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Volks Super Dollfie Midi Discussion part 1

Feb 7, 2013

    1. No, coordinate models are similar to one-offs. They are dolls (usually fcs or limited sculpts) with details (faceup, wig, eyes, clothing etc) selected by Volks. In FCS you place the order and pick all these details (aside from the outfit. In FCS you are limited to the omukae sets or you can buy your own clothing and have it waiting for them at home)
    2. When I am considering an FCS for one of the newer sculpts that isn't on Angelden, I usually go to this post:


      It has a pretty good list of examples of the sculpts past the number at Angelden, and if you click on the spoiler tags, you can even get a look at the many different ways a sculpt can look with different kinds of faceups. Hope this helps you, it helped me a great deal in the past month!
    3. Hi Artemos,

      Great to have FCS photos all on one website. I added your link to our FAQ at the top of Volks Midi and Msd discussions.
    4. A Volks SDM F-31 girl arrived home today and I am totally smitten with her! I'm reading through all the posts here and catching up! Hopefully I'll have time to take some pics of my new girl soon, but in the meantime, I'll catch up with this thread and ogle over everyone else's photos! She's my first Volks MSD size girl, and I have been saving up clothes and shoes for her for ages, so she's going to be spoiled rotten!
    5. I know, isn't that site great ginarolo? It is extremely helpful in choosing a doll when you can't be right there, and like angelden, shows you so many ways a doll can look unique with the right styling.

      Congrats wally! I literally just finished writing my order for my F-31 boy, he and his friend will be my first Volks MSDs as well! I hope to see your girl soon, was she an FCS, or did you get her second hand?

      I dunno what it was about F-31, 32, and 35, but I literally fell instantly for all three of them, and the stars randomly aligned that I should be able to get them all at once&#8230;so I am just going with it, and ordering them all. Best bit of luck I've had in the doll hobby so far I think, so these boys and getting spoiled rotten too, but I will say, FCS is a big challenge, and I was kinda hoping that the online version would be up to allow me to see some more of the newest choices for eyes and wigs Volks has much less Sato >,<, oh well, I trust my girl, she is gonna get me what I want, and anything else is just gonna be unique quality in my boys that I will love anyways.
    6. I've made it through this whole thread and I have to say thanks for all the great photos, and ginarolo, your links are awesome! Beautiful dolls and photos!
      I'm loving my SDM F-31 girl! She's my first Volks MSD sized bjd and it's about time I had one in house! I found the mybjd-asia link Artemos supplied here a month ago and found my F-31 as a Coordinate model soon after. Here's a pic of her, I am ordering these eyes one size smaller for her, but I love the green, so she's wearing eyes that are a size too big until the smaller ones arrive. I have a different wig for her as well, but she's running back and forth from my studio to home, so she's wearing her "play" wig for now, I mess up too many wigs by having my bjd's travel around with me!


      Artemos, I can't wait to see your 3 incoming! Ack, that's like heaven, 3 at once, and I love all the sculpts you chose!
    7. My girls regale pancakes :)

      • x 1
    8. Hey thank you so much everyone! I will take more pictures soon, hopefully. It's kind of been a crazy weekend with family interrupting my doll hobby. :XD:

      Daniel- I wound up buying her off of Y!J which made her more expensive but I decided to go for it after the event because... I think I am weak. ;)

      lavandula- Oh no problem. The best part of this hobby is being able to share with other enthusiasts. Even if I miss out on a doll that is spectacular, I love having that knowledge moving forward because as we know... most of the time Volks will release it again!

      ginarolo- Aw, thanks so much. I wish I could take any credit but, as you well know, Volks just turns out amazing dolls about 99% of the time. I wish I could say I am not a fangirl for Volks but I have become one. *facepalm*

      Just a quick question:

      Do MSD hands work on Midi bodies? I am guessing so but honestly I haven't a spare pair to try on and I was curious before I placed an order. Thank you so much in advance for your answers! :aheartbea
    9. Hi Nakitaninja,

      Yes, Midi can wear Msd hands. Midi can also wear msd feet and heads. (The default LE Midi hands and feet are actually the same as Msd.)

      I had made a Msd Midi comparison thread here. I swapped all my Midi hands with Msd hands as I don't like chubby baby hands.
      (I put this and other FAQ links in the first post in this thread.)


      When you have time later. It will be interesting to see your neutral/non gender Midi body.

      Volks had used a boy chest for Msd Tsubaki and Yuri. They had a right "girl" H-01 hand and a special Tenshi left hand.
    10. I think I must have missed something... A Midi sized Byakuren?!? 0_0
      The only Byakuren I'm familiar with is the SD sized Tenshi that was, or is, available from Tenshi no Sato in Kyoto.

      When did Volks create this smaller sized version? >_>

      Was it a limited release? <_<

      Are there any threads posted about it on DoA, or links to Volks info? ^_^

      Also, is it just my imagination, or did Volks change the nose a bit to make it look more realistic? 0_o

    11. Hi JRyu,

      I posted it earlier in this thread.


