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Ringdoll is a Chinese doll company founded in 2009, created by Ron Fletcher (USA) and Huang Shan (China).


The first dolls were 63cm, the Pan sculpt was the first for sale in 2010. In 2011 the first 'grown' doll was announced with one head sculpt. Before any of the new size could be shipped there was an accident at their production facility and a problem with their website. Production came to a slow crawl and it took months to get back to normal production. They moved into a new facility and hired many new people to handle the growing orders. During the first part of 2011 dolls were not delivered and many dealers refused to take orders for Ringdoll not knowing the status of the company. Many new dolls showed up on their website including Frankenstein and a new sculpt for Nair/Ronald and Carlos. Dolls began slowly shipping again in July 2011 production got back to speed by December of 2011. By the middle of 2012 Ringdoll was filling orders within 3 to 4 months.

In 2011 the first Darkside doll, Chainsaw Jessica, was introduced and sold well. Quoting Ringdoll’s about us page: “After her success, The Infamous Series launched with Orphanage Director---Norman…” Norman came in Light and Dark (Sol sculpt)), along with Limited Editions: Quiz, Frankenstein 2012, Zombie Sol, Welcome, Tears of Blackthorn and Jack the Ripper. Norman Light 2.0 came later along with, LE Norman Dark 2.0 and Quiz 2.0. Others have been added to the Infamous line; LE Zombie Kane, LE Zombie Amy, LE Frankenstein 2013 (Steampunk version), LE Eva Bride of Frankenstein (with unborn child), Warren, the detective chasing Jack the Ripper, Little Red Riding Hood (Monster Killer), Boyce, the LE werewolf.

The current lines are Ring Grown (72cm), the first body introduced in December 2010. The first Grown Female body (68cm) was introduced in Jan of 2016, along with the female head sculpt Carmilla. Ring Teenager (boy - 63 cm, girl - 59cm), Ring Kid (43cm), and Ring Sweet (27cm). Resin colors include white, pure normal, and tan, with gray offered with certain limited dolls. July 2017 a new resin color wheat was introduced with the Senkai sculpt along with several optional gesture hands and new feet with separated toes. These are available separately in all four resin colors. Jointed hands for Ring Grown were formerly available but discontinued in January of 2014. These were offered again for sale during a short period September to November 2016. The teen mechanical left forearm and hinged hand and the grown mechanical full left arm with lights are still available.

Ringdoll changed their resin in late 2010. The original resin was a translucent French resin. A change to their normal skin was made mid-2014, to a lighter and even more opaque resin. It is no longer "Volks-matching" as formerly advertised. The normal changed again in 2014 to more pale color, it was compared to Dollshe Fresh. Their tan resin has not changed in formula but does change batch to batch which is typical of tan and darker resins. The resin is smooth or can have a slight tooth to it but there are no seams lines. The tan resin can have some marbling but it is slight and makes the skin look more realistic. It is recommended to leave the dolls out of their box as the build up of fumes makes the resin yellow faster than if left in the open.

2015 Interview with Huang Shan on being an artist [1]

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