1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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What was Your first Doll? - Pt.2

Oct 3, 2016

    1. Where did you get them from? How much were there? Fondest memories? Tell me anything and everything you want about your very first doll!
    2. Well my first ever actual resin bjd, were my mirodoll Lele, and Yaya. t was about 190 before shipping, got them directly from the shop i still need to restring them, and paint them but i do love them as is. and they can stand pretty well out of box.
    3. My first was an Angel of Dream Chen from JunkySpot, back when they focused more on resin than ABS/vinyl. He was in stock and had been made in July 2007, but I ordered him on April 2, 2008. He was $175 and $8 shipping, so $183 total. OH how I wish shipping was still that low!!

      I had sold off almost all of my Bratz and Barbies to be able to afford him. I ordered him a cheap silver wig from ebay, and some $2 acrylic eyes and a pair of boots, and made everything else for him. I was so broke and trying to survive on my own, I could barely afford anything to spare, so I did my own (terrible) faceup and made him some sock shirts. I had never seen a BJD in person before. He arrived about 20 minutes before I had to go to work, and I just held him and cried until I had to leave. XD I named him Amir. He was just perfect!

      Over time, I progressed a lot in my skills and eventually got him some much nicer stuff. My tastes have changed so much since then, but I still have him in a box in my closet. I consider him "retired" as he no longer fits within my crew, and he is severely yellowed with some damage (both caused by me not knowing a thing about resin or where to find info--long before YouTube, Tumblr or Instagram and before I knew DoA was a thing) but I just can't bring myself to sell him.

      My best advice on getting your first doll is this: Get the doll you love, even if it takes years to save for them. There is no greater feeling in this hobby than opening up the box of a doll you've adored for ages and finally got home. Likewise, there is no bigger disappointment than settling on a doll because it's cheaper or easier to obtain or someone else pressured you to get it instead, then opening it and instantly feeling buyers' remorse and resenting it. Love your doll, and do what you can to make it truly "yours" even if it takes a long time and your skills aren't very good at first. The doll is YOURS, not anyone else's, and you need to make it for YOU. This hobby is the most fun when you enjoy what you do. If you're in it to impress others, you're never going to be satisfied. Have fun!
      • x 5
    4. My first doll (or rather, head) is the one in my avatar. I was expecting the secondhand Migidoll Ell I bought to arrive first since I ordered them at the same time and hers was being made new, so I was surprised to see her box in the mail. She is a Island Doll Sparkle and to the best of my knowledge the only one on the forum. I could not find any owner pictures anywhere. This made me worry that she would be discontinued, so I jumped right into buying her. It was $114 with before shipping thank to getting her in dark tan. It's a shame that it will take me forever to save for the body I want, but I can wait.
    5. My first doll is the one shown in my avatar, a Volks SD10 Kun. Many years ago (*sighs*) my boyfriend and I were out on a date when he asked me very seriously if I wanted a very special piece of jewelry...or a BJD. I picked a BJD. :XD: He further surprised me by bringing me straight to the Volks USA store in Torrance back when they had a physical store. I originally wanted an MSD because they were cheaper, but seeing an unstrung doll without a face-up was very daunting to me because I have no talent for art or sewing. My boyfriend encouraged me to pick one of the standard SD10s as they already had a face-up, eyes, wig, and undergarments. I originally was going to go for a Megu but I think at the time it wasn't in stock. I saw a display doll that I really liked the look of (wig, outfit, socks, boots, etc). They had the doll in stock, so I got a mint in box Kun that I was allowed to look over. My boyfriend went ahead and got me the doll with the outfit with the socks and shoes that I liked on the display doll. In total, it was around $700-$800.

      We asked permission to dress the doll in the store with the help of the Volks employees as evidently we were newbs to the hobby. Honestly, it was a great bonding experience between the boyfriend and I, and I think it probably got him hooked onto the hobby as much as I was already. In the car, we discussed what to name her and finally decided to call her, "Marie". Crazy as it sounds, it felt like we were adopting a child together. The funniest part was arriving at his parents' place afterwards. His Mom asked us if we got "it" and when she saw the doll, she was crestfallen. She was hoping to see an engagement ring on me. :sweat The ring came a couple months later. :kitty1

      Best advice for your first doll is get something that you actually like instead of something you are settling for. On that note, I highly recommend getting one with a face-up, eyes, and a wig so when it arrives to you it looks closer to what you've seen online as well as giving the doll more "life" so to speak. It's a different feeling seeing a doll without a face-up and eyes versus one with a default face-up or custom face-up even if you plan on a totally different look for the doll. Also, be honest with yourself with your own talent regarding doing face-ups or sewing clothes. Practice (with appropriate masks, ventilation, and materials) face-ups on a practice BJD head (resin not vinyl nor porcelain) as depending on one's newbieness level the practice head could get damaged or stained beyond repair and you don't want that with your grail head. And it's nice to get clothes and shoes from established BJD brands or seamstresses just because the stitching and accessories are appropriately BJD size and will tend to fit better on the doll. Plus, it's easier to practice once you actually have a doll to model clothes and patterns for you.

