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aGatti Doll - part 2

Aug 24, 2016

    1. UrsiSarnaFashion,
      wait for another doll from Natalia. It plans still more slender body with a younger appearance. Misha would probably like you. But he was limited
    2. You think? Natalia told that she's planning to made again slimmer body in 2018 or even later. I have to think about it. You also have such "problems" with buying dolls or it's just me ?
    3. No mCC release until 2018? Now I might be regretting skipping the Alfarr order after all. I reckoned it wasn't the right time for me to be buying more dolls and that I could pick one up later. Ah well. You snooze, you loose, I suppose.
    4. On flickr Natalia write
      ...all bodies with threefold letters in an index of an athletic constitution. A difference in growth. mBBB - height of 46 cm, will be other type jointes in knees and elbows there (because proportions won't allow to divide hands and legs as it can be done in the line C), besides, I plan to make less dry muscles, than at mCCC, but volumes of muscles will be not less, of course. For an mAAA there are no special plans yet, except that this body belongs to the growth line A - about 44-44,5 cm....

      I have Guarvo with mod Natalia and
      I am waiting for Thor
      #124 Desdemona, Dec 10, 2016
      Last edited: Dec 10, 2016
    5. So, the mBBB will be a slightly shorter body, bulky but with smoother muscles (perhaps? Difficult to ascertain what is meant by that bit) and with reworked knees and elbows. Apart from the decrease in details, that all sounds just great to me. The elbow and knee joints, whilst they do allow for a great range of movement, are my bugbears. They look bulky and need careful handling to get them to line up. So, looking forward to what she does to rethink those.

      I wonder if that is the Tony Stark body? I will go back to the infographic and see what section he is under. RDJ doll? Yes please.

      ETA: No, he was mAA. First up on the mBBB list is Joseph Simons. I wonder if he will actually be made? I have already turned my mini Dollshe Grant into Mr Simons so I am sorted for tiny Josephs.
      #125 MadamMauMau, Dec 10, 2016
      Last edited: Dec 10, 2016
    6. Reading all info you wrote I think I will wait for something special for me :) I have to study facemolds that could apear. Anyway, these male dolls are amazing
    7. Done some messing around with some Iplehouse FID wigs - 5-6 inch wigs.
      What a struggle I had - could have done with another pair of hands to hold the doll whilst I wrestled with the wigs. :sweat
      I only managed to do some on Ntombi - before light went and also my arthritic thumbs! I thought it would be a quick job and after the wigs popping off all the time - I managed to get them to stay on with elastic bands inside them,. I had no time to style the wigs - more of a case of stuff them on and take a snap. Hence the pictures are a bit fuzzy as light was fading and I hadn't got out tripod.:-
      [​IMG]Trying on wigs Mohair - SSS001 (Brunette) by Carolyn Fisher, on Flickr

      [​IMG]Playing with wigs IHW_SSS066 by Carolyn Fisher, on Flickr

      [​IMG]PLaying with wigs IHW_SSS065 by Carolyn Fisher, on Flickr
      I don't know what the extra bit of strand is

      [​IMG]playing with wigs IHW_SSS033 by Carolyn Fisher, on Flickr
      Pretty dire

      [​IMG]playing with wigs :IHW_SSS072 - by Carolyn Fisher, on Flickr
      My favourite so far

      I will have a go with the men at some point and also got a pair of IH boots that fit the men - need to photo them - hopefully at the weekend

      I have nearly finished a latched wig for Ntombi - which has taken far too long. I have some supplies ( glue fibre etc) in for making wigs - I think I will have a go at hard cap ones next - like @MadamMauMau has done. I don't particularly like the bought ones - too poofy

      Hope this is useful. The numbers are the references to IH wigs in case anyone interested
      • x 2
    8. Think the last black one with fringe is the same as I got for Ntombi, do really like that one.
    9. Black wig is the best .
      something amazing happened to me recently. I bought my doll grail to the wonderful makeup. Here it is.

      • x 4
    10. very intensely hansome. :love
    11. Great! And nice to see a Misha that isn't based on Misha. This is always the risk with distinctive portrait heads, isn't it, that you can't move beyond the actor.
    12. Therealwalter MadamMauMau thanh you.
      Misha in my story is a dodger and loose guy That was, and is, the apocalypse.

      I would like to see how others look Misha
    13. Thanks for the pics Ceejay!! May I ask what boots you have that fit the guys? Thankyou!
    14. Hello Finally I received the super muscled men of Agatti , Wonderful!
    15. Anybody have any ideas when our Thors will ship?
    16. my thor/alex was shipped on 12/29 I think.
    17. Thor and Alex skin color n3 were shipped in the early December, my dolls were blocked in customs for a routine check and I received on December 27, all the other colors were shipped from day 29 December I think.
      #137 Alessandroparisi, Jan 1, 2017
      Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
    18. [​IMG]Ntombi in hand latched wig by Carolyn Fisher, on Flickr

      hand latched wig - black wensleydale sheep wool tops. It took ages to do and work and Christmas and relatives got in the way. I'm quite pleased with the results and wanted to take a snap.
      The wigs fits well - but falls off - I made it on a mold and it fits perfectly - just needs some glue from a glue gun dotted underneath I think to stop it being slippy. That is why it is not properly styled as I had to keep grabbing it.
      She's wearing @hane 's eyes that I got some time ago on etsy. I love them
      I will be getting on with an outfit now - in blacks and golds and oranges I think - will have to get out the fabrics and trims and see what takes my fancy
      Finally will body blush and do a face up - that is why she is shiny - not been sprayed yet.
      • x 2
    19. That's a great wig! By "hand-latched", do you mean the ventilation method? Like hooking yarn on a rug? I admire your determination. I'm not surprised it took ages. Great result.
    20. Thank you.
      Yes it was the ventilation method - drove me more bonkers than usual. I'll not be doing another one in a hurry - am going to go for hard wig caps and wefts and glue next time.