It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.Dismiss Notice
Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.Dismiss Notice
From Den of Angels BJD Wiki
Before creating a new page for a company, please check out the Doll Company Template so we can try to standardize some of the information on the pages.
This section is for companies that make dolls (rather than distributors, company reps, or dealers).
Doll companies
Companies marked with an asterisk (*) may be defunct or on an indefinite hiatus.
- 16-BIT Dolls*
- 2D Dolls
- 36,5°
- 5StarDoll
- 5th Motif
- 9Spirits
- 9 tailbear
- A Long Time (ALT)
- Aamu*
- AbiDoll
- Abio Angel
- Aerial BJD
- Afrodita Dolls
- aGatti Doll
- Aileen Doll
- Aimerai
- Akabara Studio
- Akagi Doll
- Akhmel (Nadya Zubreva)
- Alchemic Labo
- Alice In Labyrinth (AiL)
- AlinaRa*
- Alpha Dolls
- Allegorica*
- Amadiz Studio
- Amber Dolls*
- Amihan
- Ancient Tales
- Angel Battle*
- Angel Egg Dolls (Marmite Sue)
- Angel of Dream
- Angel Region
- Angel Street*
- Angell-Studio (AS)
- Angel Toast Dolls
- AngelFantasy
- Angelheim*
- Angelsdoll
- Angodolls
- Anikori
- Anna-Queen
- Anna Tide
- Another Doll
- ANother Secret (ANS)
- Another Space 2*
- Aoi-Tuki
- ApoDoll (Apokripha)
- April Story
- Aquarius Doll*
- Arc Doll
- ArgonauticA
- Aria Doll*
- AriPina*
- Ark Doll
- art-iculated*
- Asleep Eidolon
- Astral in Rainbow*
- Atelier Murinae
- Atelier Momoni
- B&G Dolls (Boy & Girl)
- Bambicrony
- Bambola World
- Bardo Research
- Batchix
- bbflockling
- BeBell Doll
- Be With You
- Berdine Creedy Originals
- Bergemann Dolls (Bo Bergemann BJD)
- BeYours
- Bimong's Atelier
- Bishonen House
- BJDollarama Free Spiritz*
- BJtales (Lidiya Snul)
- Blackbox
- Black Cherry Doll
- Blossom Doll*
- Blooming Doll
- Blue Blood Doll
- Blue Butterfly Dolls
- Blue Moon Drop
- BlueFairy
- BNBdoll
- Bobobie
- Born Bright Dolls
- Breath Doll
- BuddyDoll*
- Bunny Bunny
- Buffdolls
- Buried in Oblivion*
- Cain Dolls
- Camellia Dynasty
- Capriccio Doll
- Castle Anne*
- Catfish Princess
- CatGrove
- Cerisedolls (Lillycat)
- Charles' Creature Cabinet
- Charm Doll (CD)
- Cherishdoll
- Cherry Doll*
- Cherry Castle
- Chica Bonita (now ChicaBi)
- Classy Doll*
- ChicoBricks*
- chimera doll
- Clover Doll
- Coco Tribe
- Cocoriang
- Coeur d'Artichaut
- Colorless hall doll (Charm City Doll/CTY)
- Comi Baby Doll
- Compassion
- Conarium
- Coralreef Doll
- Cozydoll*
- Craftorium
- CreamSoda BJD
- Creature Dolls
- Creatures dolls
- Cress Life* (CL)
- Crimsondoll
- CrisNoel (Cristina Vorobyeva)
- Crobidoll
- Cuarto Dolls
- Custom House*
- Cutie Angel*
- Cygophilia
- D Tale
- D-Storic*
