1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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What's your favourite time of year for dolls?

Feb 24, 2023

    1. Anything that has more hours of daylight than now I think. There's just not enough light in the day to take photos or paint faces or just look at my dolls properly :lol: I always prefer natural light as the overheads cast nasty shadows and desk lamps are too dim for a lot of doll-related things. I think maybe springtime is the best, too early to get sweat on dolls accidentally, all the pre-orders from the dark wintertime arriving... pure happy doll time.
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    2. Late spring and early autumn. Lots of light for faceups and photography.
    3. Winter. I’m stuck inside more and I don’t have to worry about lots of sunlight yellowing the resin
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    4. Late December/early January. I just love all of the end of year wrap up things that everyone does. Comparing what you wanted to do at the start of the year with what you've actually done. And then setting goals for the new year and feeling all fresh and excited about it. It's also nice to get back to quiet hobby time with my dolls after the exhaustion and craziness of Christmas - I really appreciate my silent little companions at that time!
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    5. I love autumn. Always have. There's a kind of magic and energy in the air right around school starts and up til Thanksgiving.
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    6. I like spring and autumn time of the year. Not so warm outside to take photos, not so cold like in winter. And in winter is already too dark for photography. And all these autumn vibes, warm scarfs..cup of dolls tea, nice backgrounds.
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    7. Spring is the BEST. Where I live the wildflowers are stunning in spring so I love to take advantage of outdoor doll photography during that time. Winter just doesn't do it for me when it comes to outside photoshoots unless I'm specifically seeking that vibe. Oh and I love autumn too!
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    8. When-ever I actually have time to do anything with them? :lol:

      I can't honestly say that I have a particular favorite season or holiday when it comes to the gang. I'm a very opportunistic, "play with them when I get the chance" type of owner. If that's in the middle of winter? Cool. If it's July 4th? Also good. But then, I'm just a collector. My dolls are one hobby among several, rather than a full-time ~LIFESTYLE~ like they seem to be for some owners, so I'm less focused on them generally when other things have my attention, like the garden or my book horde.
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    9. I personally love spring and fall, both for the aesthetics for photoshoots and for the reasonable temperatures/humidity so I can spray MSC. There's something so fun and fresh about taking dolls outside for a photoshoot for the first time in the spring, it's a great way to enjoy the nice weather!
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    10. I have a preference for winter when it comes to doll photography and doll outings because there’s enough light without the harsh UV. Where I live the UV rays are horrid and your skin can feel like it’s burning in the summer (even if you aren’t pale/can tan), and this is from May to October. Taking my dolls out during this time is a big no-no, so times when there’s cool air and plenty of clouds is necessary.
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    11. Spring is my favorite! Perfect weather for photos and there's lots of flowers for pretty backdrops!
      I'm fond of summer too, though, mostly because the renaissance fair comes through then, and any doll I bring is always well received there.
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    12. Halloween...
      I really like doing the October photo challenges, dressing my dolls up spooky and making scary pictures, or even a small scary comic. It's fun to come up with ideas and get an interesting picture everyday. My dolls aren't horror themed so it's fun to put them into that eerie mode one month out of the year.
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    13. spring!! it's warm but not too unbearably hot, and the excitement for foliage really motivates me to photograph and do stuff with my dolls. autumn is sweet also, cute outdoor photos with jackets <3
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    14. Fall, it’s nice and cool and beautiful, I can get out more, it’s just pretty, there is so much room for themes that I can even replicate in my own home as getting out can be a bit hard since I am disabled<3
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    15. Since I'm a cold weather team person I prefer fall and winter and of course the spooky season since I'm a gothic girl and my dolls are kinda my gothic babies. However, I like any season because I can create different outfits for them. I'm a fashio victim talking about dolls.
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    16. I'd say probably any big holidays that have a lot of themed clothing and decorations available, because it always makes me feel really inspired to dress my dolls up and take pictures, especially around christmas and Halloween in particular!
      Idk why but something about dressing them up for holidays feels really special, like the doll is a part of the family in a way almost, or it makes them feel more integrated into your life? Which isn't as possible in daily life and play.

      Mid-spring, as well as late-summer/early autumn, are also really nice because the temperature is warm enough to go out for pictures and not freeze your fingers off, but not so warm that you'll sweat buckets lugging camera and doll around. Plus the scenery is pretty nice around then too!