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Which do you prefer: Buying heads and bodies separate or complete dolls?

Aug 17, 2010

    1. I'm fairly new to the hobby. Maybe someday I'll experiment with hybrids, but for now I'd rather buy complete dolls. I'm not ready to play the resin-matching game just yet.
    2. My first few dolls are full dolls as I was quite drawn towards 2 companies. And I was new into the hobby, I did not explore much into hybrid. Then I got into fantasy 1/6 and wanted all their parts to be from the same company to have close resin match and purely all parts from that company. So I do have hybrids but all parts from the same company.

      Then as years goes by, I started doing research on certain companies. I like a head from a certain company but not so much on their body. Same goes to doll body from another company, but didn't really like their heads. Seeing some hybrids out there who had the same combination I wanted, I decided to give it a try!

      Got a floating head and currently waiting for the body to arrive!
    3. I have a hybrid and the common reason is: I did not like the body that came with the head. Ideally I prefer complete dolls because in my opinion, it is a pain to look up hybrids, especially finding out the skin tones don't match after you bought it. For other people, it might be fun because it is a chance for them to be creative and connect with interesting people who also like hybriding.
    4. I love getting complete sets, if a company doesn't have a good body to correspond with the head i'm not gonna take the risk that the head will fit something else I own. If I already have a body from a company I'm happy with I'm happy to have a 3:1 head to body ratio
    5. I personally like to buy a full set because having floating heads or bodies with no heads would sort of look creepy. XD But it's really all in what you want and what would make you happy. :D
    6. I absolutely prefer to buy the doll standard and complete. It saves so much hassle and the arrival is far more satisfying. However, we don't live in a perfect world and sometimes the body isn't quite what you had in mind for the character, will make him the wrong height, isn't known for its posing, or a hybrid would be significantly less expensive and you just don't love the original enough to justify the cost. There's a lot of research involved for fit, resin match and proportion, and sometimes the info just isn't there and you have to give a blind leap. If things don't turn out right, it can leave you feeling underwhelmed or sad.

      That said, I have 3-4 hybrids with varying degrees of success. I have found I do not bond as well with the hybrided dolls, whether due to cheaper bodies and slight resin mismatch making more 'work', or some vague sense even when finished that they are not perfectly cohesive.
    7. I buy complete dolls whenever possible. If I really fall in love with a hybrid project, I need to be able to buy the head and body close together or I just don't have the time or attention span to dedicate to a doll in pieces. I take long enough to get to faceups and clothing as is :sweat
    8. I recently got a highbred from another collector that I totally love, she's a minife head on a D.C. body. I'll have to post a pic as soon as I figure out how to, she's so cool!
    9. I thought I was never really gonna do a hybrid. But then I found an artist who made only a head sculpt that I am in love with that I plan to buy when she puts it on preorder this month. So I am currently looking for a body, and I am starting to realize how picky about the body I am.

      Luckily most of the dolls on my wish list have decent bodies. But I wouldn't be surprised if I end up putting a lot of floating heads onto bodies from other companies that I like more. E.g. I'm really picky about hands and body shape, and in my current search for a body, I found out that Spirit Doll has bodies that are basically perfect for my current desired aesthetic. So I might end up just putting spirit doll bodies on heads from other companies xD

      However for my first dolls I'm definitely buying full dolls. And if the full doll comes with a body I think looks fine I'll keep it that way.
    10. Completes Dolls. I'm completely lost when I need to do hybridation. I really need the perfect match between colors of head and body ... Annnd, it's very difficult to obtain the perfect match in my opinion.
    11. Usually I go for the whole set. But if I find a head I fall in love with I will look at bodies to go with it. Or if I find a great price on somthing I may get it whether I will have plans for it or not! XD
    12. I personally prefer full body purchasing so that I know for sure that the resin matches 100%. However, if the resin not being exact doesn’t bother you, go for it. Also, a lot of companies also do color matching. So if you have a floating head around, that could be a way to go.
    13. I'm pretty new so I would prefer to buy the entire doll in one go, since I don't really know how to tell if the doll's head will fit to the body.. but it seems like all the companies I like sell the bodies and heads separately. Does anyone know a good place I could buy a full doll?
    14. I would prefer whole doll because it is very painful to assemble another body or head. It might not fits or it have different skin tone between heads an body.
    15. Complete. Because purchased separately head and body may have different colors.
    16. I’ve only bought one doll so far and plan to buy more, but I think I prefer buying the head and body together, since they’ll match each other best. That’s my thought though, I could be wrong since heads and bodies are all cast separately from each other as far as I know
    17. I would prefer buy a full doll buuuut if I have no choice (artist head for example) I would buy just the head and then look for a compatible body
    18. I do prefer buying complete dolls, it's cheaper and easier to get the match, but sometimes I find a beautyfull sculpt but don't like the body (sometimes I even find a nice body with funny specials, but don't like the sculpt, sold with it).
    19. I prefer to buy full dolls just so they're complete in that way. I recently bought a head, and I'm hoping the body I want for her will show up on the marketplace. It's kind of fun to browse and see what's available, but at the same time I'm eagerly waiting to dress her up and customize her!
    20. I prefer having a complete doll, so: body, head and faceup. I think it makes things easier and receiving them as a full set just feels complete. ^^;