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What fits Soom Super Gem Females?

May 23, 2008

    1. Thanks. Now I can buy things for the girl. ;)
    2. Well, I have taken the plunge and ordered a couple of Dollmore pants. I will post photos when Bijou tries them on.
    3. I want to know if the clothes senior delf girl fit on the super gem??
    4. Soom says that SG clothes are approximately Snr Delf size, and I saw an Annette I think it was wearing the Dia Rose Queen outfit. Not sure if it works the other way though, as to my recollection Snr Delfs have slightly smaller busts.
    5. Does anybody know if Senior Delf clothes actually fit Soom Super Gem girls?
    6. im curious about senior delf as welll... *goes to look at measurements*

      EDIT: Prolly not, senior delf is too small for a super gem to fit their clothes. X_X
    7. I'm not 100% sure, but considering the rather large Super Gem bust size, I think Senior Delf clothing might be a bit too snug in the chest region.
    8. Bummer, it's a shame that Soom doesn't make more SG clothes for girl. :(
    9. Oh, boy, Fereshteh, I agree with that.
      I got my Dollmore order, and the clothing is wearable, but surprisingly much too long. I guess I just thought the difference between 65cm and 70 would not be that great. Looks like I'll have to so some alterations. Not too bad though. I'll do photos before I alter.
    10. I'll be looking forward to seeing them. :)
    11. I'm happy thank you for this thread~ My girl should be home soon and all she will have is her defaults.
    12. Here is Bijou (Soom Dia) wearing pants from Dollmore. They are loose and a good bit longer on her than on the Model dolls for whom they were made.

      The shirt was from Soom, and the sweater was made for my Cissy dolls by a good friend.
    13. I'm one of the un/lucky, waiting for an Onyx Shadow Super Gem. Does anyone have a picture of a Super Gem in a Large Bust Elfdoll girl outfit - something that doesn't give much? I'm wondering if they have sort of the same profile - back length and breadth and such, as well as bust size? There are so many beautiful clothes for Elfdolls (like what SODA sells). It would be super to have something for her when she arrives. ^_^!

      And, on an extreme long shot, does anyone know how this would differ from a Domuya Perennial 60? Sigh - Saisha is hard to fit. -_-;
    14. Qybyl, the pants in the photo above were for a 70cm doll and Super Gems are 65. I was very surprised at what a big difference the 5cm made. I don't have Elfdoll outfits, but I don't think SG's would get into them. I wish they could, because I agree that SODA has some lovely clothes.
      I'd like to be WRONG!! Maybe someone can tell us for sure.
    15. I entertain a long hope that maybe the difference in there heights is all or mostly in the limbs, and less in the torso ^_- I saw another thread of comparison shots, and it looked as though the torsos were similar, perhaps ^_^

      http://www.denofangels.com/forums/[email protected]

      If they'd just had similar shoulders->butt, I would love to get SODA's Couture No.1, since it is sleeveless and has a skirt that starts its flare at the waist, bypassing a rather curvier bottom. I couldn't possibly get something so expensive though, when I couldn't be sure that any of my girls could wear it. *sigh* -_-
    16. I had not seen that comparison shot. I hate to say it, but I don't think there's a hope. The Super Gems are not so broad in the back, but they are busty.
      I wish companies would give measurements for the bust, waist, and hip on garments. That would help a lot.
    17. I have a Model Doll, and the Dollmore clothes, which I thought would be purpose built, are very long, very loose.

      I am contemplating buying a Super Gem female, but the clothes thing could be a problem. Also, has anyone had a custome face up from them? I notice there are only three stars out of five.


    18. Why, hello Kat! *waves* I actually have a Dia and a stack of Model clothes, so if you want to meet up to meet Dia in person or see how the clothes fit, just PM me and we can arrange something.

      As for Elfdoll LB clothes, according to Patrice_S somewhere back here, they will only fit if they are stretchy, as SG girls' busts are a full 3-4cm bigger. But otherwise they're torsos are well matched.
    19. It should, because the top straps are adjustable, but the bust may not sit perfectly on a SG girl.