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When does 1 more become too many?

Feb 4, 2010

    1. I decided to be brave tonight, and ask a general doll question c: I promised , I tried to search the forums to see if there was anything like this ^^; If there was i'm real sorry about missing it!

      Lots of people of have a great amount of dolls here!
      So I was wondering if any of you ever ran into this issue!
      I usually find myself lost when it comes to having more than one expensive possesion, such as dolls. As soon as a I get two, I can't devide my attention towards the both of them and one is usually left neglected! It's worse when I have more than 3, than i get overwhelmed and neglect them all. It's a horrible habit of mine I hope to break, so i was wondering how you guys dealt with caring for or dealing with more than one doll. (sorry for my poo english)

      Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?
      Do you find it fustrating to care for many dolls?
      How do you devide your time with your dolls?
      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?
      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?
    2. Hi there, let me start by stating I currently have 8 dolls with 1 on the way :D

      Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?
      Yes, my first doll, Mattimeo, will always be my favourite. He's the one I'm not afraid to experiment with because I'm never going to get rid of him. And I have the strongest bond with him simply because he is my first.

      Do you find it fustrating to care for many dolls?
      Yes. I can never find enough shoes or coats for everyone. Only Mattimeo has proper outdoor wear, but I'm working on it.

      How do you devide your time with your dolls?
      Actually, part of the reason that I have as many dolls as I do is so that they can keep each other company. Although, the other day Valeri looked a bit glum, so I took him over to a friend's house and that seemed to cheer him right up.

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?
      Sometimes. But then I feel guilty and I change their outfit and take some photos and they tend to gain some nice new life. Sometimes they get new face-up or body blushing, but that's far more rare.

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?
      Sell them. I used to have twice as many dolls and that was just too many to deal with. The dolls I still have are all family, so that helps the bonding process a lot.

      I hope this all helps,
      <3 Ace
    3. Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?
      Yes, it always happen to me when I have more than 1 doll.

      Do you find it fustrating to care for many dolls?
      Yes, when it comes to too many, some may got no clothes and it's very frustrating.
      (Well I like their body, I don't mind seeing them naked...but the meaning of them having no clothes to wear/choose not to wear clothes is totally different)
      I feel quite sorry for them and the expense is just too large, to keep every doll I like. So I decided to sell all but keeping the favorite one.

      How do you devide your time with your dolls?
      I spend most of the time with the favorite one or two.

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?
      Yes right now I'm attracted too deep by BJD and neglecting all of my other dolls. xD

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?
      I may try to give them a new faceup or new style. If I can't bond with them after doing that, I will sell them. I think giving them a new home is better than just sitting here and collecting dust.
    4. Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?
      Not particularly; each doll has differences and I like to appreciate each of their differences ^_^ Perhaps my DG Noella, Lily, will always have the most special place, since she was my first doll ^_^ I think this is common for a lot of people ^^

      Do you find it fustrating to care for many dolls?
      I have two and a half dolls at the moment. I don't enjoy having dolls lying around without proper clothing, eyes or wigs... I think my collection will grow very very slowly. It took me almost one and a half years to get my first doll "together" to a state I really like... *_* I can't deal with too many dolls at once, I don't think. It's definitely a case of getting them to a stage, and then moving on.

      How do you devide your time with your dolls?
      I play with one, then swap, play with another a different day ^^ I play with them individually and play with them all together. I've found it works out fine ^^

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?
      Hm, no, I don't think so?

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?
      Luckily I have not had this occur... if it did, I would try different combinations of eyes and wigs, face-ups, clothing... I've taken Lily to a convention or two before, and to friend's houses and meets, and I find that can help... just getting used to the doll, their particular weight, their idiosyncrasies... really helps to get down on the floor and play with them!
    5. Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?
      :lol: Yes, usually whoever I choose to play with becomes my favourite for a while. Although Rupert is my favourite boy by virtue of being my only boy!

      Do you find it fustrating to care for many dolls?
      Yes, more than five gets stressful for me to care for or play with or even organise.

