Super Dollfie Cute

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Super Dollfie Cute [SDC] is one of the more recent lines of BJDs introduced by Volks, starting in 2004 with the release of SDC Kaede at Dolpa 11.[1]

The SDC line is both similar to the MSD line in hight (42-44cm)[2] and different from the MSD line in that the SDC body has a more mature figure. SDC girl bodies have an hourglass figure with a small or medium bust.

SDC bodies are also double jointed in the torso, elbows, and (in the boys) knees. SDC girl bodies have suwarikko legs, allowing them to sit more comfortably, while SDC boy bodies are able to sit cross-legged. MSD and SDC body parts are generally not interchangeable, although it is possible for the heads to be exchanged.[3]

The SDC line also differentiates from the MSD line in that the diameter of SDC heads are slightly smaller, allowing SDC dolls to wear wigs size 6-7". MSD size wigs (7-8") may be a little large.[4]

To date, all released SDC models have been limited editions, the most recent ones being Sora[5] and Toki[6] who were released at Dolpa 21 on May 5th, 2009.