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Would you rather commission a faceup, or do it yourself?

Mar 24, 2013

    1. I disagree. If I did my own face-up and it turned out mediocre I wouldn't have any satisfaction, just annoyance at the fact it didn't turn out as perfect as I wanted it to. I prefer to have exactly what I want not some lame attempt by myself. (And trust me, my face-up would be really lame ;))
    2. I'd rather do it myself just because I like tinkering around with my dolls, in all areas really. Results are usually pleasing enough even to my own critical eye.
      Also this way I can wipe and redo whenever I want and change whatever I please, and not have to worry about dings or scratches and ruining a possibly very fragile and expensive layer of paint. I don't trust the world enough to be sending out a doll head. Too many horror stories.
    3. i would commission, because i also have shaky hands and i dont know how to do faceup.
    4. Normally I'm lazy and just get the company default but if I had a blank doll or old faceup I would go with commission. I can't even put makeup on myself haha! I have no skill or materials to be able to do a decent job. I'd rather just spend the money to get it done right.
    5. This is kind of hard for me because I've only tried to commission a face-up once and it completely blew up in my face (I never received the doll's head back), but I personally can't draw and I have tried doing custom face-ups before and they came out awful. I think I'd probably still try and commission someone, but I'd probably try and bring the doll in person or ask to see as they work on it :/ As to not end up having a bad experience again.
    6. Wow - that is scary! I haven't had the nerve to do either yet.
    7. I prefer to do a make-up by myself, because I am not always like a firm make-up.
    8. I prefer to commission right now, as I am still working on my face-up skills and any face-up I do would not be permanent. I get more satisfaction out of completing a doll's look than doing it myself right now ^_^
    9. I would prefer to commission a face up, but am too scared to send off the head! So I get the dolls blank and do my own face ups. So far they are good, but just not 'special' like a commissioned one. I know there are honest face up artists, but I'm too chicken!
    10. Try looking in your area for face up artists. That way you can literally hand over the head without having to mail it or send it far away. That helped me the first time I sent a head away.
    11. I definitely am one of those who prefer to ship out doll heads to those awesomely talented face-up artists out there. I know that the mail carries with it some risk, but it's the only way for me to attain the face-ups that I envision for my dolls. I have tried doing my own face-ups but was never really satisfied with how they turned out. Maybe if I practiced over and over and over again, I could possibly get it right, but that takes too much time which I don't have. I lucked out on a couple of my dolls because I found them on the marketplace and they already had custom face-ups which I loved. I sent two other doll heads to two different customizers within the last 6 month period and they both came back safe and sound and just as perfect as I hoped.
    12. Oh I don't even trust myself to do a simple face up. Panda face even. So I for sure ask others I trust to do work for me. Luckily I have 2 I go to whenever I need a face up or any work done of the artist nature.
    13. I would go with Commission~
      I'd probably cry if I mucked it up xD
    14. I do face-ups myself since the hands-on crafty aspect is what I love most about this hobby. I know I'm not the best out there but I don't think I'm bad, either, and I'd like to think that I get better each time. I just like it being my own work instead of somebody else's. There's only one person I would love to do a face-up for me but his starting price is $1000USD. XD
    15. I do make-up and tattoos myself, I feel gooв then I can do something with my own hands. Besides, It's the best way to to convey the character of a doll.
    16. I'm more comfortable letting someone else do it mainly because I know they're more familiar with the tools used than I am. I'm a pen and paper sort of girl, my grasp on paints and pastels isn't superb and I have very unsteady, large hands for my gender which leads me to be clumsy in fine detail work outside of aforementioned pen and paper. I have tried giving a faceup to an extra faceplate my Puki came with and it didn't turn out so great.
    17. I'd rather commission someone else because if I were to have the option of doing whatever I wanted I wouldn't know what to do and then I'd stress out over it. :c
    18. Up to now my dolls' makeups are all done by talented others, but I also would like to try it myself someday. Apprently not until I get those skills. lol
    19. I've been practicing faceups for a few years now, and at this point I feel very confident in my ability to paint faceups that not only prperly convey my character's expressions\vibes, but also just... look good. (To me, anyway.) But for a very long time, I was not happy enough with my faceups to paint my own dolls, so I commissioned faceups for some of my older dolls. But at the moment, I only have three dolls\floating heads that I haven't painted myself. (Although, because I'm still improving with time, I'm going to be re-doing several of my doll's faceups now that it's beginning to get warm again.)

      So at this point, I'd rather paint my own. ^ - ^
    20. The only reason I don't do it myself is that I don't have a safe/proper work area and proper mask.
      I have asthma, so I don't like to take chances. :( So I pay for faceups.

      Maybe if I get more serious about the hobby, I'll dedicate some time to make a proper area, and get the proper tools and materials to do face-ups. :)