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A bad season for dolls?

May 11, 2007

    1. They're not seaweed-green, fortunately... 'Just sort-of green-tinted.

      If you're curious, here are my two greenest "beauty green" dolls. (The white wigs don't help. The tint isn't quite as noticable when the doll has dark hair...8P) None of my others are quite as green as Crane and Nightengale are, but CP's color does vary a lot. Even the palest of them isn't really a stark white-white. He's more of a very pale eggshell color.
    2. Thanks Usagi for your comment, that did help stop my stressing:)
    3. Ah! Thank you for this. :3 You have such lovely boys. Yeah ... I can tell they're a little green but I really don't think that would stop me from loving my boy if he came like that. I do wonder why it is that CP resin seems to vary so much though. Not that it's a bad thing. I'm just a curious person. ^ _ ^; I hope other people won't be put off by Luts just because of the weather. :<
    4. im almost done saving for my first doll and i'm thinking of ordering from soom... has there been any problems with them this time of year? ._.;
    5. Does anyone know which colour BW has right now? (mid june)
      I hope it's creamy white (not green).
    6. ^^ Ya know, I don't think any of my dolls are summer dolls. Observing this, I might have to keep it that way. @.@ Plus I'm getting no TA money for the time being.
    7. personally, i believe it has to do with two things. for SOME companies, yes, it's about the humidity, and such. But there are also some companies that have tried to go around the expense of making expensive resin. This allows them to cut their cost. When i find UBER cheap dolls, i'm leary. I still lust after them, but i'm in true belief that the resin is cheaper quality.
    8. ^^' But the current problem companies don't seem to be those with the cheaper dolls, from what I've seen.
    9. I always thought majority of the problems was because many of the companies are biting off more than they can chew in terms of taking orders. We've all seen the rate at which the international ABJD community is growing (not to mention owners with multiple doll syndrome, like myself), and I'm sure the number of dolls being ordered is increasing rapidly. This could take a toll on overall QC, unfortunately ._.
    10. ...That's green? It still looks really nice! I bet having a "beauty green" doll would be quite interesting... I so want one now.

      I guess I ordered Manabu (my BW Yder) at the right time, his skin colour doesn't look green to me.
    11. Yep. That's Luts' infamous "beauty green"...

      The green shade varies as much from one batch to another as any other Luts resin, and some dolls really are worse than others, but they usually do seem to be more yellowish to me than seriously greenish. The green is an undertone.

      Putting Crane in a white wig, with a pink-toned face-up and a pink outfit is probably the WORST thing I could possibly do with a green-toned BW doll, though, so it really shows up with him. If he were in a dark wig with a darker face-up it wouldn't be as noticable.
    12. For the amount that these dolls tend to cost, I definitely want my item/s in good condition. Seam lines are fine, but if my doll shows up with flawed resin (to extremes), broken parts, or something about my order is wrong, I'd have every right to complain.

      The only ones that don't really are the ones that expect the doll to be so perfect that there aren't even any seams. If the company doesn't offer that, don't expect it.
    13. Unfortunately, by the time someone gets a doll to tell you, CP will probably be on a new batch of resin.
      However, IIRC, the "beauty green" was one off period and hasn't been repeated.
      And, I bought a BW doll during last year's summer event, and it was not green.

      Brightfires, I found it funny about myself that looking at your photo, my brain immediately wants to think "fluorescent lighting" and mentally compensates to a creamy color.
    14. I'm guessing during the end of summer, beginning of fall. Or whenever the "Monsoon" Season is O_o At least that's what I heard.
    15. I have to agree with more and more people getting into BJDs, you get more orders and more people saying if they had a problem with a certain company.
      I never though about the seasons affecting the dolls but that does make sense, when it is humid here stuff I am working on takes longer to dry.
      I would think (if they don't have them) they would have some wort of climate controlled room to cure the dolls in and cast them to avoid problems with customers and the quality of product.
    16. [laughs] Mine too... Even though it KNOWS that that picture was taken outdoors, under completely natural light. (You don't even want to know what these guys look like under fluorescent light... They turn the color of butter. :sweat )
    17. What about the christmas season...That would be a nice time to buy a doll. DoD have an event on valentines day for pairs.
    18. Whoa, ignore my comment. I basically didn't know what i was typing. I do these type of TYPOS and very much be missunderstood