1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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1/3 Telesthesia Dolls

Mar 3, 2016

    1. I don't know if it can help but last time I ordered from T&D (through an agent, in 2022) I asked for the faceup to be slightly different from the promo one and got exactly what I wanted out of it.
      Maybe asking for a soft faceup for the doll can help?
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    2. Hi, just wanted to say that I've just ordered Xiao Bei (62cm). He's going to be my first large doll, I only had a mini and a tiny doll before. Originally I was planning to buy another mini doll but I just knew I would love a large doll more. Alternatively, if I'm overwhelmed by the size I could sell him new in box... but I don't think that would happen :D

      Before he arrives I would like to have a pair of eyes and a wig ready for him. What eye size is best for Xiao Bei in your opinion? I was thinking about 14mm with 5mm pupils, would that look similar to his promo photos?
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    3. I recently pre-ordered the 83cm Male-Mom body (lol) via Alice's Collections. Anyone else have any experience with guys this size?
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    4. Looks cute, it could work out with 2 heads that I have rolling around, but I don't like to get bodies in case something doesn't work out, I prefer a whole doll just in case, the last boy(Cloud) they brought is really cute but can't trust Telesthesia's faceup promises and I still don't dare to make my own face-ups.
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    5. I couldn't tell you that tbh
    6. The body seems pretty, but the blushing is kinda throwing me off. I'd like to see this body without body blushing. *_*
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    7. Would anyone happen to know a good place to find owner photos? I love the sculpt of TD's 68cm Wan San, but I can't seem to find any photos of him outside of the promotional ones :sweat I'm especially looking for blank ones to see if he'll fit the character I'm going for.
    8. There's blank ones in his listing on Legend Doll
    9. I just noticed on Alice’s Collection that TD has a new “1/4 Special Boy Body” that is supposed to be 50cm with a head. And the head options are resized versions of their 60+cm dolls.

      I find I don’t play with my 60cm dolls (especially the boys) as much because they’re too large and heavy for me to handle, but I’m always drawn to the amount of detail you can get for outfits in the larger sizes and the head sculpts. There aren’t as many options for 50cm outfits, but I’m very intrigued by this new size. I hope they also do a similar size and head options for girls.

      Is anyone else interested?
    10. There are a lot of new releases in this size range. I am certainly interested in the TD release! Perhaps we need to start a 40-50 mature male discussion thread!
    11. I’m glad to have company! What other companies are there for the 50cm size?

      I mentioned it in this thread because the Mini Dolls forum says it’s for dolls up to 49cm, and dolls 50cm and up go to the Large Dolls. But it seems like companies are putting out larger and larger bodies (75+ cm), so maybe eventually the moderators may consider a 50cm a mini size doll?
    12. I mean....not technically since 1/3rd is supposed to start at 55cm on here. Sartoria J has 50cm boys they call msd sized and they're put in the msd sections. Same goes with the iplehouse FID line. Other companies that are in that size range are raccoon doll, the new DF-H bodies, and some new Dikadoll bodies.
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    13. Souldoll Vito is 50cm, and their thread is in the Large Dolls forum.

      At the top of the large dolls forum, it says:
      Large Dolls
      Discussion of dolls sized 50cm and up (60cm average).

      Perhaps what TD is calling this line, “TD 1/4 Boy Special Body”, is adding to the confusion. Though TD is calling this line “1/4”, based on what I’m reading of DoA’s guidelines, it goes in the Large Dolls forum at 50cm.

      However, I can double check with the moderators. And if the moderators have no objections, I can also create a separate discussion thread for TD’s 50cm doll line.
      #657 xinwang, Feb 22, 2024
      Last edited: Feb 23, 2024
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    14. Yeah I know, I'm just observing what has happened in practice, and really is already happening as the lower 50cm range is really becoming part of the msds. But all this is really splitting hairs, so no need to go all bold on me, we can use our inside voices here :3
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    15. Sorry - no offense meant. I just copied and pasted the size description directly from the top of the Large Dolls forum, and the font was just larger. Didn’t realize the larger font came off as shouting. I’ve reformatted the post so it doesn’t come off that way. :)

      I went ahead and created a separate thread for the 50cm line, and asked the moderators to move it if it’s not in the right forum.
      #659 xinwang, Feb 23, 2024
      Last edited: Feb 23, 2024
    16. Finally pulled the trigger on my first two Telesthesia dolls, FeiHuaDeng and Mei Jiuqi as a couple. I admit, I'm not experienced with their dolls in person but I've wanted at least one for several years now.
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