1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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YouplaDolls Tiny Doll discussion part 1

Jan 19, 2016

    1. This is the discussion thread for YouplaDolls tiny dolls like Zopa.


      And here is YouplaDolls Flickr: Youpla Dolls

      Database: Zopa Database


      Height : 35 cm
      Girth of head : 5-6 inch
      Girth of chest : 15.5 cm
      Girth of waist : 14 cm
      Girth of hips : 17 cm
      Width of shoulders : 8 cm
      Length of arm : 14 cm
      Length of leg : 20 cm
      Length of Foot : 4 cm
      Width of foot : 1.8 cm

      They can wear 5-6" wigs (like TDF).
      Eye size is 6mm.
      Clothes (top) have to be Yo-SD size or slim MSD size, but look out for the length of the sleeves. Long sleeve MSD is way to long, 3/4 sleeve is okay
      Pants have to be MSD size, 3/4 pants at max. everything else is way to long.
      Shoes are Yo-SD too or even Taeyang sized shoes ( i tried Yo-SD, still have to try Taeyang shoes).
      #1 Doomtrain, Jan 19, 2016
      Last edited: Jan 19, 2016
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    2. Your link goes to a Yahoo page, not the website. You may want to fix that :D
    3. Thanky you! I fixed the link. :)
    4. Wonderful !

      I would like to add that MNF moeline pants are perfect (lenght too) ;)

      A little picture of my boy !

      Pants are MNF moeline size, Top is MSD :)
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    5. That's good to know! Thanks for the information!. :D
    6. My boy still needs some clothes of his own... I hadn't the time to make him something, sorry. >_<
      He looks also very girly with this braided wig at the moment but I hope I am able to make clothes matching the wig/style soon.

      Today he played peek-a-boo. ^.~
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    7. Your pics are beautiful, really like the second one :) !
    8. Thank you very much.
      Your cute boy is very photogenic.
    9. My Little surfer boy :D
      I switch the blond wig to try, I like this style :P

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    10. @Youpla The blonde wig and the tan skin looks great together! He is amazing! :D
    11. @Youpla He looks good with the blond Wig and I think both styles suits him very much.
    12. I am so excited for my Zopa @_@ I've been watching him be made forever and the thought that I finally get to have him is amazing! And I'm doubly excited to see photos of him in different wigs and clothes here, it'll help me plan what I'm going to do with him!
    13. Hello !

      I finished a new wig for Zopa ! And I took some pictures ^^

      [​IMG]Zopa by Youpla Dolls, sur Flickr
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    14. Awwwwwwwww, Youpla! He is sooooo cute! The wig is great! <3
    15. I agree with Doomtrain. Your Zopa looks so cute and adorable with this wig.
      Beautiful work.
    16. Thank you !! :D it's a commission for a zopa in pre-order so it's not for me :( :D !
    17. I'm sad to see no new posts yet, so I'll revive with my Zopa, who arrived to me a little less than a month ago!

      He's... a work in progress! :XD: I have to start over on the face-up, because a last-minute change to the eyelids turned out to be a mistake, so I'll be wiping once I have new sealant. I'm excited for round 2 though.

      Zopa is such a stunning doll, I'm so glad I was able to get him right at the end of the pre-order! :love

      @Youpla In your recent post selling in-stock Zopas, you said you won't be selling him on this body any more if you offer him again. Does that mean he'll be a head only in future, or are you making a new body? :ablink: Speaking of which, I am adoring the previews of the new girl! I can't wait to see her complete!
    18. Oh great picture ! Beautiful lips, Thank you to share :)

      I don't think i'll open a new preorder for zopa. I said that because i'll have some for the Ldoll festival with a new color. But preorder are over.

      And thank you for my new girl :D I'm impatient to see her in resin ;)
    19. What a gorgeous boy he is. I didn't even know he existed until 30 minutes ago when I saw @nattherat 's boy in the database but I'm in love. I do hope someday you'll reconsider opening orders for him. :D
    20. :D I do love my cutie! I love how delicate he is.

      Here's a recent photo:

      I'm going to attempt making him some clothing ssooooonnniisshhh (said in a tentative way because I don't really do sewing). I also still haven't got that new sealant I mentioned haha. :doh
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