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What worries you the least about your dolls?

Sep 16, 2019

    1. What worries you the least about your dolls? People worry a lot when it comes to BJD's. Sometimes you see the worries and think; 'I wouldn't think that is so bad, if it happened to my doll."

      For example: I don't worry about my dolls turning yellow, I think a yellowed doll shows age and reminds me of how many fun times I had with the doll. I also don't worry about the faceups or body blushings rubbing off, dolls can be repainted. I don't worry about them getting wet or dirty, because I can clean them and dry them off.

      What don't you worry about, that other people seem to worry about?
      #1 RabbidBunnies, Sep 16, 2019
      Last edited: Sep 16, 2019
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    2. Ah, that's an interesting question. I'm generally a worry wart of a person. Hehe. Part of why I like BJDs is that I feel free to worry over them and it's considered quite normal. :lol:

      That said, hmmm....I think I don't worry very much about the the posing ability of a doll. I am really patient when I pose my dolls and I can be satisfied to sit and fiddle with them minutely for ages until they get into the pose I want. I've gotten many dolls to stand this way that it's common wisdom are dolls that don't stand. Hehe.
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    3. Something I don't worry about too much is seam lines. I just figure that a majority of my dolls wear clothes that completely cover their bodies anyway and they won't be noticeable.

      Another thing is yellowing. I might mention it about certain dolls that I own but it doesn't bother me that much.
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    4. I also don't worry about yellowing! Though I worry even less about body matching over-all. I have a couple of hybrids where the resin is *ever so slightly* mismatched and it doesn't bug me at all...though I know it'd annoy many. I'm just happy having bodies that work with my crew.
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    5. I don't worry about touching faceups. When it wears down I'll just fix it myself or send it out to get redone by an artist I love.
      Yellowing isn't a huge concern to me, though I admit I'll be a little upset if its uneven in an area thats hard to camouflage
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    6. I don't worry about yellowing either. I also play with my dolls a lot so I'm not worried about a little dirt smudge on their arms, hands or legs or staining under clothing, though I have found magic eraser is almost a cure all for that problem.
      I also don't worry about the resale price for my dolls because I do play with them. I don't want to sell many of them anyway.
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    7. Staining on parts of the head that are always covered by a wig or body parts that are always clothed doesn’t bother me. My dolls don’t tend to sit around bald and naked so I don’t see anything bad about it.
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    8. I don't worry about regret. I buy dolls I think I'll like, or think will work for something I have in mind... and if they don't work out, I don't get stressed about it.
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    9. I don’t regret the dolls I’ve bought. I don’t plan on selling any of them so I am not worried about the resale price. The other thing that doesnt super bother me is resin matching on hybrids I just like it to be on the side of close enough and thats okay for me :kitty1
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    10. Seconding seamlines, I never really got the fuss and why some people REALLY go out of their way to complain about them or entirely avoid companies because they don't send out their dolls completely buffed. Maybe it's because I have so many tan dolls and started buying them long ago, back then gnarly seamlines were just the norm :lol:
      But my dolls are constantly dressed, so maybe that's the reason why I don't care.
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    11. I don't worry about body blushing or faceups chipping. I did them myself anyway; if I redo them, they'll just come out better for the practice.
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    12. What anyone else thinks. Don't care. It's great when people like them but if people don't like them... oh well, that's nice? I like them.
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    13. I don't care too much about following a certain aesthetic in my collection. Since I don't write stories, each doll can be their own thing and I don't worry about how they look next to each other. If I see a sculpt and I'm able to afford it, I'll buy it!
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    14. Another one who doesn't give a fig about yellowing or potential consequences of playing with dolls. Why would I spend money on something I think looks amazing and then keep it hidden away in the dark or in a box for fear of yellowing? They're not tiny resin vampires that burn up with the first hint of sunlight.

      Resin is sturdier than many may think. Dress that doll up. Pose it and play with it. Don't be afraid of restringing even if you need to hold the doll between your knees to get that one tricky bit done. BJDs aren't really investments to protect and keep perfect in the hopes you can make an absolute mint off it in the future. That kind of thinking is limiting.
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    15. I don't worry anymore about my dolls having intriguing backstories, I bought most of them because I like their aesthetics and they slightly resemble the kind of character I have in mind. Like my SD16 girl is supposed to be a grown-up Ayanami Rei.
      In the beginning of this hobby I was trying to make up interesting backstories for my dolls since I enjoy reading other peoples backstories. But I figured that it's just not that important to me in the long run!
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    16. .
      #16 Gintsumi, Sep 16, 2019
      Last edited: Feb 29, 2024
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    17. I honestly agree with so many of these! I'm not worried about playing with my dolls because if their faceups or body blushing comes off I can just redo it. (and probably do it better everytime I try)
      I'm not worried about them yellowing, because one day after I'm old and grey they will yellow anyway, and I'll love them all the same. I'm not worried about them getting a little "beat up" From play, because I don't think I could ever sell them anyway.(I'm a bit too sentimental for that)
      My dolls are light brown and I have no care in the world about seam lines. I didn't even know it was a thing to fuss over in the beginning.
      I guess... I just am happy with my little creations and expressing myself. I love them and don't want to be afraid to enjoy them, because then all that money would just be a waste. :kitty2<3
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    18. It doesn’t bother me one bit that most of my dolls are blank. Just one less thing to stress over. I also don’t care if they yellow. It’s inevitable and I’m going to enjoy having them out. Oh, that reminds me, I also don’t worry about staining from clothing or wigs as my dolls remain dressed in the same outfit for years.
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    19. I’m not too concerned yellowing either. I think as long as its even. It’s going to happen no matter what I do so I feel like I should just do what I can to take care of my dolls and accept what happens. :)
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    20. I don't care about yellowing. One of my girls is VERY very yellowed from her OG colors but it looks like skin tone still. I just have to be careful about camera settings cause if I'm not, she'll look jaundiced (and it's just my camera. In normal lighting she looks fine, just a bit more "real" than my other dolls)

      My first Resin BJD, Avalon (My RS Song) is their 2012 batch of resin. He's mellowed over the years but not yellowed harshly. Compare him to my newer RS Summer who I got last year and my Summer is a LOT pinker than Avalon.

      I also know for a fact my Isabella is on the older side since when I ordered her from Junkyspot they hadn't had an order from Bobobie in nearly 2 years. She was a little less "stark paper white" and more "heavy cream" colored.

      And sillier, since some people kept bringing it up around them once upon a time ;) I don't worry about my dolls being haunted or coming to life at night. They know if they did, they'd have to sew their OWN clothes dangit!
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