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Volks Super Dollfie Midi Discussion part 1

Feb 7, 2013

    1. Saw some scans of the Volks News 60 here and it looks like there are two new standard Midi models, a boy and a girl! Dai is so cute - I want him. :D
    2. nakitanija: oh she's just so pretty! I haven't been a fan of the MSD Midi line because of the bodies but I really love that one, it reminds me so much of the old style Volks used to do. Hopefully I'll see one of that kind in person next month when I'm visiting Volks stores at Japan. :3

      Man!! I'd love to buy one SD and one MSD from there.. It would be so awesome..
    3. nimbusdrake Indeed! o u o He's been on the Yo body while I search for a suitable MSD body, but I plopped him on my Bluefairy's body just for kicks and omg, I love the height! Maybe a 47~50cm body if I can find one, even.
    4. rainwaltz : So he finally moved on from the Yo body? ^^ I'm waiting to see the new him, too.
    5. Hi everyone. Just curious if anyone has a Ryotaro Kataoka that they could picture next to a SDC girl. I have an incoming SDC May and really want to know if she might work with Ryotaro Kataoka as I love him. Plus, if I were interested in trying to order a FCS Sato Midi boy where is the best place to start? Some of the new FCS heads are so bleeping cute!
    6. The two standard Models lips reminds me of F-20's lips!
    7. fransyung He looks way better when he's 42cm tall. XDD I still think he's a little bobble-headed -- wish there were 50cm boy bodies!

      kings of anything by rainwaltz, on Flickr

      He's standing on a book here but... imagine if he really was this height. *O* He'll be such a cute little fella.
      • x 1
    8. Rainwatz your picture made my mouth drop wide open!!! Wow!!
    9. So from what it seems, most MSD sized clothing will fit on these Midi? I read back a few pages and it seems like they don't have too much trouble fitting into MSD sized stuff?
    10. Yeah, MSD size is fine. The difference is mostly in the jointing systems and not the size. :)
    11. STUNNING! :D

      Dollfiedom doesn't get much better than that, rainwaltz! I love the title too.

      I also meant to say...thank you so much, lavandula and Giggy. I will admit that I wasn't sure what to expect when I bought her but the size and sturdiness has won me over- she has nice lines too. Good news to those interested in acquiring angels... it looks like there will be more released coming up. Volks news shows regular pureskin mode for Byakuren as well for anyone not sold on the WS version.:)


    12. Hi Cindy,

      Right now you would have to get a shopping service (or someone in Japan) to order you a Sato FCS Midi.

      VolksUSa hasn't offered Midi bodies for Fcs as of yet.

    13. rainwaltz : Now there is a handsome pair! xD My Cindy loves her SDM body... ^^ I admit that the head still seems big, but it is chubby and if I try to put it on a taller body, I think she'd look a little funny. ><

    14. I do think angel body lines look much better than the ordinary MSD body which I disliked.
      Is she very heavy though?
    15. Not particularly but I don't have another MSD or SDM to compare so I am not sure if the weight difference is significant or not? :sweat
    16. Have any of you heard of the new midi Dai and Mako? Its been a while since i've been on DOA and I wasn't sure when they made the announcement. I tried to preorder but my payment didn't go though even though it looks like you can "check out" . I really want to get my hands on Dai.
    17. Dai is such a cutie.. but I want byakuren so badly :( I wonder when VolksUSA will get Dai and Mako...

      https://twitter.com/volks_doll/status/514336083459338240 I want a sdm f-35 so bad to go with my sdm cecile :D it would be so amazing if the volksusa online fcs got the sd midi option.
    18. My SDM-35 should be home sometime this month or next depending on when Volks finishes, I'll post a pic of him right away with his friends incoming with him! Dai is so adorable, if he came in WS I would be all over him, and WS Byakuren is so tempting, but not this time...I'll wait it out for something more special I think!
    19. awwwwwwwwwwwww so lucky! I definitely want to see your f-35 when he comes in. congrats! Did you order him blank or with faceup?
    20. Faceup all the way, they all have faceups from Volks. With enough direction, they do such an amazing job now, I kinda winged it with him, sort of sent a couple pics and told them to mash the two together from faces I've seen other places I liked. They were probably happy with that kind of direction as opposed to the more exact details for my F-31 boy >,<;;;

      I'm super bummed about the new Omukae outfits...the Walolita MSD girl would have been perfect for my F-31, my three new boys are child music idols, and each has a different style. F-35 is Visual Kei, and my F-32 is Mori, of course they all need clothes when they get here! (And prolly extra wigs because they just "need" more stuff)

      I was looking at Dai with those pouty lips, ugh, he is so adorable for the Midi body!