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What fits Soom Super Gem Females?

May 23, 2008

    1. anybody knows if VioletFern-Outfits will fit?

      I have the Venus in Furs-Outfit and I really want to know if it will fit a Super gem Girl Oo
    2. I'm so relieved to see some DM model girl clothes fit them!!

      I had my eyes on some of them for my Cuprit :D
    3. i was wondering this same thing, so i took a chance and bought the pluto drive for my supergem and it fits wonderfully ^_^
    4. Can they fit DOT Male clothing? I compared their measurements and they are quite similar. I can't say for a fact if they will though.
    5. I just thought I'd crosspost this from the Amber waiting room - I asked Dolkot and they said that this dress (currently the only clothing available) made for their 70cm female doll should fit a Super Gem Female! I'm so buying it >.<
    6. I'm also going to add that as far as shoes go I've got my girl -- with her high heel feet on -- into some Muse Doll pumps!
      they're these ones
      I've also got her into these but I don't have picture of that.[/QUOTE]

      Speaking of shoes, I found the Dale Rae SD Ankle-strap pumps at DDE fit very well. Plus there are plenty of colors to chose from.
    7. my mom bought me a few of the luts senior delf girls outfits and they fit everywhere except the bust, BUT its small modifications that would make them work. i can take pictures to show if anyone wants to see what I mean by small
    8. I'd LOVE to see pics, actually! ^0^
    9. I second Kurr! ^____________^
    10. Unfortunatly I'll have to wait until may to do this alterations
      This is the Red Beryl one Piece:
      you'll just need to move that button to anywhere on the green line (if it doesn't match up with the other button, just move that too)
      [​IMG] This is only if you want it tighter in the wait (doesn't bother me)

      Estreslla Set:
      with the armholes actually on it looks odd, and i think it looks better sleeveless so what I'm doing is this:
      [​IMG] [​IMG]
      Using the arm bands to create the rest of the back
      The rip is 100% my fault!!!! these do fit nicely

      Flower Underwear in Hot Pink:
      [​IMG] they look very sexy :D

      My friend commisioned this from Rikkuliam
      [​IMG] it fits great (sorry she has no pants yet)
    11. I asked in another thread (for some reason I thought this thread was very old, and didn't want to necro it o.O), but I didn't get any solid answers (I actually got one 'no, probably not', and one 'yes, maybe' >.>; )

      Would this dress fit on a Soom Super Gem girl? Specifically Culprit. I'm hoping that any alterations I'll have to make will be pretty minor ones, since the big problem is likely to be her bust, I think? And I can adjust around that just by fiddling with her straps... I think? >.>;

      Any advice would be hugely appreciated, as I've already ordered the outfit and will definitely want to alter it to fit if it's necessary/possible.
    12. I suspect the biggest problem will be the bust also. Your thinking about making adjustements in the straps makes a lot of sense. That should also remedy any problems you might have with the torso length.
      I have this item from Another Space.
      It fits the SB Elfdoll very well but the bust is perhaps 2-3 cm too small for the Soom Supergem. Please let us know how the outfit actually does fit - it is a fantastic ensemble.
    13. Thanks so much for the pictures, audiencekiller! ^0^
    14. I guess as long as the tops are made of stretchy material Cuprit should be okay in Dollmore Model woman clothes. I keep her measurements near my screen when shopping for items. Soom makes 12mm eyes now in the Single Dome category;)
    15. Thanks for all the tips everyone. I'n following this thread very carefully while I'm saving for my girl, but I'm going to get ehr clothes first so this is a big help. :)

    16. I have an older violet fern outfit, if i have time tomorrow, i will try it on my beryl to see... if i dont post sometihng in two days, PM me to remind me >.<
    17. thank you ~ <3
    18. Where can I get clothing for her? Will she fit into SD13 clothing?
    19. According to SOOM, their Supergem clothes are described as fitting "* Compatible with Super gem, sd13, senior delf".

      You can check it out here.

      Also, here are the measurements for SOOM's supergem, taken from my spreadsheet of measurements.

      Height: 65cm
      Head: 22cm
      Chest: 27cm
      Waist: Unknown
      Hips: 28cm
      Arm Length: 20cm
      Leg Length: 33cm
      Foot Size: 7cm
      Neck: 10cm

      You can find more measurements here.
    20. There is another thread on this in the same subforum. Just go back to "Larger dolls discussion" and type in "Super Gem girls" and it should come up.