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Wire Hands or Magnet Hands?

Nov 24, 2017

    1. For me the magnet hands are the best but then at this stage I only have a pukifee & I love them because of bad arthritis but interesting when my next girl comes...What are the locks? I didnt know about that. Thanks.:)
    2. I change the clothes on my girls quite frequently, so the Minifee magnet hands are really handy (lol, the pun).
    3. I like s hooked or wires better than magnets, ive bad experience with magnets one.
    4. I’ve never tried the magnet hands. But I find the hands with hooks pose perfectly well
    5. I only have girls with S hooks but I have to remove the hands on some of them or flex them in super strange ways to get tighter fitting sleeves on
    6. At first I thought that I'd like magnet hands more than S hook hands but I had the opportunity to watch a RealFee for a short period of time and man oh man was I nervous about losing her hands all the time *_*
      So I prefer s hook hands more than magnet hands.
    7. I prefer S-hooks hands. They don't fall off, you can't accidentally lose them. I'm forever hunting for falen magnet parts (horns, tails, the hands and feet of my Pukifee) and I much prefer the S-hook. Even more so since I spent an hour or so looking for a magnet hand of one of my Withdolls that I had taken outside for pictures.

      It's handy to take off magnet hands while dressing dolls, but it's a pain if you can accidentally knock them off while posing them. I pose my dolls more often than I dress them.
    8. I much prefer the hooks myself as I have seen too many magnet hands that pop off if you look at them funny. For dressing with tight sleeves, I just pop off the hand and loop some ribbon around the elastic to not have it get lost up in the doll's arm. A small price to pay to have piece of mind.

      Overall, I am not a fan of any "newer" doll engineering. I would rather have a single jointed doll stung from neck to foot than one with peanut looking double joints, faceplates, and thigh pegs.
    9. I like hands with magnets. So much easier to dress them... But as someone said it, it can fall off easily. But unless you manipulate them very often, is it really a thing ? Moreover it depends on the doll. My Minifee's hands are annoying for this, but for my Realfee thats not a problem, they're actually too much hard to take off ! But I'm ok with hooks and wires too, as I have them all.
    10. S-hooks all the way. Magnet hands are fantastic for redressing, but for some reason they seem really finicky for posing. They have more posing capability then s-hooks but I just can't handle them.
    11. I prefer wire over magnet without question. Not only do they not run the risk of falling off, but the wires won't harm any technology I put my dolls next to like a magnet might. I also have three very young relatives and a puppy, so the risk of any of them swallowing a magnet hand accidentally is far too great for me to risk, no matter how far I keep the doll from them or how strong the magnets claim to be.
    12. I never had a doll with magnetic hands, but I can tell you that S-hook engineering varies a lot. If the hand is directly attached to the wrist joint with the fulcrum at the bottom of the ball, you'll get less posing. The fulcrum slightly higher up adds more movement, and the wrist as a separate piece even more so.
    13. My Loongsoul Yesha has magnet hands that also have a little bit of a catch in them to insure stability. So you pop on and then twist a little. I've never had an issue with posing, though it is possible to pop the hand off while maneuvering them. But give it a little twist and you're fine again. It's also great for photos cause I can stick his arms into his hoodie pockets and you can't really tell he's missing them (the hands don't fit in the pockets)
    14. I've never had a doll with magnets so I can really say.
    15. I've never had a doll with magnet hands, but I really never want to. Removing the hands from the hooks is super easy (not to mention sorta part of the experience, imo) and it'd be almost inevitable that I'd lose a magnet hand one day and never find it again.

      Then again, I don't re-dress my dolls super often, it's more of a special occasion sort of deal. So I think it depends on the person.
    16. ^This. But more precisely: I adore the way Volks bodies allow you to remove the hands. The wrist joint has a slot for the s-hook to rest on if you want to change them. All companies should do this!
      • x 1
    17. My only dolls with magnets are my Fairyland Puki Puki and Real Puki Puki. Making them clothes and changing their clothes would be a bit of a nightmare without the magnets. I rarely ever take off s-hook hands,even if it would make re-dressing them easier. Most of my dolls are big enough that clothes have bigger arm holes or have small enough hands that it isn't an issue.

      I would like to note that my Puki Puki's hands don't fall off as easily as my Real Puki's do.The magnets are strong enough to avoid getting knocked off easily. I travel with one of my Puki Puki and take pictures of him perched on random things and I haven't managed to lose a hand or foot yet.
    18. Wired hands!
    19. I prefer magnets, but none of my girls have them. =\
    20. S-hooks. S-hooks all the way.

      I've come to flat-out loathe magnetic hands... They've been loose, unstable, easily-lost, annoying pains-in-the-proverbial-butt on every single member of my crew who has them, no matter which company the dolls came from. I'd replace every single one of them with "old school" hooked hands in a heartbeat if I could.