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5StarDoll Tinies Discussion Part 4

Oct 14, 2016

    1. Hi guys!

      I've been lurking this forum since August. But I guessed now would be a good time to jump in since my tan Aiden 5 just got shipped! However, he will be on the new generation body...I placed the order the 15th of September and they announced the change on the 30th. I'm not really upset because I do like the slim and and the hands (hands are my deal breakers). The single joints though...haha. I did request in the beginning that he'd come on the 30cm B-body, but they said the Aiden head wouldn't fit (I already bought bunny-nine clothes for him too T_T).

      Anyway, I can't wait to be active in this community! He's not going to have the right eyes, wig, or clothes since they have yet to ship, but at least he'll have a face-up!
    2. Welcome Geo-Earthling, nice to have you hear. Anixous to see your new guy - I don't think I've seen him in tan. The new hands are lovely, and they actually pose really well even though they aren't double jointed.
    3. Hey Geo-Earthling! Welcome to the 5Star thread! Glad you came out of lurking mode! The more the merrier! :dance

      Congrats on the shipping notice for your Aiden! So exciting! What do you have planned for him? Does he have a back-story?
    4. Thanks Merlin's Mom! Little Lotte is really starting to grow on me. Actually, I think she's much cuter in person than she appears in the promotional pictures.

      Yeah the new Generation body does have nice hands. And, thinner arms. I'm gradually getting use to the new body. But, Maggie is definitely going to be a "dresses only" girl with that big butt of hers.

      Anyway, I finally got Lotte squared-away, and here she is all dressed up in her Ugly Christmas sweater to say, "Hi!"



      I changed out her eyes to blue because 5Star used the same color green on the Vivian doll I have. I didn't want both of them having the same eye color. I think she looks good with blue eyes.
    5. She looks so cute, even with the traditional ugly Christmas sweater :lol:. The blue eyes really suit her as does the color of her hair. I think she looks sweet.
    6. Thanks Merlin's Mom! I anxious to see the tan resin too, I'm hoping it's a good match to his character's! (finger's crossed)

      Thanks Rabbit-moon! He is a boy kidnapped by a prestigious college due to his genius intellect with computers. They experiment on him physically and psychologically. Basically in the story, his twin sister tries to find him. His doll form basically embodies the age of his disapperance, while my incoming Withdoll Cathy doll is going to be his twin sister years later.

      Funnily enough, his character is obsessed with Christmas :treecookie and snow, and he's going to come right before Christmas! :gingerbreadman

      I love the little sweater Lotte's wearing, so cute!!! And that Iittle nutcracker, omg haha.:D
    7. Thanks Merlin's Mom! Don't you love that ugly Christmas sweater? I thought it was a hoot! I love ugly Christmas sweaters! (You should see the one I've got; it's got a kitty wearing a Santa hat! Ha-ha! :kitty1).

      Do you dress your dolls for Christmas? You do such lovely rooms, i was wondering if you do a Christmas room for them?

      Very interesting back-story on your Aiden, Geo-Earthling. Do you eventually plan to find a doll to shell him as older, like the Withdoll Cathy?

      It's cool that your Aiden is going to arrive around Christmas, since his character is so obsessed with the holiday. BTW, why is he obsessed with Christmas?

      Thanks for liking Lotte's little Christmas sweater. And, the Nutcracker was a lucky find at a Big Lots years ago; its about four inches tall. He was a tree ornament and works perfectly with my dolls.


      Here's Lotte again playing with some Christmas toys. She's pretending that the family is going to go camping for Christmas, and her Dad has tied the Christmas tree to the hood of the car.

    8. I don't dress the dolls for holidays - too many to try to dress them all :lol:. When I first started I had a tree and dressed them for Christmas, but got carried away buying dolls :roll:.

      Very cute scene with Lotte and I love your couch! Would love to see your Christmas sweater as I am a big cat fan.
    9. Aww, that's a shame. I know you would do an incredible job if you decided to do a Christmas Room for your dolls. Myself, I don't dress all my dolls for Christmas, just a few. (I have way too many dolls as well.). But for the few I do dress up, I have my little tree and a few ornaments and that satisfies my Christmas-dollies-have-a-holiday cravings.

      Thanks for admiring the couch! It's the perfect size for the tinies! It was a very lucky find for me. I found it on Ebay from mybayer2008. I've bought a ton of stuff from her over the years. Unfortunately, this lovely print couch is currently out of stock. They have another couch, but in a solid dark color.

      LOL! I'm a big cat fan, too! Ugly Christmas sweaters w/cats are a personal favorite of mine.:hollyberry :kitty2:bellcookie
    10. I most likely won't, because I'm starting to get the feeling he's dead :shudder. I really just need to sit down and try writing out this story, so maybe his arrival will help with motivation in that department, haha. He became obsessed with Christmas because it's the only time he ever felt like the actual child he was. Since Christmas is about family, cheer, excitement, and snow:bellcookie. So when he kidnapped and began to get experimented on, his mental stability started going fast, and he really started to crave for anyone's love. So, he started pretending everyday was Christmas. He's a pretty messed up little dude.

      Is that a miniature gingerbread :gingerbreadmanhouse I see lurking in the back!? Haha, you always know it's the holiday season when you see trees on top of cars!
      #110 Geo-Earthling, Dec 19, 2016
      Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
    11. Wow! Geo-Earthling, that is an interesting backstory! Poor little dude! But, like most fictional characters who suffer greatly in childhood, it only serves to make them stronger as adults. ( "A Smooth Sea Never a Skilled Sailor Made.")
      Has your little guy arrived yet?

      And, yes, that is a miniature gingerbread house :gingerbreadman lurking in the background! It lights up, too! Here's a better picture of it.

    12. Waahhhh, So cute! No, he hasn't arrived yet sadly. The last update was on the 16th from Beijing China. So hopefully the updating is just lagging and he's somewhere in America...:atremblin
    13. Oh bummer! Man! The waiting after you get a shipping notice is the worst! :...(

      I'm sure he'll get home to you soon!:love
    14. Willie has arrived today, on Christmas Eve!
      I'm so in love, I was starting to get antsy about his size but it's perfect. However 5star doll forgot put a logo stamp in his head...But they did a great job on the face-up and they gave me an extra pair of eyes!
      #114 Geo-Earthling, Dec 24, 2016
      Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
      • x 1
    15. Wow! Geo-Earthling, he looks great! I love his big brown eyes! And his face-up is lovely.

      Congrats on your new boy arriving safe and sound! :dance
    16. Thank you so much! :hug: I can't wait for all his stuff to come so he won't be naked for long haha.
    17. What a great Christmas present. He is adorable in tan, and the face-up is perfect! Merry Christmas!
    18. Aw, thanks guys! Happy Holidays!:3nodding:
    19. [​IMG]
      Haha, his hair came in. I may need to trim it down some, but I'm defiantly not good with scissors + hair. :eusa_pray Any new updates to anyone's resin crew? The Quintus sculpt is starting to tempt me, she's so beautiful, but I don't think she'll fit into the story. :sweat