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What do you do with dolls you're selling?

Jun 10, 2016

    1. So, selling dolls is always really stressful for me for some reason. Once I decide I don't want it, all I can seem to think about is getting it out of my house. I'm not really sure why, it's not about the money as I've often taken major cuts in the price just to get them to move faster. It's more this stinging annoyance or guilt I get whenever I look at them and I just want them gone as soon as possible.

      Of course, I'm going through that now, and I know it could be awhile before this head is gone. I'm going to pack it up and put it with the other doll things I have for sale like clothes and wigs (which don't ever seem to bother me as much), but just knowing it's around is really gnawing at me. Does anyone else here feel similar? Or does it not bother you at all?
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    2. I haven't sold any dolls, but I get that when I am paying a rehome off. I feel horrible for the doll and want it home so I can pamper it and love it. Not that I think the previous owner was bad to the doll or anything, but I do feel that gnawing feeling about the rehomes lol

      and because of that, I sometimes bite off more than I can chew lol
      #2 rain2sunshine, Jun 10, 2016
      Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2016
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    3. I do feel that way! Once I start seeing a doll as dollar signs instead of the character, I can't get rid of it fast enough. I don't think it's guilt, exactly, just that it's no longer useful to me and I want it out of my way. It's only taking up space. I'm the same way with clutter in my house, and I don't like holding onto anything I don't use or enjoy regularly. I go through all of my stuff about every other month to see what I can let go, and I usually donate it to goodwill rather than bother with trying to sell things. The only things I do try to sell are dolls and figures, so it's extra annoying when I'm waiting months for them to sell. It's like my house isn't neat and in perfect order with them sitting around.
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    4. I feel the same. When I've decide it's not staying, I just want it gone! I really dislike selling bjds as it takes so long, especially if the sculpt is not popular. I have some bjd related items I don't want anymore, and just don't know what to do. Sometimes just to get rid of it, I donate it. I know I could've gotten some money back, but the hassle of selling is a hassle! I don't buy anything I might not want anymore. This isn't fool proof, but it helps.
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    5. No. Once I decide to sell a doll it gets listed, cleaned, stripped, and put away in the box. I don't think about it any more. The only time I get "anxious" is once it's sold. Then it's more of a making sure everything is well packaged and mailed out asap anxious. I would want a seller to get things done right away so I try to do that every time.
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    6. Can we switch places? I have some dolls I never do anything with that I really ought to sell, but I just can't seem to even list them! I can't let them go, even though I really want to, even when I think about what else I could do with the money. :doh
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    7. This is really interesting! Just like @silverholly I'll just clean them up and box them once I've decided a doll is for sale. I feel like it needs to be preserved in the conditional that I listed it in. No accidental, Oh those pictures were taken six months ago and she has a scratch in her faceup now.

      I get that little bit of anxiousness too, not sure why. Maybe it's the idea that once this doll has been designated for the chopping block, it's just sucking up space and potential money. That being said, I've also had 2 dolls that I put up for sale and boxed away for several months, then decided to try a new wig or new something on them and BAM insta-love again.
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    8. When I'm thinking about selling a doll, I take sales picture and pack it up where I don't see it (sometimes even the basement, when there's no space in the flat). Then I wait a day or two and see if I miss it, which I usually don't as I lose all connections to the dolls after packing them up very fast. As soon as I think I've waited enough I post the sales page and let the doll be where it is. I might feel a little guilty that I don't feel bad about letting the doll go so easily ^^'
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    9. Oh I totally get that feeling too. I think it's because once I decide to sell it, and then decide on a price, I'm already thinking about what I can buy with that money... which doesn't exist yet. XD So when the doll sits around it's like this little pile of cash that I can't spend! Haha! Usually I do try to forget about them, though. Box 'em up, store them away, don't think about it... so when someone does want to buy, it's a pleasant surprise. However doing this also makes me forget to bump the thread. I'm not sure how much of a difference bumping really makes, though, so maybe it's best to just put the doll out of my mind.
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    10. I'm a lot like this too. I have a few heads fully cleaned, all ready to send off, in a box actually marked 'For Sale' in my hallway. Right next to the front door(!) Some of the heads have already been in there for a couple of years.
      But I just can't get myself to actually sell them, even if that way I could afford to get one of the dolls I really want, but are going to miss out on due to lack of funds.

