1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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What originally got you into BJDs?

Jan 19, 2010

    1. Sorry if this is a duplicate thread, I did search and found nothing.

      So! I'm curious. What got you into BJDs originally?

      I'll go first. I was browsing DA's popular page, as I am wont to do, and saw beautiful photographs of I had no idea. So upon clicking the thumbnails, I discovered that they're BJDs. Having never heard the phrase, I did a Google/Wiki search, and found more information. Thinking that I was going to have to pay at least a thousand for a doll, I dropped the subject. Until a convention. At which I saw one. This rekindled my interest, and I started looking up prices. Well, now I had to have one. I bought Midori, and I'm looking at a second now, and the rest is (will be) history! :)
    2. A few years ago I came across BJDs in passing, but didn't pay much mind, then two years ago, I started seeing Aeryn (Hirati)'s Hayden on the DA front page and started watching her DA and soon learned about BJDs through her FAQ.
    3. I don't even remember who I saw on DA, though I did follow someone... Just don't remember who. n.n;;
    4. A picture of Matt from Death Note that I saw on Photobucket. It was an amazing Dollfie.
      And now one of my friends likes dollfies too so I have people to talk to about them ^_^
    5. A cartoon doll forum back in the late nineties first introduced me to them. I wanted one but would never have bee able to afford one at that point. Now I have the means and am saving up ^^
    6. Do you remember what their doll(s) looked like?
    7. Looking up Chobits online, which led to Angelic Layer, which led to to Dollfies, which led to Volks. I didn't really get into bjd until a year or two after when a friend in school showed me the Luts website, and I said "Oh, I've seen these dolls before!"
    8. I remember hearing about them in passing but was told they were very expensive, so I never really investigated it until my friend returned from a convention and started talking about them/sharing pictures. I looked them up then and came across the LUTS website. That's when I saw the El mold and the rest was history. haha.
    9. I remember the dolls were such like Ra, and other Egyptian deities. Ra was pale-ish and had black hair. I think he's 1/3. Ugh, sorry I can't remember anything else!
    10. I've always liked dolls. Mostly Disney, a few special Barbies. The Disney lead me to Tonner, and Tonner lead me to Haute Doll. Which lead me to BJDs.
    11. I'd seen them a few times on DA or at conventions, but then I started hanging around with a girl who had a few. I fell in love with them (mostly her DZ) after playing for a while~ :D Eventually love of hers turned into me wanting one of my own.

      And now here we are, a year and a half later, 5 at home and saving for more.
    12. Heh, wow, I feel behind! I still only have the one I bought last May! (but hopefully that's changing next month)
    13. Saw a gorgeous doll on e-bay had no idea what it was.
      Spoke to a friend who manufactures dolls who explained a bit more to me.
      Done some research and saw some more pictures, was completely smitten.
      Bought my first doll from a dealer and although I knew the size, I hadn't actually worked out what that would really mean.
      Bought a Luts Dark Elf Soo SD. Nearly fell off my chair when she arrived. I had in my mind a doll of about 30cm even though the height was clearly stated. She looked enormous, a few people who were there when she arrived were in hysterics at my expression.
      I had collected polymer sculpts and had that sort of size in mind.
      Once I got over the initial shock I fell in love and bought my second and now have to control myself from buying more. :D
      • x 1
    14. A couple of the artists I watched on DA started posting photos of their dolls (Marti/ball-jointed-alice's doll photos really tipped the scales for me), I looked around a bit but didn't really think much more of it after seeing the price until I finally caved a good 6 months later.
    15. this is such a good question, but i have no idea! the most i can remember is one of my old friends owning one, so i got curious and started poking around to see where to get one of them for myself. you can imagine my surprise when i saw how expensive they are for the first time, haha.
    16. my friends had a few BJDs and i started to get interested in them awhile back. i started going to meets and found out that i really enjoyed face-ups... then one of my friend ended up selling a bunch of her doll stuff to me recently so now im in total dolly mode.:lol:
    17. Since I was little, I never liked barbies and the like much, but I loved loved porcelain dolls. Only got my first porcelain doll when I was around 13 or something, and that was because I found it D: my parents never wanted to get me one cuz they were expensive... (That's how poor we are D: )

      Then when I was around 14-16 I found some pictures of BJDs on the internet and was absolutely in love with them. From then on I set my dream in life to get a BJD.

      Now at 21 and with a stable job I'm still waiting to make that dream come true. I have enough money to buy a BJD, but being Resin I can't D: I live with my parents two cats and a dog in the country side. Small house, too dusty.
      So I got a Hujoo which I'm waiting to arrive =D They are soooo gorgeous, cheaper and plastic, perfect for while I can't get a resin one ^-^
      • x 1

    18. Exactly my story, and then I looked at some other BJD DA pages and eventually found out more and more, this was just last year now I already have 2 BJD's :lol:
    19. I accidentally got on the site of DOD 3 (or 4) years ago. First thing I did was just printing out the beautiful pictures to stick them into my diary.
      I can't quite figure out when I learned about them being BJD's.

      I do know I forgot about them for a while and then resumed my interest last summer, because my sister really wanted to get one.

      It's all fuzzy, I just know I randomly found DOD and then learned about the concept BJD. And only since last August have I been doing my research.
    20. What caught my eye first was a customised Pullip(by Sheryl's Designs, incase you're interested) I found when searching for Ville Valo on Flickr.
      It's all that pullips fault, I looked through the other albums and photographs on that site and had a Pullip want for a bit, before I started to really look into posable, customisable dolls, in an attempt to see if I could make my own Ville.
      That "research" lead me to proper BJDs and that lead me to do a marionette-style sculpture for my ceramics project, and whilst researching for that I found SOOM MD Cuprit, who I drew and became smitten with <3

      hee hee =3
      ~end mini essay~