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What's the most unusual doll prop you've made or bought?

May 18, 2024

    1. I'm new to the BJD hobby and DoA, but my husband's multi-decade long hobby is running a historical swordplay school, and teaching historical swordplay. Perhaps unsurprisingly, he would love to see more historical weapons for BJDs to use as props. I've told him he's more than welcome to design and print me a pile of historically accurate weapons on our 3D printer for my dolls, lol.

      But that got me curious...

      What's the most unusual prop you've acquired or made yourself for your dolls?
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    2. I suppose the ones I have aren't odd, typical fantasy fare of bows, magical rods. I also have some traditional Japanese items like an umbrella, fan, paper lantern. I also have props for Halloween.
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    3. Those sound really awesome, even if they're more common! I'd love to add some Halloween props myself, do you have a whole Halloween setup, or is it just whatever fits the fantasy vibe in general?

      I had to think about what unusual thing I'd want to make potentially, and it would probably be early 20th century medical equipment. Like if I ever set up a kind of apocalyptic steampunk dystopian doll set for a photo shoot.
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    4. Same, nothing odd, just maybe odd that i decided to make them instead of buy them or something? I’ve made a bunch of mini binded books, and little apothecary/potion jars. I made & printed a martini glass once :XD: that might be the weirdest in its mundanity
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    5. Honestly, I can see it with the martini glass, especially if paying for it might seem kind of like a waste if you're not doing a lot of photo shoots with it. I'd probably do the same thing, especially if I was already doing other prints.
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    6. Hmm for made myself or had the S.O. use 3D printer to make I would say so far the most uncommon things have been Ryvik's tricorder, type-two phaser and com badge as Star Trek props feel a little unique for BJD items. Next on the out the list we are thinking about seeing if we can take an action figure scale throne from He-Man and make it 1/3rd size without it being too big for our 3D printer. Look Skeletor has a cool throne and I need it in doll size. XD
      #6 Tippetarius, May 18, 2024
      Last edited: May 18, 2024
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    7. If you ever print Skeletor's throne, I hope you'll post photos on DoA for all of us to see. That sounds epic!
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    8. Will do, I mean Keldor does need a cool place to sit other then by all my pop figures from He-Man. >.>
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    9. I would love to see the props if you make them :3nodding: I‘m not sure if these are unusual, but last year I made a Horse for my MSDs and I recently bought a wheelchair for one of my boys! I also made an IV Stand and IV bag :]
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    10. I am a huge fan of masks, and helmets. I thought when I got my 1:6 action figures I would own a million different gasmasks and helmets, but so far, I only own one single gasmask and no helmets to speak of. Because BJD are so huge, or at least the first few I got for myself a lifetime ago, I never thought I would own any prop for them of those kinds. Because larger "scales' are not that popular unless they are static statues so, there's very little to no props to speak of (outside of this niche hobby, where scale are not really something in the likes of how they are used by bjd-collectors), and scary or military things don't seem to be that popular and I'm zero percent interested in s3xual type things (funny how anything can be when it comes to these dolls, more so when it comes to anything that could lean to masks of any sort), I've never seen anything that interests me that is actually made as an actual prop for BJD (yup, I'm a boring old weirdo!).

      However, my BFF made one for me based on Silent Hill 2 (Red) Pyramid (Thing) Head helmet for my 67cm BJD and a Bogeyman helmet (SH: Homecoming) for my tinier 40cm dude. I also made a horror-ghost mask for my 67cm doll, and a Psycho Mantis gasmask for my 40cm guy. I also attempted to make a partial cyborg jaw for my custom (MGSR) Raiden. I'm thinking the 1:6 action figure military props might work for my newest 28cm mature tiny male BJD, but his giant head might be an issue if I want anything that would go on his head. His face is tiny, but he has a giant cranium. I might still try my 1:6 gasmask on him, if I ever remember where I store that...or maybe this is an excuse to finally get more of those! lol! (:
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    11. Wow that sounds epic! I just bought a wheelchair for mine aswell, i also have a hospital bed and multiple props! I made tiny pills as a prop haha!
      Can you pleeease show me the IV stand and bag you made (and how you made it omg)? id LOVE to see! Wanting to have a seperate one, the one i have came with the bed!
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    12. This thread is reminding me of all the props I'd like such as a combination gas mask and plague doctor mask for Korone that wouldn't fuck up her beautiful faceup, a Scarecrow mask and maybe a few fear toxin syringes for Jonathan, a few ballet barres for my ballet crew, the list is long and arduous.
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    13. @Haven_Of_Dolls336 I feel the pain about masks and other face-related props, I've heard too many stories about damaging faceups with glasses.
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    14. Oh I have a guy with glasses and yeah his faceup is scratched with small dots but it's a vital enough accessory that I pretend I don't see it
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    15. I own many doll props but I don't really know which ones are unusual. Maybe the small skulls I made for one of my dolls' custo? Or the whip I bought for a doll I no longer own? I also made a gasmask for a doll I sold years ago:

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    16. I think most of my props are pretty normal and boring, even though I have a lot of them.

      The one thing I went specifically searching for was a skateboard that could suit one of my SD dolls. Most are ether too small or too large for a doll that size. When I found one the right size I had to repaint it. It suits him perfectly now, and he can even balance on it well enough for me to get photographs of him riding it.

      [​IMG]100_1163 by Rabbid Bunnies, on Flickr
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    17. I made a 1/3-scale set of oven mitts for Crane... You can't have a proper set of "cookie baking" props without mitts, and Crane is ALL ABOUT his kitchen gear.
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    18. I have made or purchased all sorts of things, from miscellaneous garbage (if one of your dolls is a massive slob, empty food/medicine packaging and dirty dishes count as crucial props) to food, records, magazines, electronics, kitchen supplies, musical instruments, taboo paraphernalia, toiletries, toys...

      Among my luckiest finds were two plastic helmets that were part of commemorative hockey doodads, and once ripped off their bases were the perfect size for my 1/3 dolls, and a small radio made to look like an antique record player.

      But my weirdest prop, that had me giggling the entire time I made it? A graphic nude 'painting' in a gilt frame with velvet presentation curtains. :XD:
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    19. Oh the bed is awesome! I‘ve been thinking about getting it too for a while honestly

      I used a soldering iron to cut the IV bag out of a ziplock bag (it automatically fused the seams together) and filled it with UV resin. It was very easy and looks a bit crappy, but it works haha. For the stand I used balsa wood, a wooden stick and some aluminum wire ^^

      I can show you for sure! I don’t know of my explanation is very good xD. If you could message me on instagram that would be great! (@/kakaoteee) I don’t have my laptop right now, so I can’t upload the images here. :atremblin
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    20. I don't have many props at all (besides the usual stuff like a laptop or a camera), but my weirdest is definitely the Eyes of Agamotto (one opened and one closed)I commissioned from a local 3d design store last year for my Doctor Strange. When they arrived, I wasn't sure they would look okay in the Cloak because the golden they had used was a bit more greener than it looked in the pictures, but under natural light they look perfect.
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