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What is the appeal of dolls with open mouths?

Jul 6, 2016

    1. Thanks for the input everyone I just wanted to hear people talk about what they like I don't think it would make a difference to me when I purchased a doll
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    2. Perfect way of putting it and I could not have said it better.
    3. I like the open mouth like from Dollmore Zinna.
      #23 stellarphenomena, Jul 7, 2016
      Last edited: Jul 8, 2016
    4. I couldn't really explain why but I really like open mouth sculpts - especially ones showing teeth. It's nothing new for me - when I was collecting reproduction porcelain dolls, I preferred the open-mouth sculpts over the closed mouth ones too.

    5. I like teefs. :)
      Tongues, not so much.
    6. I just really like tiny teefs as well, especially if they're subtle. I get really excited when a sculpt I thought had a closed mouth actually has teeth.
    7. I've heard more comments about people not liking teeth than anything else.

      Personally, I don't think teeth are a big problem because they can always be painted out (as long as it's not all sculpted and a very open mouth).

      I don't mind an open or closed mouth or teeth or no teeth. I look at the overall sculpt and if I like it or not. So the open-mouth question doesn't really register. It's like asking, what's the appeal of pouty lips? Or a tiny nose? Or half-closed eyes? Or a pointy chin? They are all just features on a sculpt. I either like them or not. I'm not even sure which of my dolls have an open mouth and which don't.
    8. I like open mouth dolls to a certain extend.
      Some are YAYs while some are NAYs to me.
      To me, Soom's Surprise Lami is cute and Oasisdoll's Yaoyue is elegant.
      It adds a little more personality to the dolls.
      As for Fairyland's Littlefee and Pukifee's Pongpong, I only like Pukifee's.
      The faceup probably had played a part in my preference though.
      Shouting/angry open mouths are nays to me but that's just me.
    9. Obviously I like them, as you can see by my avatar. I also like FL Pongpong, and Cupid ver. 3. They just make me happy.
    10. 'Cause of them teeth! Tiny and cute, especially when painted. They make me want to touch them :chibi.
    11. This. :XD:

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    12. I think it all depends on the person and their personal tastes. For me it depends on what character I'm trying to represent. I own extreme expressions faces to closes mouth. I love them all! Of course it's always interesting to see other people's dollies with their extreme faces.
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    13. I think it's more like a personal preference? Just like some people love cartoony or cute faces and some prefer sculpts which look more realistic - like I do. For me as long as the doll's face is attractive enough, I wouldn't care much on how a particular part looks like :P
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    14. To be honest with you at first I didnt like open mouths much either but then now and then you see sculpts that actually look kind of cute and unique with their little open mouth. I am now on a layaway for a Unoa Yawn and I just love her so much.. I think it looks adorable with no real reasons for it.. just like other said.. its a preference.. some people will love it some people will not :)
    15. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE pong pong. hes a lil' angel. But when I look at the pictures, all I can think is that he has no teeth.
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    16. I used to HATE open mouths and teeth. I don't mind them on BJD, but on those antique porcelain dolls I can't stand it. I have a couple porcelain open mouth and my biggest thought is being afraid bugs will get in there. In fact, I even dreamed about it! :O

      BJD with completely open mouth is weird to me, but I have found myself liking the little toothies after being in the hobby for a while. I don't go after it, but if it's there, it's okay. I think it can be an acquired taste? But like others have said, it adds a little bit more life to the doll. :3
    17. This is a beautiful explanation. I never thought of it quite like this.
    18. I love all open-mouthed sculpts... smiles, teeth, tongues.................... but I honestly would not want one of those as a main head. I prefer the neutral look of a normal head, but would love to have a 2nd head to switch out for certain photos or moods!
      It's basically the same with closed-eye sculpts. Would want them? Yes! But only if I own the normal sculpt too.
      Won't buy them any time soon though, I spent enough money lately.
    19. I find a tiny gap in the mouth very cute, especially on female dolls. I can't help it, I see one... I fall in love with it.
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    20. In my case open-mouthed sculpts appeal because they match my characters and certain physical traits they have. Two of my future characters, Anne and Niki, will have mouths that are slightly open due to physical attributes that I always envisioned them having. Anne has a slight overbite (much to her chagrin), so it would make sense for her to have a mold with teeth showing a little. Niki has a nasty case of hay fever, resulting in him breathing through his mouth most of the time. Thus it would make since for his mold to have a mouth that's open a little. In those cases my pursuit of an open-mouthed sculpt stems simply from a desire to make the character a little more believable.

      Then there's Tatsumaki, who will most likely be shelled by a FairyLand PongPong. In that case I just love the mold; PongPong is contagiously happy and the mold shows it.
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