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AKAGIDOLL - 72 cm and 66 cm dolls

May 31, 2013

    1. I bought a 66cm Ban head on a whim, and wow. I wasn't expecting a 66cm doll head to be bigger than my 74cm doll heads, but that's not why I feel compelled to post something. I am blown away by the detailing in the sculpt. Most heads are just faceplates with pleasant features. This head is actually sculpted, including muscles on the back of the neck and dimples begins the ears. It's beautiful.
    2. I don't know if my search-fu is just supper weak today, but I'm having trouble finding a match for Akagi Doll white skin. Anyone know what other companies have a compatible white resin?
    3. I ordered a Ban head in a GO and found out two others were ordered at the same time so we have triplets. One decided not to keep the head so I wound up with two - no regrets. So here they are my two of the triplets. Dagobert (Dag for short because ugh what a name) and Dylan the younger two of the triplets, Dylan being the youngest.
      Dag likes the Crow and he also like to tease his younger brother.
      [​IMG]DSCF6024 by SteamWitch BJDmama, on Flickr
      #303 SteamWitch, Feb 7, 2016
      Last edited: Feb 7, 2016
    4. I'm thinking heavily on getting a white skin 66cm Akagidoll body for my fresh skin Saint head.
      I wonder if anyone can tell me if ordering from Jeeryama on ebay or Alice's Collections would arrive faster...

      Also, I'm a bit mystified how I would attach the head of my Saint to this body with that strange metal thing inside the Saint head. I assume it can be done, since people seem to have done it...like @DarksStars and @HallowHawlk
      If anyone can help me out, especially with pictures, I would be very grateful!
    5. @PineRain it was a bit of a tight fit, but I just used the S hook that came with the body. It still work despite the metal part on the Saint head
    6. @PineRain The metal part isn't a whole lot different than a regular cross cut for an s-hook, the cover piece just pops off and on. You don't need it if you are using an s-hook, just store it away in his box.
      Dylan using a Mirodoll 65cm body, he looks like a sweet kid that could beat you up. lol.
      [​IMG]Dylan Hartmann by SteamWitch BJDmama, on Flickr
    7. Thanks @DarksStars and @SteamWitch
      I'm sure I'll understand what you mean better when I get the body. (None of my other three dolls have the same big gaping hole for the neck as my Saint head). If all else fails, I hear a washer or resin donut works...

      I ordered the body, and I'm excited for it to come.
    8. Just ordered my Ban a body! Got him a 65cm Mirodoll body, I can't wait for it to come home so I can put him together!
    9. FINALLY got around to giving my Ban head a faceup, and yes I know I'm a total amateur, but at that price who's worrying? :whee: I really like this big head on the impldoll idol girl body - it looks in scale and as you can see, Ban is gender-fluid! The newer Dollzone 1/3 wigs are a great fit for this head as they are super-stretchy compared to other wigs I've bought :) I like to have some hair over that head's right eye, as it is so obviously bigger than the other eye - but a wig seems to hide it just fine I think. The impldoll body is in pink but it's very pale compared to the other pink impldoll body next to it - the akagi head has a more yellowish tone to it, but I don't really notice the mismatch now I'm used to it.

      [​IMG]which wig by elve, on Flickr
      #309 elve, Apr 6, 2016
      Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
      • x 1
    10. Hi! So I've just ordered an Akagidoll Ban head WS and am planning to hybrid with a male Delf WS body, has anyone tried this? Or can anyone compare Akagidoll WS and Luts WS for me? I know the body is significantly shorter than the intended 66cm body but hopefully it works out ^^;;
    11. Hello everyone :)
      I'm looking into getting an Akagidoll 66 body for a floating head I've got but I'm a little undecided on what version to get... Obviously they look a little different and it seems some measurements have changed.
      So I'm wondering, is there a big difference in poseability between the v1 and the v2? :aninja:
    12. Would anyone happen to know if Akagidoll white matches Doll Legend white? It doesn't have to be spot-on... I'm thinking about getting my boy some jointed hands.
    13. Just got the delf body for my Akagi Ban head! :)

      The hybrid worked out pretty well, as far as I can tell~


      I knew the body was a little shorter than his intended size, but the proportions aren't tooo far off. He'll be getting a faceup soon~
      • x 3
    14. @coffeetea - That hybrid seems very fitting. Cute! ^_^
    15. I thought I got Akagi white Ban heads but they are pale pink to me and don't match the DL white, they are closer to the DL NP.
      #315 SteamWitch, May 16, 2016
      Last edited: May 18, 2016
    16. @SteamWitch - Ok, thank you. I imagine I'm going to have an interesting time blushing the white hands I so impatiently ordered now... XD
    17. Does anyone happen to know if the white skin matches the white skin from miracledoll? some say the white skin from miracledoll looks like that from dollzone but i'm not sure
    18. What does Akagidoll white skin look like?
      I want one but I don't like having two dolls in the same color, I may also consider an hybrid.
    19. It is a pale pale pinkish white. This is a white Ban head on a white Mirodoll body, as you can see the Ban head is slightly pink in comparison. I didn't blush his head near the neck.
      [​IMG]Dylan Hartmann by SteamWitch BJDmama, on Flickr
    20. Good to see it doesn't look too pale in pictures, I was told it was paper white, it actually looks a natural pale color.