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Which do you prefer: Buying heads and bodies separate or complete dolls?

Aug 17, 2010

    1. I prefer full dolls, but with the majority of mine, I didn't like the body they normally came with or I could only purchase them as a head. But that's fine, I like being able to choose everything! That way I don't have to compromise aesthetics or poseability.
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    2. Only once have i gotten a head without the body, and it took me two bodies to work. Don't want to do that again!
      Even prefer dolls already with face ups. eyes I am willing to install, but for the rest, I want them done when i pick them out.
    3. I'm a hybrid addict. It's just way too tempting, with all the amazing heads that pop up secondhand and the affordability and (IMO) beauty of ResinSoul bodies. At first it was just heads and bodies, but lately I've been splicing together different bodies-- this pair of arms, that torso, etc. So far it's surprising how often it can work, probably because they're mostly RS. I do feel like a bit of a Dr. Frankenstein when I'm over at my work table swapping feet tho :lol: I know some purists in the hobby probably would see my dolls as abominations but I like to think of them as unique.
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    4. I've been buying full dolls most of the time. Tempted to buy a few bodies and try them out, but am worried about having bodies just vibing around with no heads. If things don't work out I could just sell the extra body, but I've been low on time recently due to life events right now. So, I don't think selling, packing, and shipping a doll body is feasible for me right now, or well spending money on a body in the first place. I may do so in the future, but until now I window shop :aeyepop:
    5. I prefer the complete doll.

      I bought a head once, and another doll for it's body, but then ended up buying the dolls head a body from the same company that the doll head was from and returning the body to the doll it came with.

      Another time I had bought a head separately, and a body from another company, then ended up buying the head a body from it's own company instead, and again. Then I actually had to go find a head for the abandoned body. This is my only hybrid doll.

      I am not good at making hybrids, and I don't know what I would do with just a bunch of heads, so I just get the complete doll.

      I am almost tempted to get a new body for my Resinsoul Gang because I don't like his company body on him, he needs something taller and broader, but then I would have to find a head for his original body, and that sounds like a pain.
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    6. After owning two hybrids, it depends on whether both head sculpt and body matches the original characters I have in mind, and in case it does, if I have the budget during the purchase. For my first hybrid (AngellStudio Rebus LE head + Immortality of Soul Class70 body), I chose to buy the head sculpt first because it is perfect for one of my characters but having him as a full doll was too pricey at that time. Not to mention that the head sculpt is limited and I do not want to miss out. No regrets in my decision because years later, I found a better body for him through Immortality of Soul's event wherein the Class70 body can be purchased at a discounted price. :XD:

      For my second hybrid (Doll Family-H He Lan head + Immortality of Soul Class65F body), while buying the full doll is affordable, the body she came with does not match her warrior persona. As a result, I bought just her head and with great timing, Immortality of Soul was in the middle of an event wherein their Class65F body is both discounted and with free shipping. Both head and body arrived at the same time and made me feel that I got her as a full doll despite coming from two BJD companies :lol:.
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    7. In an ideal world, I would prefer buying complete dolls. Less hassle that way.

      Alas, I am both persnickety and fickle, so most of my dolls have ended up as hybrids in some form or fashion (JDF event head/SDF girl body, Crobidoll head/DF-H body, Comibaby head/Leekeworld body) or have otherwise had bodies purchased separately (F60 Juri 2012). On the plus side, doing things this way means I'm far less afraid of trying things out than I used to be!
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    8. It all depends on the brand.

      Some brands I loooove their bodies, others not so much. Also will depend on what I have planned for the doll, the clothes I want to put it in, etc.
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    9. I prefer the complete doll, and now I'm also giving preference to painted dolls from the store. I'm interested in learning how to paint the heads one day, but it's still a bit of a long way off.
      I just assembled my first hybrid doll, but I prefer the full doll. I don't want any more floating heads. :)
    10. Complete doll, always! I bought a head for a project once, and I couldn't finish it... looking at the unfinished head makes me sad ^^"
    11. I enjoy making hybrids, even if somethimes it's a fail. But I must admit it is less a hassle to buy a complete doll.
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    12. So far full bodies give me less anxiety. The prospect of making sure colors match along with proportions without seeing the two together from the start is a bit too daunting for me. Maybe with more experience down the line I'll try out making a hybrid.
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    13. All my dolls are hybrids. Two of them started out as full dolls but I found that I didn't like the head/body combo like that and ended up playing musical bodies with the heads. Resin match? Who is she? I have some dolls that match better and some that match worse and I don't have a lot of feelings over it, I'm more interested in the proportional fit... sometimes to the extent I also end up hybriding other body parts. I don't think I'm going to be buying a full doll any time soon :sweat
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    14. I hate hybriding so much. Nothing brings me more anxiety in the doll world :horror: Resin match doesn't have to be 100%, but the undertones must match or I will go insane. There's too much risk in that for me to be willing to take the loss of trying a second body so it's easy to refuse to do it.

      I'm picky with bodies too so it removes the temptation of almost all new dolls! :thumbup
    15. Complete dolls for me, I’m too lazy to research matches :huh?:
    16. Earlier in my collecting I was fine with just buying heads and then later finding a body for them however these days I am much more inclined to buy full dolls. I'll only buy floaters if I can find a body right away.
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    17. I definitely prefer complete dolls. Of over 30 BJDs and 11 years in the hobby, I have only 1 hybrid. While the resin match is pretty close, and it fits the character I was trying to shell, its so much simpler to just buy a complete doll. Especially since I like tan and fantasy colors and those vary considerably between companies.
    18. I am cursed with liking either the heads or the bodies from a company. There are only a couple exceptions and I'm holding dearly onto those...
    19. If you check out my profile, I probably have more hybrids than non hybrids. I also have some really unconventional hybrids, Valentine is a Dollzone head, on a supergem body, with Dollshe hound legs to give him longer legs, which fit together surprisingly well. Vidania for now is on a feeple60 body, but with a SupiaDoll chest. I hybrid bodies as much as I hybrid heads onto new bodies. I have many dolls who would not be possible if they weren’t hybrids, and other dolls who needed bodies that weren’t the bodies they came with, whether that meant taller, or broader, or different proportions. Sometimes, I just have a doll that’s too expensive as a full doll (like the Twigling obsidian dolls) so I buy the head I needed, and hybrid it on a less expensive body.
    20. I definitely tend to buy them separately. The issue: I tend to find buying heads more exciting than buying bodies, so I have way too many floating heads at the moment.