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Would you rather commission a faceup, or do it yourself?

Mar 24, 2013

    1. I like doing my own faceups myself because i sometimes feel like i can do the best job of bringing out the character in my doll that i want since i am the owner. But i have thought of getting a doll commissioned; there are alot of faceup artist out there i belive are waaayyy better then myself so maybe in the future yes.
    2. So far, I've commissioned face-ups for any dolls that have not come to me with face-ups already, but I really want to learn how to do them myself! I'm just trying to muster the courage to try, maybe on one of my less-expensive dolls...
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    3. QuincyArcher, thats true. I don't think my practical skills are too bad but I'm not very creative so I would get ideas from pictures of other peoples dolls. Giving a faceup artist an idea of what I like and seeing how they would translate that into reality sounds appealing. Some of the faceups I've seen around on google are just fantastic..nothing I could ever come up with!
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    4. I would rather someone else does it. I'm no artist so I'd prefer someone with a steady hand and the right eye make my brood pretty. I envy anyone who can do their own faceups!
    5. I would do both. I love supporting my artist. But I would love to do face ups. I think it would be a fun thing to do.
    6. I might also commission if the faceup I want is particularly difficult for me to do the way I want.
    7. I'm an artist so I plan on doing all of my dolls faceups myself. However, if I want something like a particular style of tattoo or some fantasy body blushing then I'd probably pay another artist
    8. I've commissioned an artist once, and I'm very satisfied with what my doll turned out to be like. So I'll keep commissioning, in case I don't have much time practicing making up for my doll.
    9. I have ordered blank heads and will try to make the face ups on my own. If I wouldn't get it done, I'd commission but because I am not really someone who has a lot of money to spend, I'd rather do it myself, even though I have some face up artists who I really adore. I am also super scared that something may happen to my dollies head while in transit so this is also a reason I would rather do the face up myself.
      As for company face ups I would only do it if they offer customs because I'd be sad if I knew that everyone can get the exact same face up like I if I purchased the companies standart face up. It would make me feel like my doll is less "unique".
      This is just my personal preference though :)
    10. Paint them myself. Simple because I've always drawn and painted, and I really enjoy that side of BJD collecting!

      I was scared the first time, nervous the second time, enjoyed the third (and latest). Yeah, face ups are fun and I love the fact that they're unique and that I painted them. Besides, it's cheaper! Brushes, pastels and chalks last ages, MSC is an annoying extra but as long as I plan ahead for the long shipping times it's fine!
    11. When I first got into the hobby I thought being able to paint them was so cool! However I found out over time, I really would prefer to stick to my 2D canvases! xD If I had been keeping my older dolls I would look into commissioning faceups, however I'm selling them due to lack of space, and just needing to move on from my past.

      This time when I buy dolls I'll be getting them with faceups! : D
    12. i really want to do my own faceups so that they look the way i want them to, but also because i feel like doing faceups would be a great bonding experience between me and the dolls. it would also be a great creative outlet for me :- )
      getting all the materials and actually doing a good job though....thats another thing entirely x- D
    13. Commission for me, I don't have skills or the hand to do my own faceups let alone my own make up.
    14. I used to do it myself and I'm fairly decent at it...but I don't like fiddling with toxic sealers and now I have them commissioned. It's easier and Andrea (Angel Toast) can realize my vision better than I can. So easy.
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    15. well i getting the company face up for my first doll but when that starts to fade and chip (hopefully it'll be a long while before then) i'll probably commission someone to redo it for me since i've already have bad lungs (due to cystic fibrosis) and i wouldn't want to make them worse plus i don't think i could do a decent face up (i've tried to paint dollar store barbies before with icky results)
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    16. My reasoning behind commissioning an artist was that I knew too little about the process to attempt it myself. It's not that I'm not capable, I went to art college, but there are aspects of face-ups I have learnt from communicating with the artist, like MSC and humidity, layers etc which I would rather not have learned on my beloved doll's face.
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    17. I have about the artistic skills of a potato, so commission an artist for sure. I would love to be able to do my own, since I know exactly what I want in my head, but unfortunately I know I have no talent in that area. Maybe someday I will buy a practice head and change my mind, but until then I'd rather pay someone to do it properly lol.
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    18. I would definitely commission someone to do a faceup. I don't feel quite capable of creating a satisfactory look. Gosh, I don't even put makeup on myself!
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    19. Commission, definitely. I'm pretty good with crafting but drawing and painting are just not my expertise, especially when thing have to be drawn symetrically. At least when I craft there are thing that I can do to achieve symmetry, with drawing, I just don't have the talent for it and symmetry is very important in face-ups.
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    20. I do my own face ups.
      I have more than one reason for ist. Some sound a little mit silly for you but well wat can we do.

      1. I repainted several Monster High dolls. Its not the same as painting a BJD head but you get some practice from it and you get to know the materials.

      2. I love to do face ups ! I love to create the charactere like I have him/her in my mind. Face up artists are very good at creating what you want, but I think it will never be as you have it in your mind .....If this sentense makes any sence :lol:

      3. I am affraid that the head gets lost ....... this is for most of you a silly reason... I know......but the dolls that I have incoming are limmited edition....so if the head gets lost I have a big problem because the sculpts are discontinued. .....

      My face ups are not perfect at all but I am proud of them and so should you ^~^
      #420 Shitachi, Dec 4, 2016
      Last edited: Dec 5, 2016