- D2
- D612 Project (see GliB dolls)
- Daisy Dayes
- Dale Zentner
- Dance Soul Doll
- Dancing Dolls
- Darak
- Dark Castle (Batchix)
- Dark Tales Dolls
- Daydream
- DazzlingDoll
- DBDoll*
- DD-Anne
- Dear Mine
- Demiurge Dolls
- Demon Garden*
- Depths Dolls
- Devillidan*
- Devotion Doll
- DianaDoll
- DikaDoll
- Distant Memory
- Diana Doll
- Dolcebella
- DLace (YUYU Doll)
- Dobigi*
- DodoDolls
- Do Dolls Dream
- Dolkot
- Doll Adore
- Dollb*
- DollBom
- DollCatch*
- Doll Chateau (DC)
- DollCis*
- DollClans
- Dollfair*
- DollFamily (A + H)
- DollGa
- DollGru (Kappa Doll)
- Dollheimr
- Doll in Life (sister company to DIM)
- Doll In Mind (DIM)
- Dolli Pop
- Dollinian*
- Dollish* (SADO)
- Dollits
- Doll Leaves
- Doll Legend
- Doll Love
- DollFactory
- Dollmate
- Dollmore
- DollnDoll
- Dollnio*
- Doll Noon*
- DollPamm
- Dollprika
- Dolls Nest
- dollsbe
- Dollshe
- Dollspirit*
- Dollstol*
- DollStories
- Dollstown
- DollTi*
- DollVeTimon
- Doll Village
- Dollycomet
- DollZone (DZ)
- Domadoll
- Domuya*
- DragonDoll
- Dragon's Shell Doll (DS Doll)
- Dragonfly Works
- Dream of Doll*
- Dream Valley
- Dream Realm
- Dreamhigh Studios
- Dreaming Doll
- Dreamrealm
- DreamsCreator
- Duke Meow
- Dust of Dolls
- Echo Town
- Eglantine
- El's Cat
- EgoProject
- Elfdoll
- ElfiN Store*
- ElfiNDOLL*
- Elfish Baby/Dongxu Sun
- Elicoco Doll
- EllDolls (Elena Korotkova)
- Elysium
- Enaibi*
- Enchantmentdoll
- Enchanted Doll
- Erfolg Plus*
- EndlessBJD
- Enid-Art
- EOS Doll/Limhwa
- Esthy (Distant Memory)
- Evaty
- Everpurple*
- Evies Sanctum
- Evokedoll
- Eyedoll
- Faco-doll*
- FaeWoodsDolls
- Fairyland
- Fairytales Treasures Dolls*
- Fairy Castle
- Fallindoll*
- Fancy Boots
- Fantasia Doll*
- Fantasy Doll (FDoll)
- Fantasy Studio
- Feadoll
- Featherfall (Featherfall/ResinSoul project)*
- Fect Doll (FD)
- FelixDoll
- Fingertip Dreamland*
- Firefly Doll*
- Flower and Junior
- For My Doll
- Foma's Doll
- Forever Virginia
- Foveo
- FragileDolls (Irina Kodresko)
- FreakStyleBJD
- Freedom Teller
- Fulled Heaven x Sealed Heaven (FHSH)
- Fukadoll
- Gaain Doll
- Gangster
- Garden of Dolls
- Gem of Doll
- Geminick*
- GlaceDolls
- GLib Company
- Global Tranz*
- GloryDoll*
- Goki Doll
- Gomidoll*
- Granado
- Gray Plumage
- Guu Doll
- GyuXa Dolls*
- Hako Doll
- Halien Gen*
- HappyDoll*
- HaruCasting
- Hautelier*
- HeartStrung
- Hello Dolly Dolls (by Lisa Gregg)
- Heisejinyao Ziyulinglong (HZ)
- Herrendoll
- Hizukidoll*
- Hoblods
- Honig Doll*
- HTTDolls
- Huajing-Doll
- Hugedoll*
- Hujoo
- Hunoe
- Hypermaniac
- I Have Doll*
- i-elf*
- I*Doll Studio (Andro's Atelier)
- Icorose
- IGO (I Get Off)*
- Illusion Garden
