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What new skills have you gained through owning BJDs?

Apr 26, 2011

    1. Haha, how to hurt my hands even better on elastics ;D

      Really though, I think being able to work in a 3D medium, I would of never have attempted a face before on anything 3D. Also I think they help the photography <3
    2. One of the biggest things I have learned is posing. I find it interesting that BJD can have a hint of action (or emotion) via their body language.
    3. I learned to sew pretty good... my grandma who has been sewing sense she was eight who also worked at dolls by Jerry thinks I'm a good sewer and told me she was proud of me, so yay! :3
    4. photography&#12289;face-up...and now i try to do some sewing at free time&#12290;
    5. Through owning BJDs, I've gained the ninja-doll-catching-reflex. :P I'm sure most of you can relate.
      I'm always surprising my friends with the way I can:
      1. notice through peripheral vision the subtle wobbling of a doll losing its balance
      2. catch it right before it hits a surface
      3. keep calm about it

      :P I still can't sew. Haha~
    6. i think my sewing skills has improved...my first try was a mess, my dolls can't even wear it..luckily you only need a bit of fabric so it's fine if I mess up..now i could sew simple dresses for my girl..:D
    7. I never painted a 3D surface before I started doing faceups. I feel a little bit more handy now that I"ve had to use various tools and techniques to customize my dolls.
    8. Sewing, beading, some painting. Actually, I started making dolly-sized beaded things, then got into making human-sized things. A lot of the ladies at the bead store comment on how detailed and crack-tastic my designs are. Then, I tell them why XD.
    9. Well...I knew how to sew before(I make plushes and human-sized clothing and accessories such as animal eared hats), and my photography always sucks(I think it does anyway).....OH.

      Anatomy. I have to thank my boy so much for this(even though this is one of the many original reasons I got him). Ever since I got him, I have gotten better at getting the anatomy more correct in my drawings. ^^

      Also I can tell if he is about to fall down even when others don't *laughs*, and I am a complete master at doing things with one hand(from always holding him).
    10. I've gotten better at blushing, improved my painting, and have also gotten PHENOMENALLY better at sewing. Ridiculously huge improvements in sewing, especially lately. I even found out how to make shoes!! :D
    11. Handsewing. I didn't do it often before I got my doll, and most of it was embroidery when I was like, 12 yrs old. I've been attempting to make my own doll clothes which force me to handsew and I'm pretty bad at it but... yes :) i hope to improve at face-ups enough to do them for people soon now that school is over. And maybe even wig making. if I could figure out how to make wigs, I'd be a goddess.
    12. My photography got a lot better since I started with bjd. Just watching other pictures gives me inspiration to work with the background, perspective and positioning. It's almost scary to look at the first pictures I made xD

      Then, faceups. I've had an art-education for 13 years but never really worked on a 3D surface before (except vases and bottles >.<) so it was a challenge. Once started, practice leveled up my skill ^^

      But for both counts, getting better, but not nearly perfect :) Just need to keep practicing. And soon I'll be doing my first mods, hope that will end up fine :p
    13. I would say sewing. So far I have make Jean, shirt and socks
    14. Aaarrrrrggghhh PATIENCE! It's so hard to wait for the dolls to arrive, but I'm getting better at it. Sort of.
    15. I could not sew for my life when I started this hobby!!!! But I've learned a lot about sewing and drafting patterns. I just finished my first shirt last month, and oh my gosh it looks so great!

      I learned a lot with painting. Unless I really love an original face up, I normally re-do it. =] I'm not amazing yet, no where near it actually. But I'm getting better, and I'm liking it more and more every time I do one :)
    16. I never sewed before I owned BJDs but two years have gone by and I still have yet to buy an article of clothing. Aside from shoes, I make everything myself, patterns and all. I suck at working with fabrics that pull apart and I'm not comfortable with the sewing machine but I make do pretty well. I've even started making couches for them.
    17. Photography! I've been a seamstress most of my life, & a writer, but the photo shoots :D I'm regaining my familiarity w/a camera :D
      I'm hoping to learn to do faceups as well - I am NOT an artist but used to do ceramics which is as close as I've ever come to a faceup so that will be a new skill :D
      Posing the dolls is something new I'm learning as well LOL
    18. I've learned to do face ups that finally meet my expectations! Yay, it was like pulling hen's teeth! I still need practice, but I'm on my way. Also sewing and making my own patterns. As I have never had dolls growing up this is all new for me. Still need to work on photography though!
    19. now that I think of it... absolutely nothing .___. my sewing machine broke before I could even use it so no improvement of any kind on that side. my photography skills are exactly the same as they were 2-3 years ago. =A=
      but err... owning male dolls made me a tiiiiny bit better at drawing dudes? :sweat nah actually I think I can say I improved a lot on that side! I'm still bad at bodies, but at least I can draw male faces that actually look male! the body are also better but as I said, I am not really good for drawing bodies in general :sweat
    20. My sewing has gotten better and I learned some simple embroidery but I'm most proud of my improvement in photography. I have a long way to go but I have improved so much compared to where I started :D

      I'm also very proud of my improvement in characterizations. I've always been good at world building in my writing but my characters have lacked depth, now they are actually interesting :)