      How do you divide your time with your dolls?
      I have one SD-sized doll, two MSD-sized dolls and one Yo. I split my time fairly equally between them all, I don't tend to mix sizes. I tend to spend more time with the ones that aren't completed, buying new clothes, shoes, wigs, eyes for them.

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?
      I bougth a Dal to customise thinking I may like collecting those dolls too, but turns out I'm a BJD gal through and through. I'm not tired of my dolls, but sometimes I like to admire them on the shelf rather than play. I don't think of it as getting tired of them.

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?
      I sell them or trade them. I feel bad if it doesn't work out, but I also think it's a waste of money and an opportunity if I don't pass on dolls if they don't work out with me. They might work out better with someone else instead :)
    6. I now have 3 dollls with 4 more on their way and I have the same problem as you do xD

      Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?
      The newest one is the favorite, and after that its whoever I decide to "play" with, but it changes a lot xP

      Do you find it fustrating to care for many dolls?
      Not really.... I like to have many different ones as I have more choice =D

      How do you devide your time with your dolls?
      I did not find that out yet XP
      I have some things to to before I can really decide that =P

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?
      Not really, right now I neglect them all, or I try to do things for all of them at the same time xP

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?
      The only one it did that for me I just changed her completely and it worked =D
      The character she was before is now coming home as a new one ;3
    7. Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?

      No. Usually the favorites captivate me for some reason, but that may change over time.

      Do you find it fustrating to care for many dolls?

      Quite the opposite. I find it more interesting, specially as they characters interact and create a story for me to pose them in different ways.

      How do you devide your time with your dolls?

      When the sun is less intense, I put both of them on the living room with me, and I play or care for them alternately.

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?

      If this counts, I got sick of my PS2 pretty fast, but I still play it ocasionally.

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?

      I don't buy them.
    8. Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?
      It's not that clear cut. I tend to cycle through the group depending on what I'm working on/who I'm in the mood to spend time with. I do have a couple that I'm particularly bonded to, but I really do love everybody. Often I enjoy different dolls in different ways--some are very cuddly, some I write about a lot, some I like to sew for etc.

      Do you find it fustrating to care for many dolls?
      No, I mean, dolls are really pretty easy, really.

      How do you devide your time with your dolls?
      Like I said above, I switch off depending on where my fancy takes me.

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?
      No, I don't find any of my dolls tiring. It's normal to want to spend more time for awhile with a new doll. However, I soon find myself going back and playing with the other guys.

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?
      That's never happened to me. I do bond with them--often if there are any issues it means I just need to go back and work on their characters and/or make sure that the wig and eyes they are wearing are right for them.
    9. Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?
      Yes. :sweat I'm guilty of playing favorites. My F-18 is my favorite.

      Do you find it frustrating to care for many dolls?
      Yes, which is why I won't have more than two at a time.

      How do you divide your time with your dolls?
      It's easier to just play with as many of them together as possible instead of actually dividing time, combine time! :)

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?
      To some degree, yes. And I consider that normal. If BJDs were my only obsession and I spent all my free time everyday playing with them I'd be worried for my mental health. :sweat I like doing other things too, like playing computer games every once in awhile, I like to read a lot, play with my dogs and just over all do other things too.

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?
      I sell them, plain and simple. No use having them just sitting around collecting dust, I'd rather have the money in my pocket for something else if we aren't bonding.

      For me, one too many is five. Though whenever possible I like to keep just two, as it's easier to manage. But I know I won't be able to handle more than four.
    10. Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?

      No, each of my dolls is unique to me and I like them all.

      Do you find it frustrating to care for many dolls?

      No, they're not hard to take care of; mostly they just sit around and look beautiful.

      How do you divide your time with your dolls?

      I don't think about that; I just play with the one that takes my fancy at the moment.

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?

      No, I like the old ones just as much as the new ones.

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?

      I set them free to go live with someone else, usually in the DOA marketplace.
    11. Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?
      Yes, whoever I am making things for will be my current favorite.

      Do you find it fustrating to care for many dolls?
      No, they each have their own space and things.