      Here are some links to Volks Japan website.



    12. Thanks, ginarolo. ^_^
      I remember seeing your post when I was reading through the thread, but for some reason it didn't register that one of the dolls was a Byakuren. Lol, no wonder I thought the one "girl" had a pretty nice face sculpt. :-D

      I was right about the nose! Volks did change it. They made it a bit bigger and more realistic looking.
      I'm disappointed, I wish Volks had given Midi Byakuren the same nose as SD Byakuren! :(

      At least they gave the Midi version a kind of long, thin, pointy nose, instead of one of those wide, pudgy noses so many of their dolls that size have.

      I loved all the pictures of Tenshi no Sato, made me wish I was back there again. ^_^
      Makes me wish I could read kanji as well. ^_~
    13. Ginarolo: thank you, thank you so much for the links and information. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. It'll save me some money trying to find a proxy to buy the special hands. I added a box opening thread located <here> with all the pictures and some bonus images of the asexual midi body for you. I hope they help but if you need any specifics then let me know and I will be happy to help out. I agree with you about the hands- I am looking forward to seeing the comparison!

      JRyu: I think you had all your questions answered already? Sorry I couldn't get back to the thread sooner. Yes, she was a limited release for the renewal of Tenshi no Sato. I am thinking it might be within the realm of possibility that Volks will add her as a semi-standard like SD Byakuren? I've definitely not heard anything mentioned about that officially... it would make sense though.

      I think her nose is definitely more refined and she evokes Byakuren to me without being a literal mini version.

      fransyung: Thank you! I love your Cyndy so very much. I wanted her myself but had no easy way to score the midi body at the time which is what I would have wanted her on instead of the default yo version. I think she is positively gorgeous. :aheartbea

      Volks SD Midi Byakuren
      by NakitaN, on Flickr
      • x 1
    14. Aww, thank you... ^^ I love your Byakuren, too. She is on an origin (not jointed) tenshi body, I presume? :D Is it easy to pose?
    15. Yes! I was shocked at how she stood so well. I've never had a Volks doll be so sturdy or well balanced. It's a nice surprise~ I posted this picture elsewhere on the box opening thread but I hope I can share it here too. This is the origin body for the SDMidi:

      [​IMG]Volks SD Midi Byakuren by NakitaN, on Flickr

      I never thought I would like the solid torso on a doll but I really, really do. The lines are nice!
      • x 1
    16. It does look nice... ^^ SD Midi can stand very sturdy indeed... Sadly not as sturdy when sitting down. Volks need to make a locking joint in the thigh/butt area, like they did to the larger dolls. ><
    17. I didn't even notice the sitting issues- I haven't had too much trouble thus far but I'm pretty early in;)to midi ownership. Maybe it's because of the lack of the chest joint? I certainly agree about the leg locks- that would have been a nice addition and I would have liked swarriko as well. At least I think I would have like the latter but it's hard to say because different joints compromise the posing, that's for sure. Gain flexibility and it seems like you lose stability. Hm....
    18. Hi nakitaninja,

      So glad to help. We all share info on these new head sculpts and bodies.

      I enjoyed seeing your new Angel. Just beautiful. I didn't know Byakuren had the 1 piece torso.

      The hands in your photos aren't the regular midi default.

      The left isn't the Tsubaki default either. The hands may be unique to your new Tenshi.

      I tried to study the Torso to see if it Volks used the female or male midi torso.

      Girl Sd Midi body compared to Boy Sd Midi body
      (close-up chest)

      (I added more female/male midi body comparison photos to Midi comparison thread.)


      I would need a closer look. But the neck you have looks like a boy. But the bust looks like the girl.

      (One of the features of the girl chest is that the bust is slightly raised. And there are chubby creases on front torso under arms.)

      What do you think? It could just be totally new and unique.
    19. I think it is more akin to the boy's body (?) but let me take a closer look either tonight or tomorrow! I will also snap some pics so you can get a better view. Together we can put some mysteries to rest! ;) Thank you for letting me know about the hands too- I am new to this size so I haven't been keeping track. They didn't strike me as baby chubby particularly but then I saw the order form the the optional hand parts and I saw exactly what you meant. It's nice to have options and the SDM and MSD have so many hand choices~

      Pics on the next post and thank you again!


      Here's a pretty good pic of the torso- the color distortion is from my not-so-super camera. :sweat

      At first I thought it was just the boy's body with no genitals but upon further inspection I agree with everything you said. I think it is a new form factor that mixes both female and male attributes. It is the boy's neck but the one piece torso has a softer appearance than the boy's but not quite as curved as the girl. Maybe this means they'll be bringing more SD Midi tenshi into the picture down the road?

      [​IMG]SD Midi Byakuren for comparison by NakitaN, on Flickr

      Excellent call!:)
      • x 1
    20. OMG!! I love Byakuren!
      She's so pretty for a mini.
      She's like my grail doll