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Was your first doll a doll you wanted?

Jul 22, 2017

    1. My first doll was my long forgotten grail. He's a Luts winter event 2010 head that I've rarely seen someone own. I never saw one on sale so I gave up for almost 5 years. Luckily, I saw him at a doll event and he wasn't expensive.
      • x 1
    2. I have found that, in the short time I have been in this hobby (only a few months and I haven't even received my first dolls yet), that it's much better to get the doll you really want, even if you have to take more time to save up for it. My two cents, is that if you get a cheaper doll just for instant gratification/to start out, you'll regret it and wish you had gotten the doll you wanted more.

      I'm glad I didn't make this mistake with my first doll (at least I'm pretty sure I didn't lmao). Spent $600+ after shipping costs (not that cost always matters of course, but in this case it hurt the wallet a lot lol). She's a Doll Chateau Snow Nymph. I'm like, pretty much 100% sure I will not get rid of her at any point because she is gorgeous and I can't wait to have her. And since then, I have only found 1 or 2 other dolls I want as bad, and I now have one of those others on layaway as well, and the other is a head that I will be purchasing very soon.

      Since buying them there are not many dolls I am "pining" after, so I am pretty sure I made the right choice :)

      There was a point right after I ordered my first one, when I found out I wouldn't be getting her for 6 months, that I came very close to buying a cheaper doll, like a Resinsoul or DollLeaves doll, but I didn't, and now I'm really happy that I did not give in to that desire, as I was able to put that money towards the other 2 dolls that I found that I'm super in love with <3
    3. No.
      #83 Emma DD White, Sep 15, 2017
      Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
    4. Impldoll belinda made me actually start saving for a doll. However, I ended up purchasing Islanddoll an an.
    5. The first doll that I fell in love with (and consequently got me into the hobby) was Iplehouse Akando. It took only a couple of weeks after seeing him before I plunged in and plopped down a lot of money to Iplehouse, although I did end up buying EID Luna first, just slightly less expensive than EID Akando although the reason I got her first was really because I was more used to female dolls and I wasn't sure if I could handle a super heavy (7 pounds! The weight of an average newborn baby!!) male doll from the get-go. I did get him month or so later and he became my third doll. Eventually, when my taste and aesthetics evolved, I did end up letting both my EIDs go.
    6. mmm no, my first doll was a Dollzone Annie, currently I still have it and I love her, but it was not my dolls dreamed, I always wanted a switch (now I finally have two) :celebrate
    7. First doll that ever got me started was a cheap $1 monster high doll at the thrift store. Then i upgraded to pure neemos, pullips aaah and the rest is history!!!
    8. Oh yes ! My first doll was my Dream Doll ! I love her sooo much. <3
    9. No xD i just got him because i was excited to have my 1st doll and i did not have a budget at that time so i settled for him .
    10. I wanted a DZ mature tiny since before I really joined the hobby! But my mom convinced me to get a much larger doll from DZ. I don't enjoy larger dolls (I've always known this) and even though I do enjoy my MSD I don't enjoy her as much as my others :( luckily a DZ mature tiny was my second doll
    11. Technically I didn't buy my first doll/head, he was a gift but he was one I had actually never looked at before and not one I had ever planned on getting but now I've bonded with him and am getting him a body :aheartbea
    12. My first doll wasn't the first doll I wanted, but I wouldn't call him a cheaper 'feel the hobby out' doll either.

      The first doll I'd ever wanted was Dollshe's Bermann, which at the time was basically legendary in the hobby. He was rare, and costly (as a few thousand dollars). My first doll was Dollshe's Husky, who shares a bit of resemblance to classic Bermann, more importantly the gloomy, somber expression.

      So Husky wasn't the first doll I'd wanted, but he wasn't a cheap alternative either having cost me a little of 500 usd.
    13. My first doll was one that I really, really wanted - Soom had just come out with their new ID line, and as soon as I saw him, I had to have him. As soon as I had him, I had to sell him, lol. He was just too huge for a first hunk of resin; I had no idea how to pose him or work with anything that absurdly large and floppy, and I was terrified of the concept of restringing him myself. :XD: Of course that was a long time ago, and now the big boys are my absolute favorites...but in my case, anyway, sometimes getting what you think you want when you are completely inexperienced is not necessarily the best way to go. It was months before I worked up the courage to try a different doll, so honestly, my first nearly killed the hobby for me!
    14. Wow, I did not know EID's were that heavy! (Akando is cute though).
      I did purchase a doll I wanted as my first a year ago and I am so happy I did. Similar reasoning as others already stated- I thought it was better to pay more for what I really wanted than be disappointed with a cheaper doll. I jumped right into a 73 cm resin male from Loongsoul (he weighs 5.5 lbs- I actually weighed him after reading the quote above!). That's not to say I did not do some research before buying him, though. His aesthetic is exactly what I like and he's definitely a quality doll. The wait time of 6 months is a little hard, but worth it for me.
    15. Yup! I just ordered my first doll and she's 100% what I want. I've looked at a ton of options but no one else compares.
    16. My first doll was a doll I wanted, but as I've bought more dolls to shell more characters in that story, she's beginning to not fit with the rest. So I'm probably going to have to re shell that character and use my first doll for something else, because I don't not like her anymore, it's just that her head is proportionally huge compared to all the other dolls that are supposed to be characters in the same world as her.
    17. To be honest - no, I did not the doll I really wanted. I was just curious how these things worked, how they felt. I tried to talk myself out of the whole thing for about a year and a half. Finally, I gave in. Although I really liked the look of Iple's EIDs, their volume and weight frightened me. So I got myself a slightly smaller and lighter model.

      In the end, I sold the body, but kept the head. He is still with me and became Loki of Asgard (in my avatar). Later, I got an EID just to discover I did not like him as much as I thought. And learned that both posing and looks are important to me. Now I have an army of comparably big men and I just love them. No Iples though, but Impldoll guys (the last Iplehouse I have is an SID and I still find his posing...lacking).
    18. Yes, though I was lucky that he was also inexpensive, so he was the best of both worlds. :) I'd wanted a "figure" of one of my older OCs for years and years, and my then-roommate happened on an inexpensive sculpt that was almost a dead ringer for how I draw him, making him the perfect fit for what I'd wanted. (Even in my first looks into dolls, I'd wanted to make one into him, but nothing had ever looked right before the one I finally bought.)

      I had about the same thing with my first SD (also a Soom)! I loved her, she was gorgeous, and I absolutely couldn't stand handling or posing her and was terrified to take her apart to blush her, so she had to go, and I didn't even think about adding an SD for years after that. I have two now, I adore them, and I'm open to adding more. :D
    19. Yes, I fell in love with the Fairyland Minifees and ended up ordering Chloe after some mental struggle because of the "high" price. I still have and love her. <3
    20. I wanted a doll I just had to find the right one. I was not willing to pay the amount I wanted for my grail doll. SO the short answer is I dealt with something cheaper, but don't regret buying her at all.