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What fits Soom Super Gem Females?

May 23, 2008

    1. I am thinking of putting my Ipsae head on Super gem body .. >_< So this thread is useful and thanks for the pictures. I have also the dress so I am happy to hear Super gem can wear this !!!
    2. I'm getting Beryl & having some trouble w/ getting clothes for her. :/ I was thinking some of the mecha angel outfits might work. They wouldn't be perfect and perhaps need a bit of altering, but the measurements aren't TOO far off aside from height.
    3. I bought a lace teddy from http://www.denofangels.com/forums/showthread.php?t=206441 that fits as well
      and some clothing from Softly She Walks (witch ALWAYS tends to be big on regular MSD and SD dolls).

      Stuff that fit my old Sooah large bust, Domuya Saisha and my Dollmore Ipsea work rather well. I'd look around to see what people suggest for those doll types :)

    4. Just a warning: the resin match is absolutely terrible D:
      Especially the normal skin tone.
    5. I am hoping that someone with a Super Gem girl body would be willing to give me some advise. I'm finding that some of the measurements given on the Soom site, are a bit confusing ... not sure that 'they' mean what 'I' mean when I give a measurement.

      I am waiting for Dia, but being impatient I am trying to sew some things for her before her arrival. I made a pair of trousers today with a 16" inseam because Soom says, "leg--41cm".... but now I'm thinking they don't mean inseam! Those are some
      L-O-N-G LEGS! Could someone give me the Super Gem inseam?

      Question #2.... Soom sez: "She wears a 9/10 wig". Head is 22cm which is 8.7" .... Wouldn't that be an 8/9 (or maybe that would be too tight and would slip up all the time?)

      Anyone who would be willing to give me answers will earn my undying gratitude.
    6. I haven't seen a Dia in person, but my Beryl had a very small head, and is definitely going to need an 8/9 wig rather than a 9/10, fwiw. (She's off for a face-up/body blushing right now, so I don't have her in person to take comparison pics, alas.)

      -- A <3
    7. The measurements for the dollmore model dolls are almost spot on for super gem aside from overall height, so I'm thinking about ordering some outfits from there. It looks like Dia did fine w/ the dollmore stuff posted above. :)
    8. Thank you Ashbet! I'm thinking that Dia and Beryl probably have the same size head.
      FallenEverdark, I think much of Dollmore's clothing is supposed to fit, I'm wondering about those wide leg trousers though. According to Soom, those Super Gem legs are really long!
    9. According to dollmore, the model legs are 46.5 from "waist to foot." And the model & super gem are only about 3 cm difference in overall height.
    10. *sigh* ... well, they are a temptation now.
    11. Ha ha sorry... :sweat
    12. It looks kind of huge IMO.
    13. I think it looks a little loose, but its nothing I can't fix.
    14. Although Dia is about 3 1/2" taller than a Tonner American Model, the bust, waist, hip measurement is only about 1/2" bigger. While I wait for the Rose Queen, I'm going to try enlarging an Am Mod pattern and hope it works.
      Has anyone tried this for the Super Gems, by any chance?
    15. Dollmore skirts work, anyone tried dollmore model pants?
    16. Yep! Sorry, I was meant to post up some pics but keep forgetting. Here they are (sorry for the lack of beautification):



      The jeans I got Liliana are pretty good lengthwise and just manage to snap around her waist. The only problem is butt shape - the cutting on them is a slim fit, so on Liliana you end up with a little bulge around the bum area (I don't have a picture of this). Nonetheless, it still looks pretty good from the front. They stain though, so I'm going to wash and treat them first before I put them on her again.

      Long sleeve shirts also work perfectly fine. Sleeves are a little long, but not overly so.
    17. Brid's wearing Elfdoll guy cargo pants. I've got a pair of Elfdoll guy pants that fit her pretty well too. So far they've fit her the best of any pants I've tried on her.

      And here she is wearing a Dollmore Model dress which fits her very nicely:
    18. Model girl clothing fits, some pieces are slightly tight on the bust.