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what do you do with large size dolls(75cm+)?

Apr 9, 2022

    1. I recently fall in love with a large size doll but I'm aware that a doll of that size could be really heavy... Things I did with 60cm/68cm dolls like taking them outside and changing clothes will be much harder I guess? I don't want to take him home and sell him soon because I can't get use to the size... Just wandering what do you usually do! And also what made you choose large size dolls? :)
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    2. Hello! My first male doll was a Luts Cane 70CM tall, took him out a few times and to 2 doll conventions. He was a bit big and heavy to carry around, but I managed. He was tall and lanky so the posing was't great and I often had to coax him to stand. After him I had a BeYoursDoll Olive, Leekworld Mihael and Rihael each 68-70CM. I currently have a Volks Williams on the SD-17 body, he is my largest at the moment. Surprisingly he is a great poser, stands unassisted. I rarely bring him out because I'm afraid to damage him. I like the big boys, and girls, because they are substantial, imposing, impressive, conversation starters, hard to miss. Easier to find clothing and shoes to fit. That being said they take up a lot of room! I enjoy them inside my house. I have a few vinyl dolls to enjoy outside when the weather is nice.
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    3. Most of my dolls are 65cm and up (and all my big boys are at least 72cm). I make most of my dolls' clothes and props, and I've had more fun dressing the big ones because they can handle layered clothing and additional seams without bulking up exponentially. Not to mention the larger size meant my fingers don't cramp up too much compared to hand-sewing for MSD or YoSD. When I'm not playing with them, they lounge on top of my piano in a dim living room (it's like having an audience whenever I hit the keys).

      As for the weight, I guess I just had gotten used to lugging around huge hunks of resin over time. Sure, my arms will probably be sore the next day, but the larger dolls are still my favorite size.
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    4. I currently own a range of dolls from 35 cm to 68 cm and I have to say I love sewing and doing faceups for my larger dolls! Making clothes for them is a breeze compared to tinies. And it's super fun to just do styling and posing for display. I do have to agree that my EID boys weight and lack of poseability makes me unwilling to take him out for photos often but most of my dolls are displayed around my work area in a room that gets no sunlight so it's not a huge problem for me.
      I do think that if I still kept all my dolls in their boxes 90% of the time like I did when I first started I would probably end up selling him just because of the nuisance it would be to get him out.
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    5. Hello, another SD/70cm+ collector. :3nodding:

      I love the presence of SDs, ease of clothing options, the higher details, etc. With the exception of two MSDs, my crew mainly ranges from 60cm all the way to 80cm dude. Surprisingly, the 80cm guy's actually lighter than the 68cm Loongsoul and 28M solid hunk I have:XD:

      As for what I tend to do with themโ€”I pose them, have them on display in their own diorama of sorts (or a few other places they fit well in), occasionally do photo ops, work on the occasional sewing project, sometimes make wigs for them (or eyes), do the faceups myself (along with modding when it's needed), just handle them for random reasons (changing out clothes, wigs, eyes, or just to admire them).

      SDs can seem heavy, especially to someone who's never handled one before. I often like to think that carrying my huge dunks of resin is equivalent to carrying around my cat. Actually, my resin crew is a tad bit lighter, and my cat's not exactly a chonker.:kitty2
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    6. Sometimes I wonder if large bois could fit in baby clothes...
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    7. My 80cm Lusion is a lot heavier than my largest SD dolls but I take her to meets in a wheely-suitcase rather than carrying her, although I do take her out in my garden for photos occasionally:

      Dressing her isn't an issue - I sit her on my lap like a child or put her on a table and just dress her. I don't see why changing clothes would be seen as harder on a larger doll - it's easier in a lot of ways because the clothing is larger, and so are the fastenings, so there's not so much tiny fiddley bits to do. She has her own child sized seat in the livingroom where she sits when not being played with.

      I've always been attracted to large dolls. Although Daisy is bigger than my largest antique or reproduction porcelain doll, she's not very much bigger, and someday I'll get one the same size as her or larger. I like that they can wear actual children's clothes and shoes, and it's easier to sew for them and find fabrics with the right size of pattern and drape for their scale... But realy I like and have pretty much all sizes of doll.

      #7 Teddy, Apr 9, 2022
      Last edited: Sep 6, 2022
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    8. My first brand new doll was a Super Gem from Soom. He's about 62cm. I love all of my SD/SD17 sized dolls. They are easy to dress, a lot of fun to hold (kind of like holding a baby except in my case it's a grumpy elvish god I have to cajole into a wig), and are just great!

