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Angel of Dream - 90cm - Ni, Bo & Primo

Oct 16, 2008

    1. Oh yeah....Definitely a recast..:(
    2. That's the first time I've ever seen any. I hope the evil recasters get bad bacteria in dark places upon their persons.
    3. I agree that the AOD 90s are a bit too feminine for the size. I can't imagine holding and posing one! It's too bad that they don't pair well with any other bjds except ones of the same kind. Say, does anyone here have comparison shots with their boys and other dolls???
    4. hi everyone, sorry i havent been back here

      thank you im glad you like the face up i gave bo!

      i had the same thing happen to me yesterday i decided to look at photos of feeple65 and i typed in google a general search, i was happily looking and came across a webpage which was selling loads of recasts! they have no shame at all as they even stated recasts with a huge list of dolls! its terrible!

      will upload some photos of bo soon, will also show him next to some of my other boys too for the comparison of size / look
      i agree bo does look feminine in photos, in real life he has a male face shape, with a strong jaw line. i think bo looks a little like colin morgan who played merlin in the bbc series lol!
    5. Well I've searched until my eyes are starting to cross. Are there really only three companies making these big guys? The Lumedoll guy is only 85 cm but holy ham hocks is he stunning... and bloodletting expensive like the Leeel guy otherwise he'd be in the basket and I'd be using a bucket of water to put out the flames on my credit card. Anyone know of any other big guys out there in the 85 cm and up range? I'm thinking I'll be getting Yue (love to see some owner photos, anybody?) which on the logical side is a sound idea. That way if he gets here and I pop the box take one look and go 'oh hell no' and slap the lid back down for resale I woun't have a huge pile of money invested in him.
    6. i think you have covered all the big ones that i know of too! there is the next size down which is 75cm which are dollmore glamour models and dollfamily chenix that spring to mind straight away. the other big boy dolls are Bishonen House but im unsure exactly how big they are. i will show chenix with bo in one of the photos so you can see him. the only other ones i know of are girls in the extra large sizes which is not going to help.

      here is a quick photo! all of the dolls are laying on my rug! it shows bo next to
      75cm df chenix
      43cm df star and
      bobobie hybrid on abio angel body 60cm

      bo is wearing a quick top and trousers i ran up while im making his outfit which i will show soon this was so he wasnt naked sitting in a chair for the time being! plus i was trying out pattern sizes on him
      i tried to get them all about level with the feet to give a good idea of height difference which looking at the photo i didnt get too good! lol still it gives some idea

    7. Ya photo!! Thankies!! OMG! I keep having those I see it but don't believe it moments. He is HUGE! Godzilla like huge! Love his clothes. My poor guy is going to end up in a pillowcase toga. And with a loud squeek; where did you get his boots!!!!
    8. his boots are from next clothes shop, they are toddler uk size 3, i bought size 4 at first but they were too big so i got the smaller size and they fit pretty good on him so its well worth a look at their range
    9. If anybody finds a place selling clothes for these monsters...please let me know!
    10. was wondering what styles would you all most like to see in clothes for these big boys?
    11. Right now I'd be happy with a regular shirt and pair of jeans. Then we could get into the kimono, frilly vampire shirts and sweeping capes, suits, polos, tee shirts with cool logos, long sleeve flannel shirts, jeans, did I mention jeans? Bathrobe, casual pants, button down shirts, jackets for outdoor wear, shorty top tees, bathing suit, boxers and breifs, PAJAMAS!! Flannel for winter and light cotton for summer! And then we could tackle Halloween costumes!!
    12. I would be happy with a t-shirt and a pair of jeans!
    13. Oh I forgot: the Leeel shirts look like they might fit measument wise but the pants are too small and I don't know about the shoes.

      Has anyone weighed one of these guys? How much do they weigh? And has anyone carted one of these guys around in a baby buggy? If so how did that work out? Do they fit well in one or at nearly three feet are they too big?
    14. Did someone say baby buggy ^^? Yup I have... sort of... My guy is a 70cm and the buggy was old 60's type. (no idea of the room in a new type..

      standing w/o the thick mattress in it.

      on a trip to the museum i took it and we loaded it up to move about with 2-3 70ish dolls and several msd's piled in (kinda dog pile but a neat one?) can't find pics of that tho... a note that there was a good 4 inches behind him in the sitting pic since the hood down kept him from sitting right back... and I could stow my purse and a larger lunch bag in the under carriage rack. The hood and a towel like you see parents do with kids and we tripped outside fairly protected too ^^... I paid 100 for the vintage... check ebay ... most of the dang things are state side too which for you would be fine lol...

      oh this one you take the bassinet off completely and switch it to stroller type... it's a bit gummy to take apart (and i haven't figured out how yet). so no 'in stroller' pics yet.
    15. Yup, that's what I was hoping to find. Do those puppies break down so you can put them in the trunk of the car? Can ya tell I have no rug rats? Wow, he could live in a buggy like that. I want to get one of those uv nettings that you can put around them and zip close. That way you don't have to worry to much about the sun and grabby little paws trying to get into the buggy. I think a visit to the gently used baby store is in order. Love the photos, thanks!
    16. this particular one does not collapse... most of the vintage 60's do not but a few i have seen do go down about half roughly the depth of the bassinet. on this one the handle comes off and the ends stick up about 3ish inches... word of advise... try to look at one that is local ... so you can see them. these puppies are vinyl and the potential for missed tears is huge my buggy is good but the mattress has splits galore so I keep it in a pillowcase and with make a cover for it later... surprisingly the original foam in mine is still good. In a nutshell I doubt they collapse any better than the new (fancy) ones... if you want to use it in pram form. But just try to have a look at some (even if you know you won't buy a particular one) so you have an idea. Mine just goes into the back of our caravan with a bit of room to spare with the handle removed. If this thing come apart (basket from frame) with any ease, I guess 'maybe' the frame in trunk and basket in back seat?.... maybe? If you can 'transport' the buggy it's totally worth the bit of hassle to save your back (and fellow dollie ppl will adore you if you let their kids bum a ride ^^. And my guy is stored in his box in the lower part and i could fit 2 of the souldoll zenith boxes side by side there (a bit too long, but just for the rack... box fits in the bassinet fine ^^) I will have to take more pics and link to my P.bucket.

    17. this is the colapsable one ^^ http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Col...321121301746?pt=Strollers&hash=item4ac45234f2 If there had been one even in the next province I'd have taken it O_o


      that was the seach group i looked in... im not sure your guy would sit flat down in the bike/jog one... and does IT fold down even?

      I supose it should be noted that the 'pram' suited me since I was dreaming up ways to make it look older (ie victorian to go with my outfits) and maybe try to do something with it to make it sort of like a funky horse drawn thingy ... trust me the visions in my head confuse even me lol,
    18. Yup, the bike/jog stroller does fold down and I saw a photo of two kids sitting in one so I was thinking with pillows and an adjustment of the harness system in the jogger it would work. I'm going to figure out something because if I (ya here me saying if...) get him I HAVE to take him to a convention, or show or group gathering and I'm not carrying him. I have enough trouble hauling around my EID guys.

      And on your funky horse drawn thingy the vision that popped into my head was totally steampunk with small mechanical horses instead of wheels on the stroller.