      How do you divide your time with your dolls?
      By what I wish to sew or make that day.

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?
      No, they always inspire me to try new things.

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?
      I give them away or sell them.
    12. Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?

      I tend to lean more heavily towards certain dolls but I make sure I give them all love.

      Do you find it frustrating to care for many dolls?

      No. I have seven of them currently and plan on bringing probably another four home this year. I love to be surrounded by them. Its a little stressful on my pocketbook when all of them need something but I do it anyway. :3

      How do you divide your time with your dolls?

      I usually spoil one for a time then spoil another and so on. If I feel I haven't given one enough time I buy them something or take them somewhere with me, or do a nice photoshoot.

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?

      I love my new dolls as much as my old dolls. But sometimes my writing, art, or video games distracts me a little from giving them as much love as I usually do.

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?

      I've only had bonding issues with one doll, my Blue skin BBB Weylin, but I'm currently in the process of getting him a proper wig and giving him and new face-up and nice new clothes. So I'm going to try everything I can to bond and if I can't, I suppose I'll have to try to find him a new home that's better suited for him.
    13. Just for the record - at the moment I have four BJDs living with me :aheartbea

      Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?
      Yes, I'm guilty in doing that. My fav is probably my first doll, Hermine (MW Junior). She means a lot to me, but I'm also really fond of Ella, but that is probably because she is my only MSD.

      Do you find it fustrating to care for many dolls?
      Yes, I do. I get easily overwhelmed, and I think right now it helps a lot that my dolls live different places. I have other dolls than BJDs and they all live at my parents house. Two of my BJDs (my favourites actually!) is at my sisters place, while my two newest dolls is living with me in my apartment. That helps - I think I would have been very overwhelmed if they were all living with me. I wonder what will happen when they all move in with me.... My pukifee has by far the most outfits just because it is easy for me to find cute clothes for her.

      How do you devide your time with your dolls?
      Because of their living arrangements at the moment, that is easy for me. They get attention from me when I am were they are. But when I had all my dolls with me I usually didn't divide my time equally amongst them. I sew or take their pictures whenever I felt like it. My favs do get more attention, though. But I can't help that really ;)

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?
      Well, that would have to be my pullips. Sometimes I am in a pullip-y mood and then my BJDs will get neglected over them. That happens rarely though. But when it comes to dolls it is a hobby, and I tend to move in waves with my hobbies. I wouldn't sell them necessarily, but sometimes I don't have the time or energy to use on them. Give it a month or two and I'm back in the game. I think that is only natural - after all, it is only a hobby and sometimes other things in life is just more important.

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?
      If I don't bond with them I'll sell them. Of course!
    14. I have three dolls, with one on the way. I'm guilty of the I-want-that complex, (you see a new doll an immediately want to buy more dolls) but I'm happy and have paid attention to my three. I spoil my first one, a 27cm obitsu, and my third one, a 60cm bobobie Ai. My 27cm bobobie March is a bit neglected right now, but I plan on making her soe clothes in the near future and setting her up in a little corner of my room. After I get my Bobobie boy Mu in, I won't get any more dolls, as four is enough for me! (however, I just know I'll get another one eventually)
    15. Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?
      Absolutely, and they know it too. Sometimes my attention will be focused on one doll for a while, but its never been a secret who the all time favourite is.

      Do you find it frustrating to care for many dolls?
      Not really. At the moment, I have 4 full dolls, will be getting a tiny (a narsha, so on the larger end), and am thinking about a head which would eventually become my second SD. Only frustrating issues I come across are space, travel, and who to take to meet ups. I live in a pretty small dorm room, so my space is limited, though I do have one shelf reserved for my crew. Every summer I travel to and from Miami and NYC (home and school), so how to take them with me is a challenge. And meets up I'm just silly about and don't like to leave anyone behind, haha

      How do you divide your time with your dolls?
      Usually depends on who is the newest or just got the most recent wig, clothes, eyes, etc. I take turns doting on one, and then it switches. With the ones I'm not playing with, I try to give them attention by posing them together so they are "interacting" with each other and aren't just sitting around looking bored.
      Other times I will do small photostories for friends, and that usually involves 2 or more dolls.

