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What's your favorite etsy shop?

Oct 30, 2016

    1. If not aloud here or thread has already been made please delete

      What's your favorite etsy shop and why? I have a few shops that I like. I usually go for cute stuff that's fairy kei or lolita related.

      1. Ferriedoll her dresses are so cute I can't wait to buy dresses and tight from her
      2. Cyristine creations Her work is just so cute I can't stand it! a lot of pastel colors
      3. Guppykiss If your into some pastel goth stuff this store is really nice.
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    2. I like to buy my doll's wigs from an Etsy shop called "ResinMelody" (The owner goes by "Tiarah" here on the forums) I've had only good experiences buying from her, and the quality of her wigs is fantastic!
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    3. I've only ever bought from MonstroDesigns (just because I only got my first doll earlier this year) but her clothing is more on the affordable side and is still really awesome quality~ I've ordered a sunflower shirt/skirt outfit from her and I can't wait for it to arrive!
    4. Wow! Thank you for letting me know about all those shops! I've recently bought a pair of beautiful shoes from Flower Zero (but the package is still on its way home)!
    5. What a great thread this is. I'm currently looking around for nice clothes and some of the clothes in the links here are beautiful. It's also reassuring to know members have used these vendors and been happy. @Twinklepistol the FeeriedollAtelier clothing is gorgeous, I'm very tempted by the 'Cats and witches' dress. Guppykisses have some superb shirts, just right for my little gothy punk girl.
    6. Raven666 (Bazikotek) - really cool and beautiful jewelry for BJDs and other dolls. Fabulous work and so perfectly scaled!

      Ashley Shell - pretty and well made custom "Made-to-order" clothes.

      - awesome BJD clothes and stockings in lolita style.
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    7. Do you guys happen to know someone who can sew a dress for my doll?
    8. RIGHT!? I love FeeriedollAtelier, I really want to buy the "Bones lolita dress". I don't now what size I want to get them in though. I've bought some clothes Guppykisses for my minifee and they look cute as heck on her! I still need to get her some new eyes.


      There are two etsy stores that I know of. But I don't know if there taking commissions right now. There's Nihil's Atelier she would make handmade lolita dresses. I bought one dress for her and I love it! My doll still wears it. She hasn't made anything for her etsy shop for awhile I would say contact her if you like her work. There's deisdollhouse she also takes custom orders but she has them closed for now. You could ask her when she will be opened. Then there's ATSlalaland I've never bought from them before their feedback is good so it's worth checking out. They also take custom orders. I'm going to post some pics from each store. I hope that's alright?

      Nihil's Atelier - This is the dress I got from her


      Deisdollhouse - This was one of the dresses she sold. She has one item up in her shop.

      At's Lalaland - I think some of her work looks cute. I would say check them out.
      #10 Twinklepistol, Oct 30, 2016
      Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2016
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    9. there's a ton of etsy shops I love but they're in America, so that means massive customs fees for me in the UK, unless the order totals less than £15 (inc postage!) So I avoid the American shops and buy from Asia, as often there's no customs on a small parcel from Asia. So far I've had lovely YOSD and Blythe/midi Blythe clothes (which fit slim dollzone tinies among others) from these 2 shops:
      by poinsettia04
      La-Princesa by yukijiro

      just noticed that yukijiro who I linked to does accept custom orders - she is really lovely to deal with - very good communication
    10. Thank you guys! I'm gonna send a pm to Yukijiro and Nihils to see if they can help me for the dress I want <3
    11. I like: Nubanded for tiny clothes - so cute and very reasonably priced
      BlackCarouselBJD -very well made clothes - well worth the wait time
      KawkanaSTYLE - a nice variety of styles and sizes
      wimukt - if you have a slim MSD - beautiful clothes
      There are so many more thatI really like also!
      And to @elve I recently found an etsy shop in the UK called DebiDooDoll that sells nice clothes
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    12. I buy from many different hops, but these are my favorites:

      Dollheimr- Casual clothing and custom prints. I had them make me a custom tshirt for my boy, and the communication was amazing, and the shirt is one of the highest quality doll shirt I own.

      Karapisdiza- Cute casual clothing for Minifee, lots of stocking. Excellent service and they always include extras in my orders.

      TTYAcom - very high quality casual wear. I especially love the detail in their jeans, and they carry a good variety of sizes

      DorsetClothing - fast shipping, good prices, lots of prints and professional quality tshirts

      DollProject- Usually doesn't offer complete outfits, but they do offer dress kits for small dolls. I've gotten these kits for my Asleep Eidolon 16cm and my DollZone BB, as well as my off topic AiDoll. They're pre-printed on knit fabric, all you do is cut them out and hand sew them. They come with instructions that are easy to follow even for beginners. For around $10-15, you get the fabric for two dresses, a pair of socks and a toy and the snaps, all you need is needle, thread and a little bit of stuffing for the toy. I am well on my way to purchasing every design they offer!

      And I like FeerieDoll and Nubanded too, who have already been mentioned.
    14. wow those clothing kits are adorable! Cheap enough to avoid UK customs too ^_^ Now I just need to buy some tinies to wear them :whee:
    15. There are a lot of shops I love browsing but haven't ordered from yet... and one shop I've made a couple of orders from!

      Starrshine Designs
      is where I go to clothe my slim mini guy-- He has a couple things that either I've made or found elsewhere, but his most-worn pants and top are both from this shop. Like, it's easy to find things for slim mini girls, it's easy to find things for standard MSDs, but slim mini boys are just harder to shop for... As much as I love just leaving him in the outfit I already got for him, there's some other stuff I need to go back and buy for him when I've got room in my budget for doll clothes, just because I think it's all so cute. Plus, every so often new/different stuff rotates in, so like... hard to resist.

      I'll need to start looking at more things for Yo-SD and Tiny dolls, though, so I'm into all these recommendations (I'm into the ones that wouldn't even suit or fit any of my dolls, if I'm honest-- it just makes me want to buy more dolls who would wear those clothes!).
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    16. haha me too :XD: my first purchase from Yukijiro was a dress I couldn't resist, although I had no YOSD size dolls at the time! I'm not really keen on tinies, but I then amassed a sizeable gang of them to wear clothes I fell in love with! But after a few years sold all my tinies - and was decluttering all my doll stuff too. Got all the YOSD size clothing to list on ebay.... awww but it's so CUTE :love and yet again I fell in love with the clothes and having sold all my tinies I BOUGHT ANOTHER ONE - just to wear my collection of little cute dresses :doh I won't buy any more dolls that size, so Keisha (off-topic hujoo rose - cheapest 'clothes horse' I could find) has an impressive wardrobe compared to my big dolls!
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    17. This is a tricky question as there are several shops I like however my chosen top three are:-

      1. cyristinecreations - kawaii/fairy kei pastel clothing that is made to a very good quality standard.
      2. ChocolateTsang - a wonderful range of BJD items but in particular this shop has some lovely BJD eyes at really affordable prices
      3. CustomCritterDesigns - this seller makes some awesomely funky fur wigs that are super soft, affordable and of great quality.