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What fits Soom Super Gem Females?

May 23, 2008

    1. Here is a photo of full trousers that I fell in love with from Dollmore. They are perfect in the waist and hip, but at least an inch too long. I hate to hem them because I'll lose some of the flair, but I think I'm going to have to give in and do just that.

    2. So it seems that Model clothes are really long on Super Gem girls, but is the bust a good fit? Is it too loose or too tight?
    3. orangediscord, I am a bit surprised at the length. I've only ordered the two pairs of pants that I've posted phots of here. I have no idea what the tops would be like, though I think I have heard that they are too tight in the bust.
      Boy! I wish Soom would make good basic clothes for the Super Gems.
    4. Flamingomoon:With most dolls of the over 60cm dolls, a lot of their extra length is in the legs more than anything else. Not much of the torso is lengthened at all.

      I thought I'd copy and paste something I posted in the Beryl thread ages back that might be helpful to people:

      Super Gem


      Model Doll

      Unidoll Real Girls:

      Bust: 27cm
      Waist: 18cm
      Hip: 28cm
      Arm: 19.5cm

      Model doll clothing tends to fit the best on average, the only problem being that some tops may be a bit tight due to the .5cm difference. Also, because Model dolls have larger waists, some skirts tend to sit lower on the Super Gems.
    5. Thank you, kawaii_mon. It looks like Super Gems would have a good chance of fitting whatever fits the Unidoll Real Girls the best.
      Honestly, I wish this were simpler. I think I'm just lazy.
    6. LOL! Well I've got 2 tops from Dollmore that fit quite well, pics are further back in this thread. Bust is fine because they're stretchy, arms a bit too long but still OK. I'll try out her jeans again this weekend, it's too hot right now to change her out of her skirt. T.T *suffers in heatwave*
    7. I bought a Volks SD16 outfit, Denim Coordinate set, for my Onyx and it fits her like a dream. Of course the button on the pants pops when she sits, but thats true of most pants. I have SD16 jeans by feral5( Icarus Designs) coming this week. Ill let everyone know how they work out.

    8. You are right about the head size. I bought a 9/10 mecha angel wig when I bought my Topaz and she swims in it.

      I'm not real certain about that. I have my Uni Dahlia and Topaz has a longer waist. but shorter legs than Dahlia. I think Uni girls have broader shoulders and a wider chest too.

      I remember seeing photos of a FL feeple girl wearing the Dia rosequeen dress, so feeple clothes might fit, but I have no verification of this as I don't own any feeple gals.

      I need to get some comparison shots up, hopefully by tomorrow.
    9. What about Dollheart clothes? Will they fit SG girls?

      I've got my Amber on layaway and am considering at least the shoes and possibly a fer for her.
    10. While I can't say for most Dollheart clothes -- but I do know from local meet-ups that it can even be a challenge to squeeze Volks girls into some Dollheart --I do know for a fact that the dress part of the Fer won't fit these busty gals.*_* You can, however, get the coat on, but it won't button all of the way up.

      I'm also going to add that as far as shoes go I've got my girl -- with her high heel feet on -- into some Muse Doll pumps!
      they're these ones
      I've also got her into these but I don't have picture of that.
    11. Ok, thanks for the info. Hopefully Dollheart will make the sizes to fit these busty girls. :sweat

      Your Onyx is very beautiful!
    12. Here's Brid wearing a few more Dollmore Model things. The pink knit dress fits her like a glove. And the 2 white tops and very short jean skirt fit nicely too.



    14. Poptart I love your wig in green and blond wher did you get this ??
      super awesome on your girl :aheartbea

    15. Is their any clothes that are less Casual that fit the Super gem girl? I'm looking for more elegant clothes. ^__^
    16. Dollmore does have some elegant things: My Beryl dressed black-tie for the last meet. The dress is a bit long but fits fantastically through the torso and hips.

    17. This girl is not my doll but it sure looks like the wig is a Monique gold label JoJo style. The JoJos are a fun style and unique in coloring because some of them are golden blond with pink, green, blue, lavendar, orange or yellow tips. I've purchased these wigs from juju's dolly mall
      also from JPop wigs
    18. Atelier SODA created the most beautiful gowns for my Dia. They fit like a dream. Photos are located at

      Jane at SODA is very helpful and is dedicated to creative perfection. If you are looking for unique, exquisite gowns do consider visiting her website at
    19. Yes tropicofcapricorn is right it's Monique JoJo.:)