1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Wigs for Orientdoll So-type dolls

Dec 22, 2006

    1. Hey all!

      I need some big time help! Rose and I have been wanting to make a doll for my mom, possibly as a birthday present this year. Anyway, it would seem she's completely in love with tinies, the Orientdoll So-type in particular. The only wigs OD has for their So dolls are little mohair ones. However, Latidoll has a lot of adorable wigs for their tinies.

      Does anyone know which, if any, of the Latidolls have a wig size similar to the So Orientdolls?
    2. I'm not sure what Latidoll has to fit, but i believe they wear a size 4. I had one made from Tinybear(DOA member)and it's soooo beautiful!

      I didn't like the wig they come with. I guess you get what you paid for ;)
    3. The little So's wear a size 4, my daughter is getting one for Christmas. My Banji's take a 2-3 and will not fit on the So's.
    4. See bakayoro onna now you made me want a girl So -Ui with that wig link ... grumble grumble :P
    5. They have a short one that would work for boys.
    6. lol no .. you made me want a girl too lol !
    7. Lati White's fit. :)
    8. Cool. I love the lati white wigs. Just received So last month.

    9. thankies sweetie :)
      I make boys and girls wigs

    10. Gaaaah. I keep looking at your wigs. They're so pretty. X3 I may have to cave and buy one some day.
    11. I would use caution on the BJD Dollarama site if you're not familiar with the wigs.

      The site says "The tiniest wigs that fit Elf Dolls, Blue Fairy Pocket Fairies, Serendipity AGA Fairies, The Orient Doll So Ji, Roxydoll Yam and others", but it doesn't say which ones fit specific dolls.

      Here's a picture of the ones on that list that I have and I can tell you for sure that unless the wig is really stretchy, PF wigs don't fit any of the others.

      L-R: Elly Elf - Kiwi, Pocket Fairy Lui, So-Ye Orientdoll and Roxydoll Yam.


      Can anyone who has So Ji tell me if they are a lot bigger than So-Ji?

      The best bet if you're unsure is to get a custom wig made by Tinybear! She uses the actual dolls for sizing and I have two of her wigs for my Roxy-Lucy and I love them! :aheartbea
    12. I finally uploads some pics of my SO Ui with my Tinybear wig. I haven't gotten the chance to make her a new outfit, yet. The outfit just doesn't go with the hair! LOL