- Illusion Spirit*
- iMda Doll
- Immortality of Soul (IoS)
- Impdoll*
- IMPLdoll
- Imomodoll
- Inamorata
- Infiniti Doll*
- InspireDoll
- Iplehouse
- Irrealdoll
- Island Doll
- Ixtee (now iXDoll)
- Jaime Doll*
- Jakzjewelz*
- Jie-doll*
- Jigamaree*
- Jollyplus
- JRDolls
- Jungatoy*
- K-Doll
- Kadira Dolls
- Kanon
- Kanadoll
- karmanavtica
- Kaze Kidz (Kaye Wiggs)
- KC Doll (Kularien custom)
- Ken no Kokoro Dolls
- Kerrie Sawyer
- Kids-Sky*
- Kiezkinder (Sonja Hartmann)*
- Kim Lasher*
- Kingdoll*
- Kinoko Juice
- KizDolls*
- KN Doll
- Koitsukihime
- KooDoll (MSDoll)*
- Kreuzdoll
- Kui doll
- l’Armoire de DanDan
- La Compagnie des Radis
- La Légende de Temps (LLT)
- La Maison de Aile (LaAile)
- La tarte au citron
- Lady Saiyuki*
- LaFargue Dolls
- LatiDoll
- Le Coin de Kaori
- Le petit monde des pupees*
- Leeel*
- Leekeworld
- Lele Doll
- Les Belle du Jour
- Les Enfants terribles
- Leucome Studio*
- Light Limner
- Lightpainted Doll
- Likemey*
- Limhwa
- LINA ChouChou
- Linda Macario
- Little Cosmos Dolls
- Little FairyTails BJD (Nikki Britt)
- Little Monica
- LittleRebel (Insomnia-Doll)
- LiudMilaArtDolls
- Liz Frost
- Loongsoul
- Lost Angel (Mirodoll)
- LovelyHouse*
- LT Line*
- Luenheim
- Luidoll
- Lumedoll
- Luna Blanc
- Lunarmate
- Lunarmare*
- Lyouba*
- Ma Doll*
- Magic Mirror Studio (MMStudio/Nanyalin)
- Magic Time (MT)
- Magical Angel (now XM-Dolls via Mirodoll)
- Magistrum*
- Magi's Handmade
- Magnetic Duckling
- Manual BJD*
- Mara Creatures
- Maskcat Doll
- Marchen Waltz
- Marti Presents Dolls
- Meadowdolls
- M-doll*
- Melian Dolls
- Mellow Dolls*
- Merry Doll Round
- Mewiefish
- Miadoll
- Migidoll
- MiniHouse
- Minawadou (Minawa Aya)*
- MinoruWorld*
- Miracledoll
- Mirodoll
- MiroXDolls
- Mishis Doll
- Misterminou Doll
- Miya Doll
- MocaPinoRu (Kreamdoll)
- MoDoll
- Mokona Doll
- Momocolor*
- MomoTree* (Momocolor)
- Monochrome
- Monodee
- Moon & Cat
- Moon House Doll
- Morningstar Dolls
- MSDoll (Soolee's Workshop)
- Mudoll
- MurvenArt
- MuisjePop
- Musedoll
- Musen
- My Dear Boy
- MyDolling
- Mystic Kids
- Mystic Dolls (by Eglantine)
- MysticDoll
- Mythdoll*
- MYOU Doll
- Neo-Angel Region
- N-doll*
- Nabarro boy's
- Namonaki Workshop
- Napidoll
- Narin
- Narsha
- Natalia Loseva dolls
- Natrume/Mo Doll
- Nature Spirit Doll
- Navid Doll
- Nefer Kane (Circus Kane)
- Nene Doll*
- Nénuphar Bleu
- New Territories Doll (NT Doll)
- NidumDolls
- NimphaeryTales
- Nine9 Style
- Ninodoll / Kawainino
- Nobility Doll
- Noble Dolls
- Notdoll Lab*
- ntdoll
- Nuna Buzatto
- N.Y.X. Doll
- Nympheas Dolls
- Oasisdoll
- Obitsu
- OceanMoon
- Of Butterflies and Things
- of D
- Oh!Duck Farm
