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Angel of Dream - 90cm - Ni, Bo & Primo

Oct 16, 2008

    1. I saw her!!! But miles out of my price range...yikes!!!
    2. Yeah, I couldn't spend that much. Two grand could get me a new car. My price limit tends to be under 200 for tinies and under 400 for larger dolls. Spending 500 on Sebastian was a huge stretch. I'm on dolly restriction as well. No more until the ones I have are finished. It's funny that I have a 90cm doll when my main interest is teeny tinies that are 12cm or smaller. 60cm and up or 12cm or less. I can't stand any of the sizes in between.
    3. Oh that is funny. One extreme or the other! I would like to see one of the 90cm guys modded into a girl...I think it would be pretty! I think Ni or Bo would be good.
    4. That's funny. If you proportion the eyes correctly Bo would look just like me. That weird overbite especially. Sebastian is all gored up and still manages to look peaceful and pretty. When people say they don't like the Bo sculpt I feel a little offended. I bought him because he looks similar to me. That's how I ended up with a 90cm. I had to have Bo. If he had been SD or MSD it wouldn't have mattered. Had to have that sculpt. I can't remember his name but the new sleepy-eyed sculpt looks like it would be easiest to modify. Oh! I'd have to cut off "her" package. Maybe a pre-op trans? Cutting that off would be weird and sad. ;)
    5. Ooh yikes...Ow. That would be kinda weird but I would like to see someone do it!!!!

      People are crazy, Bo is a beautiful sculpt!!!
    6. I actually think Ni or Primo would make a lovely girl. It would be awesome to see one of these guys modded into a female to offer some options for those that want a not-so-little lady to pair with one of their big fellas. ^u^

      And on a completely unrelated note, the desire to eventually get one of these massive boys is slowly but surely creeping up on me... *swats at it with a flyswatter*

      It also doesn't help matters that I'm slowly but surely coming up with a sort of hanging pouch idea for how to carry one around at meets and conventions. >_<
    7. I think Primo would be a lovely girl. In fact, Hale is the only one I really don't see as a girl.
    8. Fairy Milliner- I agree with you there. Hale just seems a touch too masculine to be a girl without some extensive modding.

      And I've officially put Primo on my wishlist! I've also given myself a goal to meet before I get him- I have to lose 30lbs first! (Been wanting to lose weight for health and personal reasons anyway, so this gives me a really good goal to work for!)
    9. I may be picking up Bo shortly. I think I have the money saved for it... I may just wait until Nov or hope for a christmas deal...
    10. I am completely broke right now. One day, if I ever have extra money again I would like to mod one of these guys into a girl. I can't stop thinking about it. Like I can shorten her a couple of centimeters by taking off some leg. All the sanding it's going to take to get that torso some softer lines. I'm becoming a little obsessed so hopefully I won't steal Sebastian's body and can wait until I can get another doll. I saw the companies photos of Hale and just hated him. Then I saw owner pics and different faceups and he's actually quite interesting and I really like him now.. You can get emotion out of him just by tweaking his blushing. He's definitely too masculine. I would probably go with Ni. He was my second choice and I really liked him but I had to go with the Bo. Sebastian has been a zombie since last Halloween so maybe after this month is over I'll wipe him and see if I can get him to look like a girl just by blushing.
    11. I know the broke feeling...lol. I hope you get to do it though. I didn't like Hale either...when I looked at them , he was the only one I didn't like. But I got a chance to get him and it was a great deal. Now I like him a lot! I tried a blond wig on him and I really like it! Forgive the bow..the wig belonged to an antique doll.
    12. I love your Hale. The company pics make him look sharp edged and mean. Yours smiles.
    13. I have my Bo who is becoming Hagrid slowly. Working on his clothes. :) Will take pictures when he's not naked and face less.
    14. Oh Yay!!! I can't wait to see him!
    15. I kinda want one... if only for sitting at my desk with and cuddling... I heard normal sized sd dolls are good for that. xD so I can't help but think these guys would be even better.
    16. They are great for that! My guy watches TV with me and he has been to the dinner table on occasion!
    17. 90cm! like a little kid!
    18. Took our 90 centimeter to Idex this weekend and he was a super hit in his purple wig and his vintage childs kimono.
      I will post pics once I get them as I did'nt take pics but others did lol. My phone was being wonky.

      I've loved searching for those kimono and keep finding awesome ones for him. Oh and they do dress up well as girls much to the chagrin of my business partner's husband lol.
    19. Fun! Can't wait to see pics!
    20. I love the Bo sculpt too, obviously - But I think they ALL look a bit girly really! This is my Bo when I first got him - I'm only 5' tall and he weighs at least 6kg - The main problem is handling him and posing him, as when I got him he was tight strung and his joints were snappy and VICIOUS - I got bruises where he nipped me!


      With care he could be left standing, but it made me nervous to leave him that way for long - the weight of his upper body/torso is such that his legs can suddenly buckle - and a doll falling from that height will smash its face! As it was, he was so tight strung that his torso wouldn't 'slump' - I like my dolls to slump as it looks more natural when they are sitting. I stupidly smashed the back of his head less than 10 hours after getting him, when he 'pinged' back suddenly and forcefully from a slump, hitting my cast iron bedstead!!! Oh regrets - can't turn the clock back though *sigh*

      I hated his black makeup, so slapped on some dulux household latex emulsion in terracotta. He takes baby clothes size 9-12 months, which are perfect in the sleeve length (may depend on manufacturer - Primark are perfect) and baby shoe size 4.5 or 5, depending on style/make - Eamon (my Bo) has a lovely pair of suede boots, and some converse boots too. I find Next baby clothes have some lovely mature styles as well - it's not all pastels and teddy bears, although this is what he's wearing at the moment poor boy, along with some home made trousers - sadly baby trousers are too short in the leg and too wide in the bum (for nappy room!). His wig is adapted from a larger one for antique dolls - cut off the ringlets and styled it to a boy style (been cutting my son's hair for years poor boy LOL)

      And then I decided to restring him! NIGHTMARE.....He was very tight strung because there was double thickness elastic throughout. I took him to bits, despaired, put him in a box in a cupboard until this week, when I decided IT WAS TIME!!! Sooooo hard restringing him on the floor - too big for a table - took hours as I did it wrong a couple of times! Finally got him together - yaaay! I've ordered some thicker elastic though as he is really too heavy for normal doll elastic - I've ordered bungee cord. He collapses all over the place and can't stand at the moment, but he does at least sit in a nice, natural, slouchy way at last!

      I will do his faceup better ASAP - I also changed his eyes - the company eyes were extra large for his eye sockets, and yet just had a smallish iris, so he looked quite startled and pop-eyed all the time! These are some lovely acrylic eyes I got free with a different doll - they suit him far better even though not QUITE big enough to fill the hole - it's not noticeable (20mm eyes)