1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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ALL Iplehouse EID woman discussion thread

Dec 24, 2009

    1. No they stopped it during the head and body event they had a couple of months ago. I imagine they might tweak the system eventually...depending on what customers want...but yes, July should see the Custom System back.
    2. I definitely prefer Carina with 11 or 12mm eyes. I've got my girl in 11mm right now and I think, because her eyes are so small, that anything bigger wouldn't look as nice, in my opinion any how.;)
    3. Do you prefer the EID or SID female body better and why? I'm unsure which one I want to buy. I have had both in the past, but never both together to compare. I checked out the pictures on iplehouse, but still am torn Any advice?
    4. Hello
      Do you know where I can find clothes for a Jessica with large bust? I know Iplehouse but I can find in other stores? Thank you.
    5. @~Rikku~ There is an entire thread dedicated to that question, right here. It has tons of items from different companies that fit EID girls. It also touches on what definitely doesn't fit as well, which saves you the trouble of experimenting with items you're unsure of.

      Hope that helps!
    6. Thank you so much Terren :)
    7. It's usually from 1 to 15th of every month. well, was before they closed their Custom Doll System for improvement. It shall re-open in July. (I'm so waiting for it). Iplehouse holds events sometimes, but it does not apply to Custom System. And if you order Basic doll you might apply for layaway. Custom System didn't have that option before
    8. I have a need to see pictures of Asa from time to time and lately this need has become much stronger. I feel this is a bad sign because I have no character for an Asa. But she's so... inspiring! I've even tried to force myself into liking the JID Asa or even the SID, but somehow they don't have the same effect on me. I've seen the Jessica my cousin had and the SID Cherie my friend had, and I have a Feeple Chloe, but I remember that Jessica was really massive. Very substantial. Maybe that's the appeal even if it's totally out of character for me. Asa is such a beauty and with that figure... Oh man.
    9. Nah we won't smack you, but yeah right a Ashanti as a Basic and in Real Skin, I am so ready to get her......she is just lovely. Your Aunt must be really beautiful too!
    10. i love asa, carena and ashanti..... i don't know how i could ever choose....
    11. I still want Ashanti, but I also like Carina too, would still get either one in RS and blank so I can paint them myself.
    12. This is so awesome! I have Ipleized my Aunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am bubbling over with excitement!!!! She saw my Asa, and wants her!!! I think it is going to be SO cool obsessing over Iplehouse dolls with one of my favorite people!!!!!!!!

      I have one small problem and maybe someone can help me. I need a light tan doll to replace her because I have a Carina head that I intended on sharing that body. Went to Iplehouse's site, and there are NO light tan bodies available. My question is, and since I'm new to collecting these dolls, should I panic? LOL Will Iplehouse be offering light tan women bodies again? Is this their regular mode of operation? I did put a question on the site but I'm hoping someone here might have some pearls of wisdom. I'm going to have a bodiless girl now.

      OK...now I'm back to the excitement of my Aunt wanting the doll. This is WAY too awesome!!!

      Here's my girl who is going to live with Auntie! Hu'elani >>>
    13. Hi Laurie, don't worry. Iplehouse sells "Custom" dolls from the 1st to the 15th of the month. So next month you should be able to get what you are looking for. And the Light Tan skin tone is included in that. They just started selling Real Skin as a "Basic" which also used to be custom. Basic dolls you can order anytime.

      I think it's great that you got your Aunt into these dolls! And your girl is so beautiful! Welcome to the Iplehouse Infatuation!:D
    14. crimson.nyxe I thought I wouldn't want an EID girl because they are so big--and they are big; but I like mine so much! And she poses amazingly well for how large she is. (I am still strugglng with her faceup, but the sculpt underneath is so good I can squint and pretend ;) Mine is a Yur:

    15. Really??? That's SO awesome. Now, I'll be able to sleep tonight...I hope. LOL You know that the first of the month, I'm going to be all over that Iple website. :) Hope they do the custom head event again too. That was so cool! I got a Carina head and an Asa head to share my tan body. I'd probably get an Eva and Lehela if I could, and another Asa since my Aunt is taking this one. I'm SO thrilled she's been Ipleized! LOL

    16. anyone know what size leekeworld wigs would fit my eid girl head? Thanks in advance!
    17. wrxgal: M~(7/8) if you like the wigs tight or the E~(8/9) if you don't. Also depends on which doll head you have; I prefer the fit of the "M" on my Asa but they are demon spawn when trying to get them on my Soo.
    18. just to let everyone know and apologies if this has been posted before but SID male trousers fit! a teeny bit big on the waist but everywhere else they do fit on my jessica EID

      i got these for a cosplay project

    19. It's a pipe dream because of the cost, but someday I truly wish to get an EID Asa. She's beyond gorgeous! But there was a pic on Flickr where an owner mentioned that though Asa had a gorgeous sculpt, the joint were crap. I haven't seen anyone else say anything about the joints but as I'm super new I'm assuming I just not looking in the right place. Is there a thread that explains about the joints? I tried searching but it just brought up any thread that Iplehouse was mentioned in. *sighs*