" to me. :/
    15. Hi I just thought I would post a pic of my Isabelle in a new wig.i hope you don't mind^^
    16. Cloudedmind, thank you. I really wish I knew why they released them on the small bodies. It's fun for the lulz, but I can't imagine keeping him on the Yo body. Even the box they came in in mini sized (though I have never seen a Volks Yo sized box). It seems to me they would have done better to put them out on the midi body and let people go the other way and get a Yo body if they wanted to. And I'd have just loved to see the outfits in the mini size, it's such a shame that my Williams never gets to wear his own outfit XD

      He did get a groovy new outfit from Dollheart. It'll have to be resized a bit, since the SDC body is a little bigger, but I think he's enjoying being a steampunk.


      I know I wasn't the one who asked, but I'm glad to know the answer for this, too.
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    17. Talolili - a belated thank you for your compliment! I just love that outfit on him, too! I'm such a sucker for the nifty things Dollheart comes up with :)

      He's changed his look a little bit now and gone grunge. I think he pulls off the look quite well! So here's Jamie being all moody and grunge ;)

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    18. Hi, I just got Liz, and I would like to know what clothes will fit her. She looks very pretty in her default dress, but it would be nice to have more clothes for her. Can I borrow some outfits from other dolls?
    19. Regular MSD clothes should fit just fine. :)