LUTS Juri 2007 type A

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Juri 2007 Type A (also known as Juri 07 A or just Juri A) is a genderless SD head mold sculpted by Cerberus Project, released by LUTS. It belongs to the Delf line and has a type 2 neck mechanism. It was a limited head that could not be bought alone and you could only get if you bought certain items at LUTS during the event period (Dec. 8th 2007 - Jan. 14th 2008).

This was so far the first only event to offer two heads to choose from, Juri 2007 type A and Juri 2007 type B. This was also the last year Cerberus Project made the event heads.

It was offered in both white skin and normal skin.

Mold specific measurements

  • Circumference of head: 9-10"
  • Eye size: 16mm-18mm


[1] Juri 2007 type A & B Database