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What are the worst things you’ve seen happen to a doll?

Apr 13, 2021

    1. I remember the posts about this on facebook. iirc the guy was from the Maldives, which has very strict import laws. A humanoid doll with genitalia was classified as a sex toy, no matter what the size, and sex toys are a forbidden import apparently. I'm glad the guy got his doll in the end, but it was such a bizarre thing to have to do.

      I've heard plenty of horror stories but the worst I saw in person was at a doll event in Japan where someone at a dealer's booth had a pair of those third party gargantum silicone badonkas on a DD - ones that would be large on a human, let alone a 1/3 scale doll - these things were literally larger than the dolls entire torso -and the whole silicone piece was covered in a thin layer of brownish grime. I know silicone gets sticky, and I aways hear about how you have to keep those bust parts well powdered. I never really thought about what happens if you dont do that, and now I know. Can not describe how gross and dirty those boobs looked.
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    2. At one point a buyer received their SD (maybe it was a Demon Garden?) And it was strung so tightly that the head broke and was impaled by the neck.

      One of the restorations I remember was someone buying a MSD used as a base. Every part was covered by epoxy or some other clay, so no one knew what doll it was originally. The buyer posted updates about removing the thick layers, and it ended up being a Dollzone Fenyo.
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    3. She looks so fantastic!!! I'm so happy that story had a happy end!
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    4. That anatomy looks... off.
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    5. Unless for some unholy reason that more than one of those exists...
      That's the "dollho" by Tokyo Libidoll (don't Google it).
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    6. This thread is so interesting. Its horror stories but I just can't look away!

      I am very new to this hobby, so my story isn't that bad. The first resin bjd that arrived at my house was a sweet little Tiny Delf Hanael. I really liked her company face-up. I had been reading a lot about the care of resin and when I realized I had gotten some dirt on her face probably due to having some trouble with her wig after having changed her eyes repeatedly. :XD: Anyhow, I tried to gently wipe it off with water. When that didn't work, I used ... rubbing alcohol - since I had heard people use that to clean dolls. (I didn't realize it was also used to remove face-ups.) It was like a bad movie. I was horrified when a little came off and kept thinking I could fix it if I just took the cheek blushing off, but then some rubbing alcohol got on the lips so I took that off. Then some rubbing alcohol got on the bottom lashes so...etc You get the point. I finally wiped the face and eventually did a face up on her. But there I was a grown - old - woman crying pitifully over messing up my doll's face.
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    7. Oh my god that was so awful for you! I bet you felt so upset, but I can't stop to laugh a little for how everything happened :XD: at least it wasn't something terrible, more a disappointment, and the doll itself is fine.
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    8. Ah yes, the old dramas. The crotch mangler is a new one, though, but I don't have any vinyl so I'm not super surprised I hadn't heard of it. Tbh that story scares me in a "this person may have moved on to actual people" kind of way... Someone doing that repeatedly has certainly got some issues that need to be worked out by a professional!

      My own personal story is a little complicated, and to this day, I'm not 100% sure what happened, exactly. I sent a doll head out for a faceup, along with one of his hands for resin matching. I don't hear back for a while, so I message the artist, and after some poor communication, they tell me that the doll is stuck in customs in their country. They don't have the money to pay the customs fees, so they can't even receive it. I offer to send the money for the fees, despite that not being an issue that was discussed originally, and I get back a vague, confusing message about the customs office having had the doll for too long so they sent it back to its country of origin. It never showed up. I'm really not sure if it was lost in the mail, destroyed, or stolen, but I wound up replacing the head and just being out a hand. 80 bucks down the drain.

      Other than that, I've definitely received secondhand dolls with "mystery grime" (eugh) which is never fun to clean off.

      The worst thing I witnessed happened to a friend of mine, who had multiple tiny dolls stolen and buried in the dirt by a child. I won't go into detail since it's not my story, but I was furious on their behalf. I also heard a story once of a head that fell off a porch railing during a faceup and shattered, but I don't recall the specifics anymore.
      #48 BlackSheep, Apr 14, 2021
      Last edited: Apr 15, 2021
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    9. It is funny now that I look back on it - it took me a few months to get over it. I can't imagine having something worse or unfixable happen.
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    10. This thread makes me happy the worst thing I have personally experienced is a chipped ankle lol

      *knock on wood for good measure tho*
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      This thread is skating a fine line on the forum rules. Be nice, be respectful of others and have good manners. Do not bring offsite drama to DoA or link to offsite drama. This is covered in the Rules.

      We do not allow offsite drama to invade this space, and there is no good reason to rehash the drama of yesteryear. Take that to another social media space, DoA will never be the place for it.

      Including people's names or User IDs and/or conflating different people while rehashing old drama can be seen an allowing slander on the forum. We are not prepared to handle litigation over something like slander. Due to this, some posts have been removed, including posts that quoted the problematic posts.

