1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Your Doll Plans for 2012

Jan 14, 2012

    1. Well, 2011 has come and gone, and how did your doll plans for 2011 pan out?

      My plans included not buying any more dolls in 2011, but somehow 8 new dolls arrived! How did that happen?!!! :doh Im hoping this year I'll spend more time playing with my crew, and less time acquiring.

      So what dolly plans do you have for 2012?
    2. I hoping to make time for making doll clothes, and staying away from the marketplace XD
      New dolls only if I can actually afford it
    3. Making some new clothes; as I have my first BJD home! He can't stay in the same outfit forever, now can he?

      Practising my photo taking skills; I aim to be able to take decent photos by 2013 (if we survive until then;)). Plus I might need to get photoshop or something....
    4. 1) Get Lucas a new faceup - happening soon!

      2) Get a Delf Boy body - got an f doll body!

      3) Get a Delf Girl body

      4) Get a Puki body - got one!

      5) Get 2 Pukifee bodies - Got one!

      6) Get a Minifee girl body

      7) Winter clothes for Lucas and Rowan

      8) Twin Terras for Luka and Sage

      9) Littlefee Rachel at least. Maybe Elf El, Chiwoo, Bisou, and DES

      10) Chicline El - wig, shoes, clothing

      11) Dollheart Fukubukuro bags in November

      12) Maybe Kid Delf Kiwi and Bory

      13) Get Falcon a new wig, along with a puki wig - being made

      14) Get my friend her doll. She wants a 5Stardoll Tumnus.
    5. I did not purchase any dolls in 2011. Ok, I sorta purchased a doll in Dec, but that doesn't count because I haven't gotten him yet :) I've been dry since Aug 2010, so I'm due for some acquisitions, haha.

      Besides some high powered acquisitions, I'm really going to work on finishing my characters. Clothing is a must, good photos and also show them off at some doll meets! I've already started by getting all my dolls proper shoes. Working on clothing for them now.
    6. No doll purchase this year..because I purchased too much last year...4 dolls in less than a year..I might still buy accessories like wigs, but no full dolls this year..my mom would definitely kill me..:)
    7. I want to get a Delf type 2 Girl Normal Skin body for one of my floating heads. I hope they start reselling them. Other dollies can wait a while until I get more money or another job. On my wish list is (not in necessary order of want), Hound, Puki Puki Sugar, EID Jessica. Only if I win the lotto will I do it this year. And on a lesser note, clothes, shoes.. big time some of my crew really need ordinary shoes.
    8. It depends mostly on Soom for me. If they release more beautiful faces then I'll get them for sure. I can't afford a bunch of dolls in a year, lol, but I can get one or two. I'm already waiting for my Arkose, who should be arriving at around March. So perhaps just one more doll. *Hopefully just one more* Then I'll have them cosplay and take plenty of pictures of them.
    9. Let's see my plans for 2012 will be as follows:

      ~Get a body for my sleeping MNF DES head (currently in a trade with someone to procure one)
      ~Open the eyes of my sleeping MDF DES head (still, trying to build up the courage to do that!)
      ~Get the face up done on the newly modded head (going to work on that as well)
      ~Ship off the two dolls that I had on the MP (going to ship both on Tuesday)

      After all that is said and done. Sit back and relax and just enjoy the doll eye-candy that will be coming out in the coming months. I believe my list is complete. (for now)
    10. Hm,lessee... Dolly plans.

      -Face up practice, face up practice, and more face up practice multiplied by like infinity.
      -Get a double jointed body for my poor Resinsoul girl.
      -Spoil my pukipuki pongpong more.
      - And possibly get a Dollzone Memphis.
      - Make one awesome set for photo shoots!
    11. Get more clothes for the girls and get them a faceup befor the anime north 2012.
    12. Obtain Xion and complete her as best I can. :) If I could potentially get a Yo or a tiny this year that would be fantastic, but as of right now I'm just focusing on my second MSD.
    13. Plans for 2012:: BUY MORE DOLLS! ;)
    14. Sew more stuff, take more photos and get all the blushing, wiring and painting done. ^^
    15. My Dollplan?
      Tooooo much. xDD
      But I want more clothes for my crew and don´t buy so much dolls at last year.
      But I buy 100% a Unoa Lusis.^^ This is my Dollplan.
    16. 2011 -- I managed to sell a couple dolls, some clothes, and some model horses which allowed me to purchase two DD heads and some Obitsu parts, my Volks Minoru head, my MNM Tom Baker head (though he's just now being cast), and my two Leeke Mikhailas (also Leeke does layaway which is how I was able to nab the Fly Mikhaila). I picked up some clothes, but as I changed around some of my characters and am also in the process of trying to upgrade my minis' wardrobes, I'm finding myself short again.

      2012 -- I need clothes for my guys and girls pretty badly -- some of them are in good shape, but others are really lacking, especially my minis. I know what dolls I want, but it's not clear yet how my monetary situation is going to turn out, so I'm trying not to plan ahead too much on the dolls themselves.
    17. I want to concentrate on making clothes for my dolls this year and learning to take better photographs.

      New dolls depend on a) whether a limited comes up that I like and b) if we have the money at the time.
    18. Lotte Rotten, big fan of your plans XD

      As for mine, I have a ton of dolls who need LOTS of work. I've been living somewhere where I can't easily work on faceups/mods, so my new dolls have been entirely neglected. I need to do a ton of faceups. I also need lots of clothes and shoes, and a few wigs and pairs of eyes. My big doll plan this year is to not buy new dolls until the collection I have is taken care of (I will make exceptions for Blue Fairy Tiny Fairy fullsets if any come out that I love, since the doll will come with so much nice stuff anyway, lol).

      Also, I want to try and learn to sew... I'm scared, lol!
    19. This year's plan:

      1) Setting a room/house for my San Jie

      2) Making lots of clothes and stuffs

      3) And the important thing is...Getting him a roommate if I manage to gain lots of money this year:sweat
    20. 2011 brought me my first and second doll! I'm hoping 2012 will bring me more!

      Next friday I am planning on ordering a Resinsoul Li if no one offers a trade before then.

      And I am also planning on ordering a Dollzone Demi-2 for my fiance.