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Which defunct doll companies would you resurrect?

Mar 8, 2017

    1. I'm not sure if this has been a topic or not, so feel free to merge if it has! Since I joined the hobby (around 2007), I've seen dozens of doll companies disappear for various reasons. Which, if any, would you bring back if you could?

      For dolls, I really miss Elfdoll. They were such a staple when I first joined the hobby, and their sculpts were a nice middle ground between realistic and stylized. I'd also bring back Ariadoll and Rosettadoll. Both companies were rather short lived, but I loved their aesthetic.

      For accessories or clothes: definitely Everpurple. I loved their eyes, and they were a nice price-point for urethanes. I also miss Mio and Softly She Walks.
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    2. Unidoll. They had a delightfully weird aesthetic and so much ambition for engineering.
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    3. Elfdoll ~sob~
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    4. Transcend★B was a company I wish still exist. I believe the sculptor still works but does not sculpt what they want to as an independent artist. I love Transcend B bjd. I believe the Transcend B sculpt were Smm1 , Ssgm1 , & Ssgm2.
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    5. Ariadoll. :3
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    6. Old CP Delfs. I really like their sculpts. I'm not a fan of the new Luts or even Fairyland sculpts.
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    7. Dream of Doll. ;~; I hope they come back soon.

      I'm not 100% sure if all of these are truly defunct, but others I miss include: Mythdoll, Glory Doll, Not Doll Labs, and HZ's 1/3 doll line.
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    8. Elfdoll. So, so much. My first ever head was one (Yuan), and I'm still pining over Vivien. Wouldn't say no to a normal skin Eun-A either, tan is a lovely skintone but hard to match so she's still floating, years later. Poor Yuan has been stuck in the floating head brigade too, on the one hand I'd love to make her into one OC of mine (the one I "borrowed" my screen name from), but she'd need modding and I'm not comfortable modding my first ever head now that it's irreplaceable if I mess up. :doh

      Unidoll and Domuya were gone when I joined the hobby ... but I'd still love to bring them back, they had quite a few sculpts between them that I'd have brought home for sure.
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    9. Totally elfdoll for me too!
      There was another company I liked too, but their name escapes me right now. It wasn't very well known.

      Edit: there was glorydoll too! I always regretted not being able to order while they were still somewhat reliable T_T
      Soom mecha angels too.
      #9 sahoma, Mar 8, 2017
      Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
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    10. Angelregion and the old Delf line for sure. I had the opportunity to talk to one of the sculptors for AR a little bit over Instagram and she is so creative and interesting - I'd love to see what she'd be doing with BJDs nowadays.

      Also I wish Soom would resurrect Rosettedoll... the site is still there but I don't think the line is coming back. :(

      ETA: Momocolor!! I so wish they hadn't imploded, my Banya is insanely cute. The sculpting details in her hands and feet make me sigh wistfully now.
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    11. I would say Elfdoll also - I love Rainyman Soah! I would also say Illusion Spirit. I have an IS SD (Yue Chen) which is an underrated doll. He has a very nice body that poses well!
    12. Elfdoll just because I always loved their anthro Catsy, Notdoll Lab for the crazy aesthetic, Abio Angel was very budget friendly with cute sculpts, and Hypermaniac just because. I also wish Marmite Sue would re open orders for her resin line of Angel Egg dolls. Maybe one day. There are some other defunct companies I miss but I can't think of their names...
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    13. Dream of Doll and Elfdoll... Elfdoll had so many pretty sculpts ;_;
    14. Domuya - I think the company was called.
      They were gone by the time I joined, but I've seen and looked up some of their creations. I'm not even starting to talk about the really awesome and BIG projects like the nightmare horse (again, I think that was the name), but generally they had such great posing bodies from what I read and their love to detail and craftmanship in the accessoirs and outfits they made or had made along with their bodies is absolutly undenyable *0*
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    15. Elfdoll, most definitely. I keep browsing flickr, and the number of times I see a gorgeous sculpt and then find out it's by Elfdoll is almost ridiculous. I haven't done a lot of research into their sculpts since I really don't want to end up falling in love with one and then have to come to terms with the fact that I might never be able to get hold of it!
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    16. Iplehouse as a doll furniture maker. and most of all the Old CP Delf line.
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    17. Aw, it's nice to see so much love for Elfdoll. They seemed to be so prolific for a while. I wish Rainman would get back into the hobby.

      I loved Unidoll! They were one of the first companies I remember that made handsome, masculine guys with a larger body that's become such a staple now. I really really wanted Jace! That one doll with the full set of armor was incredible.

      Oh yes!! That's a such a shame. I thought their tinies were really charming. Some of the first ones that really caught my eye. I occasionally look out for them on the marketplace.
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    18. I was so lucky to buy my Sooah right before Elfdoll stopped, and I got my little Hiro on the marketplace last year <3 but yeah I wish they'd come back, and Angel Region.
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    19. I could make a list of places I'd love to see again.

      At the top of my list would be HyperManiac. They still have a website up, but between 2008 and now she has only released two dolls. When she first started releasing BJDs, she was doing new sculpts every year, and almost every release featured or body type in a new size. It's understandable she slowed down, that level of productivity for one person is insane, and she wanted a life. I love the Hyper doll that I have, but I'd love to see what she would make now in the large doll size.

      Kanon would be next. She was a JP artist that made two heads back in 2005, Yui and Rui. She was falsely accused of copying Volks, as anything remotely like Volks was held in suspicion at the time. There just were not enough doll makers for people to see that dolls could be similar in flavor and not remotely be a copy. (It was pretty ridiculous, like saying all of Switch was a copy of Volks) She never made another BJD. I love my Kanon Yui, he is super charming and full of the artist's qi.

      I-Doll Studio. They made one girl body and two heads, I think? The body was gorgeous, beautifully made and well engineered. The heads were lovely, not perfect pretty girls, but still pretty. I found them really charming.
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    20. I so love all the votes for Elfdoll, because that's where my vote goes too. Elfdoll will always be my favorite dollmaker. I own three of the boys and I am forever glad that I managed to get my hands on them. If Rainman's Instagram is anything to go by, it looks like he might be working on a new girl, so fingers crossed.

      Also agreeing with Dream of Doll and the old CP Delfs. DoD had the first doll I ever fell in love with and to this day still pulled off the best customer service stunt ever for me. My love for my old Delfs will never go away either. I weep for the loss of my favorites.
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