      If you decide to get a second-hand doll as your first doll, just be prepared for the variety of conditions the doll may come in and do a proper price check to see if you are being overcharged. I've been lucky that I've purchased dolls that still have their original boxes, fullset outfits, default face-ups, eyes, and wigs, and usually being sold by their first owners (so pretty much amazing conditions). However, for certain grail dolls (limited editions, company went out of business, discontinued doll, etc), you will see quite a few that are modded, have experienced wear and tear, have yellowed compared to their newer counterparts, and/or the prices are extremely high compared to new dolls straight from the company. But...having a grail doll that you've been wanting for years is so satisfying even if you are the third, fourth, or umpteenth owner. I tend to lean towards the side of get a brand new doll straight from the company as your first doll and maybe for the second doll from the second-hand market. Price range for the dolls I've acquired are from about $441 (Yo-SD, straight from company) to about $1700 (SD13, second hand) with a grail doll I'm saving up for currently on the market for about $6000 (mint in box limited edition, only one left).:...( All are Volks so the prices may not reflect all doll companies. :sweat
      • x 3
    6. Its so cool seeing how all of you have gotten your first doll!! I can't wait until I eventually can get one of my one!
    7. Resinsoul Ju in blue resin! I recently sold her, got her in 2014 I think? I think she was about 180 in total with shipping. Got her straight from Resinsoul. I really loved her while I had her, but as I progress in the hobby I realize I prefer SD human dolls ^^ since I wasn't doing anything with her, even displaying her, I decided it was time for her to go where she would be appreciated more! I'm very happy she's with someone who loves her more now.

    8. AMEN!! That's it right there!! Drop the mic it's done
    9. My first doll was a Dream of Doll DoC U (or Yu, I think, they changed his name not to long ago), named Kazuki. He arrived December 10, 2007, and cost around $300 USD. I had been wanting a BJD for several years and got a part time job just to save up for one. I was soooo excited, I kept a photo from the website on me right up until he arrived!! I shook for the entire box opening, I might have cried too haha!! I brought him to school with me pretty much everyday after that; lucky I went to an art school so it wasn't too weird haha!!

      He's still with me, almost 10 years later ♡ I almost sold him once, but ended up keeping him and I don't regret a thing!! I still love him very much and I can't believe it's already been so long...
    10. My first doll is the one in my avatar.. She's a Soom Saiph.... since 2008 i had been admiring bids and this year i started collecting them (since i make my own money now lol)... i bought her second hand off of eBay (i didn't know what i was doing at the time.) and i had also purchased a Elfdoll Soah at the same time, i was expecting the elfdoll to arrive first but my saiph did... and I've been in love with her since.. every doll i get can't seem to hold a candle to her...
    11. My firsts were a AngelRegion Tanned Ren & a CustomHouse Zephyros! c: If I remember correctly, they were about $300-400 each. I bought Ren first technically. I'd never seen a tanned doll before and his sculpt was so pretty so logically, I went with my heart and said yes. The only rule my parents had was that I could not buy a second doll until my first arrived home, buuuuut I broke that the second I saw Zephyros' face. I just fell absolutely head over heels for him. "And he's limited, I can only get him now!" It was such a good excuse~! :whee:

      They both arrived in the same week too, weirdly enough. I can't remember who came first 'cause they were shipped to different locations that wasn't my home, but oh geez. They were so much fun! I did end up having a harder time bonding with my Ren so he only stayed with me a few months before he found a new home in Florida. My Zephyros stayed with me much, much longer. I just loved bringing him to school with me and along during errands. He was just amazing and I loved his character a ton too. But as he grew in my head, I thought I could a more fitting sculpt to reflect who his character was becoming. So, I sold him to fund a reshelling that never ended up happening. :(

      I definitely regret letting him go and I hope that maybe one day, another Zephyros will pop up on the marketplace and I can give them a new home even though they're not my Knowlt. It's just a sculpt that holds a very dear spot in my heart. <3
    12. My first doll was a Suzette by La Compagnie des Radis, I got her this year in April (but bought her last year in December). She's a limited edition doll (20) and I think I paid around 480€ for her ? But that was with shipping and her fullset clothes.
      I've been waiting for years before getting a BJD, because I wanted my first BJD to be one that I really liked more than the others. When I saw prototype pictures of Suzette, I knew that she would be my first bjd and she's still my favourite :3
    13. It's neat seeing where everyone got their first doll!
      I had other dolls before I found bjds, but my first resin doll was a Fairyland feeple60. I don't have her anymore but I loved her! I got her second hand and I definitely prefer the less wait time that way.
      I'm thinking about getting a with doll next!
    14. Its so much fun seeing everyone reminisce about their first doll and seeing how much love they have for that doll!!
    15. My first ball jointed doll was a second hand 2010 green Bobobie Ariel. The minute I saw them I fell in love. They had the saddest little face and the cutest ears. They were the perfect price and I knew that I had too have them. They arrived November 25th 2015 and I extremely excited after waiting for what felt like forever. The previous owner was kind enough to send them with some extras. I made pretty much all their clothes and even their wig! I take them with me pretty much everywhere as it's very comforting to have them around. I don't think I could ever get rid of them, They mean to much to me.
    16. I got my girl a month or so ago, she's a Cerisedolls Ellana in dark tan. Even though I just got her she is my very first doll :whee: The wait was half a year so it feels like I've had her for a while...
    17. I got my first Bjd around a month ago too, before that I had some kikipops, pullips and licca dolls. Momoni was my first ever bjd and I love her so much, can't take my eyes off it.
    18. My first bjd was an impldoll gela!! I love her so much! I got her for around $200 for the full set including shipping.
    19. I'm currently in the process of getting my first BJD and I am so excited. She is a ResinSoul Bei.
      I'm not sure if that exactly fits the discussion but that will be my first doll. She was $120 (including shipping).
      #19 thenewmaid, Oct 4, 2016
      Last edited: Oct 14, 2016
    20. That totally fits this discussion and I'm super excited for you!!!!!