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?
      Not really no. I don't own any other dolls- most dolls freak me out actually- and the only other toys I have are random stuffed animals and figures that I actually give to my BJDs as toys, haha. The only time I really "neglect" them is when real life is getting in the way.

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?
      It has yet to happen, but I would try my damnedest to make it work. I almost did not bond with my girl when she first came, but spending time with her and dressing her up, changing her eyes- it worked wonderfully. Same with my big boy when he was just a head.
      If I could not bond no matter what I tried to do, I would probably sell them. Why keep them if there is no love?
    16. Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?

      There is one definitive favourite amongst my doll collection, and everyone knows it. My Peroth.

      Do you find it fustrating to care for many dolls?

      Dolls require no care beyond the usual careful handling of them. I keep them stored in their boxes when I am not using them for anything. Once a doll is complete, they really don't require much more effort from me besides redressing and photography, and those are all things I can choose to when I feel like it.

      How do you devide your time with your dolls?

      I go wherever my mood strikes me in terms of playing with my dolls.

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?

      I have other interests besides dolls, and I often spend a lot more of time with them than I do my dolls.

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?

      I don't bond with my dolls. Dolls I do not like, grow tired of, or don't fit the character are sold.
    17. The amount of time you feel you can/ want to devote to each doll is such a personal thing... You should never feel pressure to play with your toys in a particular way! Enjoy your collection one doll at a time.

      Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?

      Favorites change from day to day, year to year... Right now I am really into trying multiple new looks on my new Mars, because he's new. I'm also really into getting to know my Ryoya, who is proving to be an enigma to me. I'm also really into photographing my Akando, who has seemed extra-cute incessantly for the past couple of months. I also recently found a perfect wig for my Ryu, which freshly reminds me how much I adore him. And so on. Next month the focus will be different.

      It's just like with your friends IRL, sometimes there are certain friends you're really into for a couple of weeks, and you hang out constantly; and then you take a break & hang out elsewhere for a while; later, you and Friend 1 come back to each other; it repeats. :)

      Do you find it fustrating to care for many dolls?

      I only find it daunting when I realize how far behind I am on maintenance... that I haven't done any string-tightening since 2007, so there's a bevy of 8 wet noodles who can't stand up on their own.... :sweat If you've only got 3 bodies to worry about, this is no problem, can be handled in a weekend. But if you've got 28 bodies in the house.... oyyyyy....

      So I handle this by doing nothing. Anybody who's got a crisis condition, with strings or dirt or whatever, they get fixed right away. But if nobody's dirty or broken, then there's nothing to worry about.

      How do you devide your time with your dolls?

      I have 27 boy dolls with a 28th on the way. If I felt "obligated" to play with all of them every day, I wouldn't be able to keep my job, which is what allows me to buy dolls in the first place. ^^ But it varies from doll to doll, the amount of attention I like to give them. So I just go with whatever my mood is on any day.

      Division of labor: Some of my dolls are really "standoffish", and don't seem to demand as much attention. Some of my dolls I really prefer justlooking at to playing with. Other dolls are the ones I go to when I'm in the mood to play dressup, or experiment with eyeballs, or take to a meetup, or have a new wig to try on, etc.

      I like my SD10 SchoolHead B for meetups, because he's cute and sturdy (and has a rabid local fanclub ^^). I like my Tony or my Genji for dressup, because they look fabulous in lots of outrageous black leather gear & killer boots. I pick my Akando up when I'm in the mood to cuddle something. I sit and stare at my SchoolHead A and my Soom Vega, because they're just incredibly breathtaking as they are.

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?

      If I'm not in the mood to play with my toys, then I don't. It's that simple to me. :lol: I don't see it as neglect.

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?

      I like to look at them.
    18. Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?
      No. I've worked very hard on finding the perfect mix for my collection, so each and everyone is a pure delight to me in some way.

