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What fits Soom Super Gem Females?

May 23, 2008

    1. Thanks sahoma!!! i totally forgot about iple (i wonder if they send goods to Chile again, since some time ago they announced they couldn't ~_~), other than that it seems thay boy clothes aren't a bad choice either
    2. There's a few sellers on Etsy that make for Super Gem and SID girls, so if you search for either of them you might find something you like. Also Crobidoll's boy clothes tend to fit Super Gem girls rather well (pants fit well, loose tops fit too).
    3. I wanna get some pump/Dolly(etc) shoes for dia, but i do not know where to look. Can anyone tell me where i can get some pump shoes for her.
    4. If pump shoes are What I think, tatabjd has a few :)
    5. maybe dollheart?
    6. Etsy sounds like a good idea. The only place i knew was yours because i saw the mint lingerie set sometime ago and fell in love with it XD.

      Thanks for the idea :D
    7. So I've been thinking the iplehouse NEW Yid girl clothing will fit our girls. There measurements are extremely close, the new YID body bring a few cm bigger in certain areas. I plan on ordering a few outfits to try. If anyone knows or tried already, let us know. ;-) some of those new outfits are cute!
    8. I ordered a few things from Alice Collections today, so I'm hoping they will fit ok. Since my girls are mostly gonna be wearing dresses, I'm not going to worry about pants right now. I just don't see them in jeans like my other girls. They have two "sizes" in options for some outfits. One is 65cm & the other is 1/3SD. I ordered two dresses, one in both sizes, to see which will fit better.
    9. Iplehouse said that the new YID fit SID clothing, and I've had success with SID tops, skirts and leggings fitting Super Gem girls. So you should have some luck with getting things that fit.
    10. I ordered a few things from Ebay user mybayer2008. I know I heard some shady things about their dolls, but their clothes are just fine. I ordered three dresses. Two of them are kinda short & will require tights underneath, but in all fairness, that was how one of the dresses was shown in the picture. Which I knew & am fine with. The other dress is a great length. They zipped up all the way, but required hand removal in order to get the hand through the sleeves. The long sleeves come a little short, but that doesn't really bother me.
      I'm still waiting on my package from Alice Collections. However, a bunch of the clothes on mybayer2008's store are the same on Alice Collections. So I think that if these fit ok, the ones directly from AC will fit well too. I will take some pictures later on & post them.
    11. Okay, does anyone with Gneiss or the SO Breccia have any thoughts lately guys? I am bummed to find that the new body is much slimmer in the bust area than the previous body. My Galena and Clozel dresses are really loose and the skirts hang lower on the hips (which I don't mind). Has anyone tried any SD16 clothes yet?
    12. LiselT, good to know about the new body.
      I was considering getting the new body since it poses so much better but I wouldn't want all my wardrobe to suddenly not fit...
      What about fantasy legs, would there be a problem in making ones that went with old body to fit on the new one?
    13. Sethrea, the old fantasy legs won't fit on the new body at all, they're different styles completely. :) I guess some modding would work but *shrug* If you like, I can take photos of the older knees compared to the new ones for you though.
    14. Sethrea, the new body really is gorgeous. I wouldn't dream of regretting having it. The posing really is so much better, I'm amazed at how natural she is. Even more that she can sit up straight with no fussing on my part and no flopping back, haha.

      Things seem to fit on the lower body, the hips are a little slimmer. But it's the tops that are frustrating. They are definitely loose. That's what makes me wonder if she can fit into the SD16 clothes a bit easier now.
    15. Okay guys, my searching isn't yielding much that's fruitful.

      Does anyone have any ideas or pics of boots that fit the super gem girls? I've made my way through this thread already but there's nothing terribly positive on shoes that fit.
    16. I would like to know if anyone has tried any DollHeart SD16 I would like to get my girl a dress from them but unsure if it will fit. I don't mind big i can alter it.
    17. SuperGem girls have small feet. I've found that regular SD sized girl shoes tend to fit best, unless you're going for thigh-highs which don't quite fit right. Ebay shoes are often a bit big, so I'd advise away from open-toed boots unless they provide measurements.
    18. I've the Red Riding Hood Dollheart SD16 outfit and it fits my Saiph/new SG body~ ^^ I recently moved or I'd grab you some photos... It's a lovely dress... I wish they'd make more outfits in that/her size.
    19. hey guys so sorry for bothering everyone i really want to get my super gem brecia clothes from nine9 style (some jeans and tops) but i have no idea if they will fit or not...some people try mens' jeans on the old super gem body and it turns out quiet nice but i have no idea whether nine9 is one of those cases:/ should i stick to female tops and bottoms or should i go for the men stuff or i shouldnt even bother cause nothing really fits :/
      thanks in advance sorry for bothering i did try the what fits super gem female thread but couldnt find something relevant i might be blind ofc too