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Volks Super Dollfie Midi Discussion part 1

Feb 7, 2013

    1. I just thought I would post a pic of my two midi girls Chloe and Liz. I love my girls so much!
    2. [​IMG]

      New clothes for Adrian! Souldoll kid clothes fit pretty well, though the pant legs are a bit long - Ryotaro's a bit of a shorty!
    3. Yurikun, your girls look so very sweet and solitary agent, Adrian is a handsome lad in that set. I really love the color.

      Here is a pic of my Taro on his first ever snow day.
    4. He looks&#8230;handsome? I think with a different face up he could be much more girlish, but the way the wig looks is making me hopeful for my boy to get here so I can throw something else on him besides the black wig he comes with >,< SuperBlondieMidi coming your way! I am so excited, he should be here by next week sometime!
    5. fransyung! I haven't seen you in a bit darling, maybe we haven't been frequenting the same threads&#8230;anywho, your Cyndy is gorgeous of course! What do you think about her as a boy maybe? Think it would look weird at all?

      I finally got a chance to order the wig I wanted for my boy, as soon as I get that I will post him, he simply can't be seen as anything other than blonde apparently, and the last wig did not fit at all&#8230;-,- Hope it comes within the next month or so.
    6. Cyndy's adorable! I wonder if the new Spiritdoll mini girl body would work, resin-wise. It's very pretty and a bit mature looking.

      I tried some Iplehouse clothes on Adrian today - a bit big, but cute for a baggy look. Amusingly, there's one area where they're not too big... I actually had to take his feet off because the narrow ankles on the trousers wouldn't fit over his fat little feet!

    7. There is jealousy that cannot be undone! They are making an Asexual Midi body, to be released at the next event as a tenshi&#8230;ugh, both NS and WS, how in the heck can I get my hands on one of these!?!?

      Still waiting on my boy's perfect wig, I am getting jealous of solitary agent's boy in the meantime, looking all cute. My boy just refuses to be shown without the proper wig, why is it my Volks dolls all have such attitudes?

      Also, FCS MIDI?!?! Coming soon&#8230;.ugh, what am I supposed to do with my life now!?!
    8. I don't have a Midi but I thought this picture and information would be interesting here (and it was requested)

      The Midi body is coming to FCS (Sato only) and will have optional hands, man arms, and a medium bust (all shown here).
      The heads are the new Sato only FCS MSD F-35, F-36, and F-37

    9. I may try for a split if I put my other ideas on hold, if anyone would even want a Byakuren head without the Tenshi body. >,< Otherwise&#8230;this turn of events with the FCS has made me question whether I should make my next order all for MSD or all for Midi&#8230;? Maybe a mix? Volks is just a bunch of&#8230;nice nice people who give me more than I can handle&#8230;yeah..that's it.

      eleniel, you ever think of getting a Midi? I love my boy, and the girls are so adorable!
    10. I've thought of putting my incoming boy on a midi body, we'll see if I end up doing that or not!
    11. Artemos, who wouldn't want a Byakuren head?! XD But then I'm really biased, I love that sculpt! I'm psyched they're making Midi versions of the tenshi!
    12. I would love a boy midi body in white skin for my F-22 boy, I hope I can get one some day. I only have two girl midis right now.
    13. Byakuren is soooooo beautiful!
      F-35 is cute as well.
    14. Omg, if they make a Midi Yugiri >3
    15. Instant death from wanting&#8230;do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars&#8230;I would seriously have like 3 people in Japan putting in a chance for me, and if I won more than one, I would buy all of them >,< Now the idea is stuck in my head and I want it so bad!
    16. I am getting SDM F-35 Boy, it'll be official in a month it two when the order is placed, but the process is already in the works, this new sculpt is so wonderful, I can't wait to have him with my other new FCS boys!
    17. Hi Artemos,

      That is exciting. Are you getting the new midi boy FCS arm?
    18. No, sorry, those arms are just way to strange looking for me. I think it is because I don't really see the Midi body as much more mature than the MSD, just sort of differently shaped with maybe a couple years added, but not enough to justify any kind of muscle. Plus, from experience, unless these hands are bigger, which they don't look it, the Midi hands are already small enough without giving them wider arms >,< I may try a couple different hand sets, we will see when I place the final order.