      Anymore offsite drama or rehashing old drama and calling out people by name and this thread will be closed. If you do not understand the forum rules and wish to discuss this further, please start a new thread in Ask the Mods.
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    12. Thus far I've managed to break a doll butt and a nose. Those were both mostly fixable though. Didn't someone here on DOA find a doll at a thrift store that had permanent marker on it's face before? There's currently a doll I've been watching that's an ok price but I haven't bought it yet because someone wrote the sculpt name of it with permanent marker on the bottom of its foot. :...(
      #52 Cap'n, Apr 15, 2021
      Last edited: Apr 15, 2021
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    13. Oh boy, some things on this thread scare me. But the worst I've had is soon after my (first doll) boy Genji came back from getting his face-up, he had a mystery blue line through his eyebrow. I have no idea where it came from. My best guess is maybe nail polish if I caught his head juuuust right with a nail? (I'm clumsy as all get-out and my luck's not that great, so I can see it happening to me) It doesn't look terrible, and I cleaned it up best I dared, but I might see about sending him out for body blushing and seeing if the artist can turn it into a thin scar or something to cover it up as I really like his face-up.
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    14. Oh, I remember something more recent. Someone getting a new doll in with a big part (the torso, I think?) broken. And the company gave her the run around. I felt a bit bad because I had also done a box opening for the company and felt like I had raised its visibility.
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    15. The worst thing I've seen with my own eyes was rust on one of my dolls. He arrived to me that way- every S-hook, except the one in his head, had rusted to the point that the resin around it was stained. This was even worse because he had jointed hands. It took a while to get replacements for him, but the dealer managed to work out for me to get the replacements for free since there's obviously no way that kind of rust happened in the short time between leaving the company and reaching my door. By the time the replacement parts arrived, the doll had already started yellowing, too, so they were mismatched *_* It's now been years and the colors have mellowed together long enough that I don't notice it anymore, though. He's actually one of my sentimental favorites!
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    16. This one is not as bad as some of the other stories here, but it definitely scared me when it happened!

      This happened a few years ago when I was still really new to the hobby, and had only had my first doll for a few months. The house I live in has a solid stone floor in the kitchen, which is also where the biggest table in the house is (the dinner table). I often use that table to cut patterns, fabric and handsew because of its size.

      I had Alois standing up on the dinner table because I was making a hoodie for him, and it would be convenient to try the clothes on him that way. I wasn't too worried, because in the previous months he had shown to be a super solid stander, even without support, and I had already been going about this for an hour or so with no problems. But at some point, I accidentally bumped into the table really hard, and he flopped forward face first into the stone floor! I couldn't catch him in time, so I was super panicked and scared after he hit the floor and ready to cry :eek: I wouldn't know what to do if anything broke or his faceup got messed up...

      But by some miracle, he survived with absolutely no damage other than some shallow scratches in the sealant on his forehead! I was really happy everything turned out okay, and it was a good lesson for me as a beginner haha! I never want to be scared like that again though, so no matter how solid I believe my dolls are, they will never stand on the same table I'm doing something else on again :XD:
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    17. Mine’s not too bad, but still gave me a good heart attack.
      I had an SD that was a really really sturdy stander. Like so sturdy that he could stand on carpet while holding one of my MSDs in his arms.
      I lived at my parents house at the time and they had a super tall dinner table, one where you could comfortably eat while standing if you wanted to. I stupidly trusted my SD boy and left him standing near the edge of the table overnight. Came out the next morning to find him on the linoleum floor.
      Luckily, the only damage was to his headcap, the pegs broke off, which was easily fixed, but I definitely was in panic mode checking him all over for more damage.
      I never leave my dolls standing unattended anywhere for any length of time anymore.
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    18. I broke a chunk out of a doll body I have. Rip doll
    19. Once upon a time, prolly.. hnn circa late 2011?

      I was in college, and would pass by this table full of the anime club members to get to the stairs.
      One of them always brought like 4-5 dolls with them to class. (Dunno the specifics on the dolls just that one was volks and im *pretty* sure one was from Dream of Doll but cant confirm.) Idk why she felt the need to bring them, I never talked to her. I just witness the various horrors she inflicted on these dolls, which includes:

      - Going at their faces with sharpies and paint markers. (They looked every way you can imagine.)
      - Eating messy food then touching them, fluffing wigs, adjusting clothes without wiping or washing her fingers.
      -She threw one of the smaller ones across the table once.
      -Went at the single volks doll with an xacto knife and butchered the neck to fit an ill fitting head that was way too small for the body. She failed.
      -Carried them all around on a large, rugged looking sketchbook, can confirm the dolls collectively ate the floor at least once.

      Me and a friend would joke that she needed her dolly license revoked. I just know seeing how she treated her dolls made me cling to my lone kid delf I had at the time for dear life and swear I would never hurt her. :frownyblush:
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    20. I’ve got a horror story: doll bodies versus ex.

      not my ex, though I’ve mentioned her on here a couple of times—I bought 4 bodies off a friend of a friend, with the understanding that they were very premium bodies with coas that had been really, really messed up. We’re talking sharpied on, and chunks of resin missing (not just standard chipped knees and stuff, like chunks missing). He still has the heads, which, I just cringe to think about, but at least I can salvage the bodies with a lot of apoxie and sanding, and eventually dye—the ex-owner has requested I not share project journals that show how they started off, but is fine with me mentioning them without the details of what was written on them, or what was missing. It was honestly devastating opening the box when they got in, but eventually they’ll be “good as newish”
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