      I just feel like I've failed the sculpt. That I haven't been able to reveal what it was that I saw in it when I bought it. That I should just try harder to find the right wig, try a different face-up etc. so the character I've had in my mind will suddenly come to life after all.

      This constant guilt-trip has a poitive side too: it actually 'saved' one of these characters, when after 5,5 years my Soom Tuff head finally found the wig he needed, he made it out of that box, even though he'd been in there the longest!

      Problem is, I also have this guilt issue with heads I never intended to keep in the fist place.:doh
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    11. I take pictures of them and put them back in their box where they've been sitting if I've decided to sell them. With some dolls, I do just want them gone, others I don't mind having stay until someone wants them. It really just depends on the doll, the character I have associated with it, and how long I planned/saved for it.
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    12. Glad to know I'm not the only one that feels bad about selling their dolls. I have a head for sale right now and I had to just prep it and box it up so I didn't look at it and feel bad. We had a very unexpected family emergency just last week, and we were very worried about a potentially crazy bill and were trying to brainstorm ways to get money, short of taking out a loan. I thought about selling off some of my collection, and it was such a horrible feeling! Especially my first girl, if I think about getting rid of her I want to cry. Luckily, everything worked out! And everyone is safe and sound including finances!
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    13. I just sold my first doll successfully (my first sale, not the first bjd I've ever had) and I had a feeling of nostalgia when sharing pictures of her with the buyer. But only after I actually sent her off, not before. She was my only 1/4 and I really prefer 1/3, not to mention the emotional baggage attached with her first shell. My feelings of wanting her gone had to do with that baggage, and trying to raise money for her 1/3 re-shell, a limited doll. As soon as I knew I was going to post her for sale, I cleaned her, took the photos, and put her in her box with her CoA. I keep the boxes in my closet, out of sight so once she was in her box, she was already "gone" from my doll crew and I could focus on my others.
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    14. I immediately box them or otherwise put them away. The market is slow so I don't want them to get dusty in the mean time! I wouldn't photograph or otherwise "play with" a doll I've decided to sell.
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    15. Once I've decided to sell a doll I don't feel like it's mine any more. I clean it up, take sales pictures, list it, and box it up to wait for its new home.
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    16. After I clean them up and take photos, I try to leave them nude and in a safe place until they sell. It isn't just the money for me, either; I've taken various offers for dolls to get them out of my house. I think I want them gone quickly, though, because I'd find reasons to keep them around if they linger.
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    17. I will clean it up, take pictures for listing and box it up.
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    18. @InkyBear
      Ugh, going through that EXACT same thing... I'm just not happy with my collection as of yet and there are dolls that I want that I already feel more attached to then the ones I have in my possession. It's a weird feeling indeed... I know that I'll be relieved that my dolls will be in the hands of someone who loves this hobby and these works of art as much as I do and finally out of my house ;)
    19. When I was selling my big girl, I carefully packed her up and put her in her box in the closet, away from my sight but also in a place where she would be totally safe. For me, it's more about ensuring that she's in the exact same condition she was when I posted the photos, so I made sure to put her up where no one would kick the box or spill anything on it or anything terrible like that.
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    20. I don't mind selling, I am past the attachment (I couldn't sell if I wasn't), however I do want to get rid of them. Now that I've decided I don't want them, I want to get them out and to new homes. They are great dolls, but they take up too much room in my small place (that's why I'm getting smaller dolls), and I dislike hanging on to stuff once I know I don't want it anymore.

      Right now they are just safe up on a shelf my cats can't get to, wrapped in there boxes. They are majorly displacing a lot of my books to the floor though, especially the SDs!xD
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