1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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What is the appeal of dolls with open mouths?

Jul 6, 2016

    1. Open mouths for me are only really appealing if it's also smiling or smirking. Gives a sense of mischievousness that can be hard to capture otherwise.
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    2. personally i think some dolls with open mouths or slightly closed eyes look more realistic and bring more attention to the face and facial features. like someone said before though, its all just personal preference like eye colour, hair, body shape, etc!
    3. I'm weak for dolls with the slightly-parted mouth, especially if they have little teeth showing. It can make them look thoughtful, or aloof, or seductive, depending on styling and angle. I was sorely tempted last week to order a properly open-mouthed doll, one that came with tongue and teeth parts (Shoushou Gouhuai), but ended up going for the sculpt with the just-parted mouth instead (Shoushou Goudan) The overall feeling of the open-mouthed one was too cocky for the character I was looking for, but I really did love the versatility of the interchangeable tongue and teeth parts.
    4. I personally am not drawn to dolls with open mouths (with one exception, noted below) because I find them distracting (especially ones with teeth and most especially ones I've seen with tongues), but mostly because it is very rare that I have encountered an open-mouthed doll (though less so for ones with teeth which mostly just seem like they are smiling) that didn't look like it was trying to be overtly sexy no matter how the lips are sculpted (most definitely, again, for the ones with tongues), which I just don't find aesthetically pleasing in a doll.

      Similarly, I don't gravitate toward sleeping dolls or ones with strangely specific hand sculpts (like the "curled pinky" hand that was the default for my Lishe (and maybe all default DELF bodies? I am not sure), which I swapped out with a different hand as soon as she arrived and never went back to.

      I also don't bond well with male dolls, anthro dolls, dolls smaller than YoSD, or dolls larger than SD. (These last were all very expensive lessons for me to learn about my preferences!)

      It's all part of the learning process as you explore the hobby! It took me a while to figure out my tastes, but that is why this hobby is so amazing because there really IS something for everyone!

      Pong Pong is the only open-mouthed doll that has ever tempted me because his expression conveys exactly one thing: HAPPY :D!
    5. I'm one of the freaks who is obsessed with wide open mouths. Like, even the type with insertable teeth parts.

      I just really love expressive faces because I find them more unique and visually interesting, and I don't use my dolls for photostories or anything so my dolls having one extreme expression doesn't bother me.

      Dolls with very neutral faces have no appeal to me, and they actually look a little unnerving and dead... having a slightly open mouth gives the doll more movement and life, imo.
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    6. I like the little teeeeeeeeeeth :D
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