- Oksdoll
- Olleaf*
- Once Upon a doll
- Ondormi*
- Only-Doll
- Only Kids
- Or-doll
- Orange tea dolls
- OrderHouse*
- Orientdoll*
- Other Side
- OziN5*
- Panda Workshop (Doll Adore)
- Parabox (Obitsu)
- Pathos Tale
- Pavilion
- PeaksWoods
- Peapod Doll*
- Peppermint
- PhantomDolls*
- Phoenix dolls
- PicotPrince*
- Pink Vetch*
- Pipos doll
- Pippilongc*
- PixyDoll*
- PlanetDoll
- Plastic Flowers*
- PlasticMoon
- Plum Doll*
- PlumeDoll
- PlutoDolls
- PookimunkiDolls
- POPO Doll
- Popovy Sisters
- Present doll (P.T. Doll)
- PrettyWork*
- Production Ariadne
- Psyche*
- Pupapa Paradise*
- Pygmalion Dolls
- Quadrigadolls
- Quiethouse
- R&R (Rainmandoll and Rainmanking)
- Raccoon Doll
- Ragdoll BJD
- RaMcube
- rap1993
- Rasendo*
- Raurencio Studio*
- Real Missing Link* (RML)
- Rebeca
- Releaserain/Ada Dolls
- Reptile Doll*
- ResinSoul
- revee du garcon*
- Rickydoll
- Ringdoll
- Rolly Dolly
- Romantic Breeze*
- Roonodoll*
- Rosen Garden
- Rosen Lied
- Roserindoll
- RosettaDoll
- Rosette School of Dolls
- Rowindoll
- Roxydoll*
- RSdoll
- RubyRed Galleria
- Rumpel Doll
- Sadol
- SaintBloom
- Sakura and Paper
- Salon de Coco
- SartoriaJ
- SC-Doll
- Secret Doll
- Seed Dolls
- Sephie Doll Shop
- Serenade Doll
- Serendipity*
- Shine Doll*
- ShinyDoll
- SilentEcho*
- Simply Divine
- Simply Meant to Be (obscure_kind)
- Sharks & Sparks (S&S)*
- Sinyland*
- SIO2
- Sister Fox's Princesses
- Skyland Dolls
- Sleep of Reason
- Sleeping Elf
- Sleetwealth*
- Slinky Neko
- SmilesDolls
- So-Nyeon-Gi/SWITCH
- SolerS
- Somedoll
- SomniaDolls
- Soom
- Souldoll
- Souris Etoile
- Spirit Doll
- Spirit Imprint
- SQ Lab
- Sseiren
- Ssindoll
- Story of Seventh Day
- Studio Naiko
- Sugarble*
- Supia Doll
- Surrogate*
- Summerbird
- Swan Doll
- Sweet Dolls*
- Sweet Gale
- SweetNdoll
- Tamikan Space
- Tandol/Tandem
- Tani Art Dolls
- Telesthesia
- Tender Creation
- Tendres Chimères
- Tensiya
- The Mushroom Peddler
- The Trinket Box
- Throughthemagicdoor (Kerrie Sawyer)
- TheSleepingElf
- To the moon
- Tokissi
- Toopi Dolls
- Tracy Promber
- Transcend★B*
- TriffonyArtwork
- True Love Doll
- Twigling
- Twilight Soul
- Two-s Dolls
- Unidoll*
- Universe Doll
- Unoss
- VaniDoll
- VarvyanskayaDolls
- Vasilisa's Dolls
- Vertales
- Victorian Winter*
- VictoriyaArtdoll
- Vier4D
- Villi Tunes Doll
- Volks
- VulpesAnch
- Whispering Grass
- White Luster*
- WigletZ
- Will o' Wisp Dolls
- Winterrain Studio
- Wishel*
- WITHdoll
- Woodoll
- Wizworx
- X2*
- XAGA Doll
- Xtreme Dolls*
- Yezixingzhi
- YouplaDolls
- YuHao
- YukaTanDolls
- Yummy Sweets Dolls
- YS-Doll*
- Yuusui's Doll Workshop*
- Z~riddle
- Zaoll
- Zawierusznski