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What fits Soom Super Gem Females?

May 23, 2008

    1. tops that fit large bust elfdoll girls may fit, and some dm model things fit. dale rae flats in sd size fit her feet.
    2. SD13 tops do not fit from what I have tried. Also SD13 trousers, leggings etc do not either because the tops of the SG girls legs are very wide. Its a shame!
      Model Doll clothes I have got for my Dia fit very well, but anything involving legs such as Model Doll stockings are far too long, unless theyre a shorter trouser or sock.
      I have found all of my SD shoes fit my Dia, including high heel shoes fit on her normal feet if theyre not too high. Dae Rae shoes and sneaker type cloth shoes fit her but bigger SD17 shoes, like Hound seem too big.
      Ive taken to making my own clothes for my Dia.
      tropicofcapricorn where did you get that blue dress? Its amazing!
    3. Hello honestrabbit. Thanks for the advice on fit - it's so useful. I am making numerous items for Dia also. It's so much fun to hunt for the right fabrics. I love formal ensembles and have begun to work with gorgeous designer fabrics that are sold for draperies. You can find beautiful silk-like fabrics with ornate embroidered embelishments. They make such a statement. However, my sewing skills are limited and the blue dress you are refering to was created by Atelier SODA. Here is the website:
      Check out the "haute couture" category - the item is Couture #1. My dress is a slight variation done in a custom size for Dia. I dealt with Jane at SODA and it is evident her company is committed to excellence.
    4. I have never seen SODA clothes before...they are amazing. Thanks for the link. Some of the clothes are shown on a Elfdoll which should fit SG also, plus if she does custom sizes that is a useful link for some beautiful clothes for SG.

    5. whoops sorry for taking so long :D
      So here is my older violet fern dress put on my totally blank beryl... no one yell at me for neglecting her please >.<
      Sorry for the bad flash... It is dark here and my house has outstandingly poor lighting... and Beryl is so white she reflects light like glass :( Hopefull you can see enough, though...

      From far away, The dress looks nice enough... the outfit comes with socks that i assume would fit if Beryl had on human legs. The skirts elastic is loose enough to go over the hips,a nd the sleeves went on fine over her hands, too!
      Upon closer inspection, however, there is trouble with the corset. It is just because the corset is made for a smaller doll. It is hard for the camera to capture it well, but the front does not fit very flush with the lower torso... the boobs are just too big for the design of the corset.
      Also, the inability to accomadate the breasts cuases the corset to want to 'slip' down past her nipples, a problem I don't have on my mature delf girls. I had to force the corset up on tihs pic to prevent doll nipplage. You can also see how it barely covers the sides.
      And here is a back view, so you can see the immense gap between the corset sides.

      So im afraid if the VF outfit you got (pluto drive?) has a corset top, you might be outta luck for chest coverage >.<

      And this is just to show off, because i spent about 15 minutes making the darn thing stand... my beryl came VERY loosely strung :D
    6. I understand too well what you mean, my VF dress had issues with anything with boobs.

      Not to get too OT, but I remembered getting my Topaz when I read your post about standing your doll. My Topaz was so loose she could barely even sit upright. I read in the literature she came with that Soom ships their dolls 20% less tight. This includes their arms, which for the life of me, I couldn't get her arms tight enough without taking her apart. Currently her arms will bend and stay at the first elbow joint, but at the second they just flop back.

      I bought a Onyx secondhand and her arms are ok, but her body is loose like a marionette. Did the rest of you experience stuff like this?

      Back OT, Unidoll girl clothes do fit, they are just a little bit more snug in the tops. I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but Senior Delf girl clothes don't fit. Has anyone tried any Feeple girl clothes?
    7. i have a VF pluto drive on my topaz and it fits her bewbs fine ^_^; ill post some pics if u like?
    8. Chuuie, your blank Beryl is hauntingly gorgeous. It's almost like she needs no paint at all. You do such a good job describing and photographing the fit of garments. Thanks for your efforts.
    9. lol thank you, tropic :D when she DOES get painted, its goign to be very minimal... she is going to be sorta bohemian/hippy... thought it would be a neat twist, since most people are going the ethereal/demonic route, for a natural earthy succubus :)
    10. Chuuie what violet fern outfit is that? I havent been able to find it, it looks sooo nice.
    11. @Chuuie: thank you my dear for this pictures!!! Really interesting!! Thanks so much!!! I really love your beryl, she is amazng beautiful ^^

      @piffie: I really like to see a picture! This will be very fine.

      Does anybody know if dollheart SD 10/13 boots will fit? I really love this boots
      but I'm afraid they will not fit the super gem body -.-

      I don't want to be OT, but I asked myself very often, if a Super Gem head will fit on a Luts Mature girl body Oo.... does andybody know if this will fit??

      (sorry for my bad english -.-)
    12. Hello Nidi, your English is very good. I wish I could speak German as well. The dollheart SD boots in your link are really cute - no wonder you're interested. I have found that emailing sellers about length and width of shoes/boots helps alot especially inside dimensions if they can provide the information. Sometimes they even know what dolls work well with the shoes.

    13. i honestly cant remember... i got it second-hand... VF used to have a website that showed all of her outfits but i cant find it anymore :( isnt it lovely? i got it when i was new to doll and iw as like, sheesh $70? I'll splurge! Im so glad i did >.< problem is, thisi s the second time in like 4 years ive taken it out of the bag... im afraid to mess it up lol. Sorry for getting off topic :D
    14. i will try that on monday.. the resin will NOT match, my CP girls are NS resin, but I'll give it a shot when i have some time off work (12 days straight, barf)
    15. sure! ill try taking some shots after work today. if the sun permits ^^
    16. Has anyone tried SD16 girl heels on thier girl yet?
      Im wondering if they'de fit better...I have a pair of LUTS heels and the arch of her foot comes way over the side of the shoe...
    17. My husband put some dollheart boots on his Beryl the other day and they fit. They were tighter than SD13, but not so tight it was hard to get in.

      That's interesting because I've found the super gem heel feet fit far better into luts heels than my other sd girls.
    18. I plan on getting some more Luts shoes for my Cuprit after I get a set of tires for my car......at least I have shoes here for whenever she does come.
    19. so i had a problem with her white skin lol i was in a DIM room not in direct light and no flash and she turned into a ghost in the pics!!
      so the whole outfit fits "pretty well" in my opinion ^_^ this is the VF pluto drive
      im not too happy with how tall she is in it, i wanted the skirt to go lower to the ground but that just doesnt look like its gonna happen
      those are random boots i just bought off a DOAer on the market place, im not sure where she got them from or what they were for =s

      as you can see the gap from the corset back is kinda large but it doesnt look horrible or anything!

      and bewb coverage is actually very good ^^ i like that it has a draw string system to hold it up around her neck
      no nipplage here!

      hope this helps a bit