      Do you find it fustrating to care for many dolls?
      I do actually! A little over a year ago, I was so dismayed at not being able to figure out what was making me uncomfortable about my collection at the time, I resorted to the drastic measure of selling off all 10 of my SDs. Once they were out of the house, I could clearly see what the problem had been...they were just too big for me and I had too many. So I completely refocused my collection and spent the past year hot on the trail of MSDs and smaller. Now I have 5 dolls and I'm stopping there. It's perfect. Too many and I get overwhelmed, so I definitely need to keep my numbers small.

      How do you devide your time with your dolls?
      Each one has their own display area and I interact with them all throughout the day as I pass back and forth through the rooms of my home. I've designed their specialized display areas as part of my rooms' decor...like 3 dimensional art. They "live" in their distinctive spaces, or occasionally share it with one of the other's who "visits". So basically, they're all moved around, changed, posed with various accessories, etc. That way, each doll is kept fresh and none of them are neglected.

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?
      No. Because they live in their decorated areas and interact within it, they are always out in the open and feel like part of the family. So if I'm relaxing in front of the TV or reading a book or playing a game or just busy tackling the many responsibilities of my busy life, my dolls are always around me just like family or co-workers would be. Because of that, I feel like I'm constantly interacting with them.

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?
      I love what linakauno said and agree with her 100%.:) I set them free to go live with someone else, usually in the DOA marketplace.
    19. Well I have 17 and the 18th on layaway with pretty much no end in sight.

      OMG! I just my user profile and apparently I have 21 dolls! So the incoming Crobidoll Marie is gonna be 22 and I have 3 floating heads...

      Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?
      I think it's impossible NOT to play favorites. I have my faves to be sure. Eisheth, Luna and Kurumi being the top three in the house. That doesn't mean I don't like all my dolls though. I also have fovorite dolls for certain things- the easiest to transport, the ones I want to show off, the ones that will fit in the bag!

      Do you find it fustrating to care for many dolls?
      No, that's what doll boxes are for. They can be easily stored safe and sound.

      How do you devide your time with your dolls?
      Well, sometimes I like to get a certain doll out to hang around. Sometimes I want to do a specific photoshoot. Sometimes I just don't put them back after taking them to a doll meet, and in the case of my Drui she just doesn't fit in the Domuya box because the cushions are so big!

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?
      No. I neglect them because I have work to do. I don't really collect anything else and the only other 'toy' I have is my Nintendo DS, the TV and the internet.

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?
      Sell it. And barring selling it, make the best of it.
    20. Neglect was one of my biggest fears, before I got my second doll,
      but by the third-doll, I thought I was safe... though now, I have learned
      I should have kept it to only two! Yet still, I have a few more on my wish-list! ^ ^;;

      Do you ever pick favorites when it comes down to your dolls?
      Sometimes, but not intentionally!

      Do you find it frustrating to care for many dolls?
      No, but I don't have much "free-time" as it is, and have way too many hobbies.
      It does get a bit "stressful," because I would love to play, take photos and make clothes for all,
      but I simply can't, because of my limited "free-time" (and other equally important hobbies).

      How do you divide your time with your dolls?
      It used to be that I would make clothes and photograph/play in a very simple system,
      of who was "next," or hadn't had bonding time with. Now days, it's whoever I feel
      like needs "improvements/new-face-ups/mods." XDDDD

      Do you ever neglect your doll for another "toy" or doll? Or just because they grew old and tiring?
      No. It is more of a lack of time, than anything else. I truly do love all of my dolls equally,
      although I do get more "inspired" by some than by others, I could never sell any of them because
      I love them all equally - I don't think I could ever get tired of them.

      What do you do with the dolls you can't bond with?
      It's never happened to me so far. There was a time when I was a bit disappointed with one,
      but it was more of a matter of how things didn't play as I wanted them, more than the doll
      actually not working for me. In a twist of fate, that particular doll is probably my most inspiring-muses,
      I truly love him to death. XB

      - Enzyme