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A little thread about tan colours

May 20, 2017

    1. Most of my dolls are tan, but I think my two favourites are Volks' Shadow (my Claude the Beast is that colour) and that single version of tan that Souldoll did for Tarot Rouse (a darker colour than their usual sandy brown). They both have a nice glow to them.
    2. I always want doll with dark skin! Tan dolls are not very popular in Asia I guess ?? so I rarely saw any in person. The only time I saw one in person was a Volks Sunlight during a doll meetup, which didn't look well, really tan to me...Iplehouse has the best tan dolls I've ever seen but the extra cost is way too high (esp. when the dolls themselves are already expensive enough)
    3. Hello everyone!

      I've recently started to grow really fond of tan skin on dolls, and I realized how different "tan" looks, depending on the dollmaker. I know I like darker, more natural shades of tan, but I'm curious about what other people prefer. So what's the best tan skin in your opinion?

      EDIT: By "tan" I also include dark brown!
      #23 Zukohere, May 29, 2017
      Last edited: May 29, 2017
    4. I prefer more brown toned than orange or red. My favorites are BlueBlood Doll (only limited tans), Soom brown tan, Little Rebel, and Luts. If we're going past tan to dark browns, then I really like Impldoll dark tan, Iplehouse ebony, and Jie doll chocolate (discontinued). If you like something just barely darker than most normal skin, but still not quite tan, Elfdoll Homme skin and IslandDoll neutral beige are nice.
    5. Lillycat cerisedoll's dark tan!
    6. I don't have a specific example on hand, but I've always preferred the ashier tones, cooler browns and tans. In my opinion, the warmer ones too easily become VERY red in certain lighting. Not my favourite aesthetic, but I also don't own any dark dolls. I just like looking at them :abambi:
    7. @CloakedSchemer Ohh I love the Iplehouse ebony skin! It's definitely among my favorite tans. Also the soom brown tan is awesome as well!

      @Demiurgo The Cerisedoll dark tan is actually one of my favorite! Its undertones are slightly too red for my taste, but in the right lighting it looks absolutely perfect.

      @thorn I love cooler browns as well, especially the really dark ones (like the Iplehouse ebony, for example) It's true that warmer dark tans can look reddish in certain lighting. But I still like them a lot ^^
    8. [​IMG]

      Custom Nobel Doll tan/Angelsdoll tan


      Luts brown


      Soom Tawny


      Elfdoll real


      Volks Irvin tan


      Cerise Dolls caramel


      Dollzone tan/Fantasy Doll light tan


      Adori moist brown (Batchix Clever Little B)

      I also have a Soom Afi and Chrom, a newer Clever in Adori's deep tan, and a MerryDollRound Zuri in chocolate milk on the way.

      It depends on what colour the character should be. Unlike most, I dig the orange tans. They're strange and unique. But it's nice to have more natural browns. Especially for characters with a softer or stern look.

      Dollshe's pale tan is an amazing colour too. I don't have dolls in it anymore, but it's unlike any tan out there. Would love to have an excuse to buy a really deep tan sometime, like Iplehouse ebony or MerryDollRound's dark cocoa.
      • x 2
    9. I like a warm light tan. I have or had tans from varoius companies and I really got to say I love Luts' light tan the most <3 it's such a lovely color~~~ Can't get enough of it <3
    10. Luts has beautiful shades of tan. Their real skin brown is my favorite, personally.
    11. I reall like RSDoll's tan! Specifically on the sculpt New Evan, but just in general I think their tan is super pretty!
    12. I prefer cooler tans to warm ones. As @thorneless said, the warmer ones can easily look too red. Fairyland tan is especially photogenic, even though it's beautiful in real life too. To me, the most gorgeous resin tone ever is Souldoll sandy brown, which I guess counts as "tan" even though it's really just a little bit darker than their normal skin.
    13. Does anyone know if Iplehouse's peach gold is a tan hue? It sounds really beautiful

      Guess i didnt dig hard enough to find pictures. It is, a VERY light brown with subtle warm undertones. I actually like it better without their orangey body blushing! :D

      #33 thorneless, May 29, 2017
      Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2017
    14. @Loptr Oh these dolls looks beautiful! I especially love the color of the last one!

      @Mista Isilme Oh yes I love the Fairyland tan!! I don't own any myself yet, but it looks gorgeous on pictures.

      @thorneless I love Iplehouse's peach gold! Even if it's a very light tan, I find it natural and good looking.
    15. @Zukohere I feel like the peach gold and many rs are actual "tans", where a lot of what is marketed as tan is much darker than what would normally classify as tan, but that's just me being word picky. But at the same time... I wish there was some kind of consistency so you would know if you're getting a slightly steeped tea or burnt molasses when ordering a tan skin. :mwahaha
    16. @Zukohere I feel the same! I use the word "tan" because that's just what most companies use, but since "tan" ranges from very light brown to dark brown, they should definitely rethink their labels lol
      • x 1
    17. I admit, I haven't seen very many tan resin dolls in person, and only own 3 myself (one of which I dyed), so my opinion is limited. However, I LOVE Loongsoul's tan. The color is very beautiful and natural looking, and the resin itself is sooooo smooth. It is a lighter tan which also probably adds to why I like it so much as it reminds me a bit of my own skin tone. Even though we call darker resin tan, there's still a huge difference between "naturally light brown" and "light skin which has been tanned", and I think Loongsoul fits into the former category beautifully.
      • x 1
    18. I adore Iplehouse light brown and Ebony, and now also want a doll on Fairyland tan. I don't know which doll yet, but I want one... Im Also in love with dollshe's honey tans, but especially their honey caramel brown, which was the reason I ordered in their 'last' 18m sale.
      • x 1
    19. So far, my favorite tanned skins are Iplehouse's Real Skin, Soom's Tawny Skin and Switch's Mocha Brown skin. I haven't own or seen other companies' tanned skin dolls in person before, but based on companies' photos there are some like Souldoll's that look nice too! Maybe I might be tempted in future to get those? But... must. resist. :lol:
    20. I really love tan dolls, and about half my dolls are varying shades of tan. I'm not sure I have a favorite, since part of what I like about tan is how different they all are. Soom's bronze is a bit more creamy than the more red toned Fairyland tan. The darkest tan I've seen in person is Lume's ebony, which is a rich chocolate color.