1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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When people tell you your dolls are a waste of money...

Jan 18, 2016

    1. Well, I have friends who buy new mobile phone every year and toss away the old, still perfectly working one, because they need "better" phone.
      Some of my friends cut their costs to be able to travel abroad every winter.
      It is just how we choose to use our money.
    2. No matter what hobby you're in, someone out there will call it a waste of money. I've been blessed growing up in a family that has never questioned my hobbies or the money I spent in those hobbies. They used them as teaching tools back when I was living at home to help me learn to budget. Whenever I wanted to spend my own money on a large purchase I would have to write a paper to them explaining what I wanted, why it cost what it did, what it meant to me, and how I planned to achieve that money to go about making teh purchase, what safety net I had, what feedback the seller had, etc. Going out into the rest of the world..I guess I really don't interact with people outside of my hobbies enough to encounter these kinds of comments. And even if I did it's no one's business. I earn minimum wage, every purchase I make is very well thought through and planned. So long as you are taking care of your necessities, however you want to spend your discretionary income is up to you. I don't splurge on food, I don't go out places, I don't get coffee, etc. I choose to spend my money on my various hobbies instead and if anyone were to have a problem with that..it's not their business. I would smile and state "to each their own" because..that's all you can do.
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    3. There are just a few people who knows I have this hobby and how much a bjd costs. I think if some knew... they will be shocked because I'm mostly not the type to spend lots of money on anything. I save some money by making bjd clothes myself. It's a big part of the hobby for me
    4. Before I entered in this hobbie, I was a cosplayer. I could make three expensive cosplays each year (with expensive I mean 300-400€). This money was "wasted" money because a personal cosplay is not something you are going to sell.
      And by other part, with 300€ I can get a doll I could sell in secondhand market if I had financial troubles. So basically I'm wasting same money in my hobbie but with the handicap I could recover this money if needed. Plus I enjoy my dolls more than wearing a cosplay 1 or 2 times.

      And also everyone has a hobbie. The difference is that "weird" hobbies always pop up as a waste of money. But we all know people that can spend 600€ on a cellphone (and buy 3 every year), 1000 on a laptop, 10000 on a regular car, 300 on make up... I guess it's just that we save it together and expend it in once, while "muggles" expend it by bits...
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    5. My family really irritate me on this matter. I don't see why what I spend my money on concerns them. These dolls are handmade pieces of art. I adore them and I think that they should respect my decisions.
    6. Philosophy part of this situation is no matter what you do- its a waste of money. Gadgets, brand clothes, video games or makeup addiction aaalll of this stuff you don't really need and not necessary for survival.
      If the new doll will inspire you, motivate to create and/or embellish your house- just buy it and be happy! No matter that anyone say
    7. Without a doubt, I always have my bills and my rent and my savings account paid before I even THINK about spending my money on anything else! Any time anyone tries to argue that dolls are a 'waste of money', I argue that I'm not doing anything that is harmful to myself or anything else, my money is mine to spend as I'm the one working for it and I never spend money on dolls where I can't afford it!

      I absolutely don't think that spending money on something you enjoy or a hobby that you care about is ever 'a waste of money'. As long as it's something that makes you happy, and you're not spending money on dolls at the expense of your living arrangements or bills etc, then why worry what other people think?
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    8. I'll point out how else they are "wasting money" too, and they usually shut up after that :lol:
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    9. IMO so long as its YOUR money that you have either earned from work/chores etc. or was given as a gift to do with as you see fit, other people's opinions dont matter x'D It's your money, if you wanted to throw it all out of a window you can, it's YOURS.
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    10. They sure are a waste of money! So are steak dinners, deserts, fancy purses, travel vacations, pets and any clothing that isn't old blue jeans and tee-shirts. It's all water, broccoli and bread crusts for me! :)
    11. I always make sure to keep half the money i earn whenever i earn it and put it into a bankaccount out near my grandparents so that i dont have access to it and cant use it as much. I then will use this money in the future to get car, phone, pay bills, colledge etc. At the moment i am turning 14 this year and will be getting a doll this year or early the next.
    12. Most of my family are pretty good with my dolls... Im at uni and have a job in the holidays, tho its 0 hour.... But generally I have savings and add either from my wages each month or when I get student loans, I put a sum in the savings then, plus two piggy banks, selling things I no longer care for when I do want a doll, etc etc. The only person who really has an issue is my grandmother, who refuses to give me money for birthdays and such since I'll 'spend it on dolls'.... bearing in mind I've never gotten drunk, I dont smoke, and she complains my cousin has too many shoes at Christmas...
    13. My parents are more vocal about the fact that they feel my hobby is too childish than the amount I spend on the dolls-- although I've never really sat down and talked to them about how much everything costs so...:sweat My brother has told me that he thinks I have too many dolls, but thankfully that's all he's said. Most of the friends I have are cosplayers, so they can understand the sorrows of expensive hobbies.
    14. -sigh- my friend always said that my bjd and bjd stuff is waste of money, to them laptop, computer, phone, food and clothing at least got use but bjd only for photograph and to look at only... and probably will say "don't you afraid that there will be spirit possessed them?" Yea, and say bjd were not worth it, save up money for buying house better. Well sometimes they topup for in game currency too~ Whenever they complain about it my heartbroken...

      On the other hand my parents is fine with it although sometime my father will nag me abit for the price tag.
    15. Heh...I'm a big girl with a job, and don't care what other people think. My finances are quite literally none of their business.
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    16. Nobody who knows me would dare insinuate I was wasting money on dolls. Emby can be quite scary when provoked.

      That having been said, I always make sure all my bills are paid before I spend anything on dolls. That's probably why I'll never be able to afford an expensive doll. I simply can't justify purchasing a $500 doll when that's two-thirds of my house payment.
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    17. I think you’re right. At first I was really young and had parent supervision and some money from them. I just went to school at that time and was too young to work. Some parents are very strict and worry a lot. Luckily my case wasn’t like that. My mother supported me and let me have fun she sometimes gave me advices too. I believe all hobbies are a waste a money in a good way you’re investing in something you like and helps you stay active in some way!
    18. I've spent a lot of money on games, like, literally pixels and gambling haha (I mean gacha games) So I'd argue that dolls are way better to spend on because I can hug them xD I'm not financially independent, so I'd rather not tell my dad how much exactly was my bjd :sweat even if I can argue that they're works of art and that the money I spent on it was mine.
      However recently I have been wondering about life, and why spend money on things, and what else to do if you are already above surviving. Isn't everything a luxury and sort of a waste as well? I started to wonder this when thinking of my anime figure collection! What else is there to do but work to have the nice things we want to have?
      Ahh I'm sorry, I'm babbling, but honestly... this subject is something that I think of a lot because I have depression and keep wondering why we do things we do, what is the meaning of life, etc xD I'm sorry!
      It's great to read everyone's opinion on a thread like this.
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    19. How do you hug your bjd? They are so fragile.
    20. Hahah you're right, I can theoretically hug them, people don't need to know I'm not gonna try to squish them in my arms xD I mean that they're you know, solid ^^