      I am contemplating getting an Idealian from Soom but I'm a little worried about the size difference...and where I would put them! I've already run out of display space unless I get everyone on stands. I like seeing all my dolls so I don't want anyone to have to be put away due to lack of space.
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    9. I fell in love with them.
      Currently, my heaviest girl is an Iplehouse HID Aaliyah, and I can tell you from personal experience that if you're planning to do your own body blushing, take that doll apart. They get really heavy, really fast.
      I think my newest Resinsoul body is the tallest doll I have - probably 68cm?
      All I can tell you is - I find them addictive. I want even bigger dolls. They have such a presence, and as other commenters already said, details are so much easier to do on face-ups. Clothes are easier to make.
      Still threatening to get a Dollmore Trinity Mini-Me and prop her up in the living room, to the absolute horror of my spouse. :wiggle
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    10. Thank you so much for sharing!! You gave me a lot precious experience! I get that large dolls are really attractive...I think I'll make up my mind soon:hamster:
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    11. Well... My largest is a 110 cm Trinity, so there's that. But I absolutely love handling her, changing her clothes and just dragging her around the house with me for company.
      For me handling large, heavy dolls feels calming and comforting? Like a weighted sensory blanket kinda deal?
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    12. I been wondering what it would be like to own a dollmore trinity. Is it worth the cost? How heavy is it? I feel like dolllmore might be easier to find clothing for because I feel like children clothes will fit it. There is a dollmore trinity I really like, but I'm not sure if I will be happy if I bought a doll larger them 80 cm. What attracted you to purchase a trinity. I feel like if I buy a trinity because I am curious about the size I feel like I will regret purchasing a trinity. I feel like commissioning a trinity for a face up might cost more because the face will be large, but I'm not sure because I haven't seriously looked into it.

      I think if a trinity can fit children's clothes that would be really nice because my 75 cm bjds outfits cost more than people clothing.

      I didn't see that part that she is heavy. Is she heavy enough that it is really hard to carry or heavy enough that she is somewhat hard to carry, but it is manageable. Is she as heavy a carrying four or six textbooks?
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    13. For me it was, but then again I bought her second hand for a lower price than new.
      If you are unsure, it would probably be beneficial to see one in person at a doll meet or something, if you have the opportunity.

      I have loved big dolls since I was a kid. As an adult collector, I first had antique dolls around 80 cm tall, then SD and 70+ BJDs, I wanted a Trinity since I first found out about them. One popped up locally for a good price, so it helped as I didn't have to pay extortionate international shipping and custom charges.

      Can't help here as I don't know, I painted my own. To be honest, it is somewhat easier for me than painting smaller dolls.
      Dollmore faceups are absolutely gorgeous though, so ordering her with company paint might also be an option if you do like their style?

      She can fit children's clothes, with limitations. You need different sizes for long sleeve tops, short sleeve stuff and bottoms. Stuff that fits length wise is usually baggy. It's trial and error. If you want tight fitting stuff, you will need to adjust it.
      Shoes are easy, standard kid sizes fit like a dream.

      Sorry, don't know how heavy your textbooks are.

      According to Dollmore they weigh over 7 kg, which is closer to 10 with hair/clothes etc. She is heavy and she is tall, which makes her quite awkward to move around. I use "princess lift" to carry her. On top of that, she is not a very good poser, which is to be expected, as her limbs weigh a lot. But I had done my research and knew about it, so I was ok with it when purchasing her.
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    14. That makes her about the weight of a LARGE housecat. My cats are the largest in our neighbourhood and weigh in at around 8.5kg and just over 9kg. I wouldn't want to be holding/carrying the bigger one for long periods, but he's perfectly liftable and shiftable.

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    15. Yeah, but I am assuming he is much shorter. She's an awkwardly long noodle, so it's her size and the way that weight is distributed more than how heavy she is that makes things tricky. Obviously, mileage may also vary depending on the size of human doing the carrying. Will be easier for someone 180 cm tall than someone 150 cm tall.
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    16. True enough

    17. how much do 75cm+ dolls usually weigh?
    18. Iplehouse big dolls run heavy - it's their cores. Aaliyah was only 65 cm, but she weighed about 5 kg - and multiply that by 2.2 to get 11 pounds. She was a hefty girl. (I traded the body - she's going to be hybrid with a Dika Doll 68 cm or a Granado 65 cm body, depending upon which I like better.) Impldoll bodies are also much lighter.
      But it really depends upon the company. I have an April Story body that's the same height, but about half the weight. My 65 cm Supia is somewhere in between. It matters how thick the resin parts are.
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